UK Newswire Archive
Police warned not to fire Tasers at suspects' chests in case of heart attacks
15-10-2009 16:23
Police officers have been warned not to fire their Taser guns at suspects' chests - in case it gives them a heart attack.£22,000 for man arrested after watching stop-and-search
15-10-2009 16:18
50-year old Black youth worker set to receive apology and compensation from the British Tansport Police after going to High Court, following IPCC rejectionThe Peanut Man Returns on World Food Day
15-10-2009 15:20

Recruited by MI5: the name's Mussolini. Benito Mussolini
15-10-2009 14:28
Documents reveal Italian dictator got start in politics in 1917 with help of £100 weekly wage from MI5climate activists prevented from travelling under terrorists legislation
15-10-2009 14:22
Too tired to write seperate article but one additional quote from the coppers who interviewed us: "95% of people we stop under this legislation aren't terrorists".handy Ratcliffe map for the weekend
15-10-2009 13:45

Crowds Set to Flock to Vegan Extravaganza in Wolves
15-10-2009 13:10

No Deportations to Iraq: Demonstrate Saturday 17th 2pm
15-10-2009 12:14
No deportations to Iraq - Demonstrate at Parliament Square Saturday October 17th 2pmThe first deportation to Baghdad deported around forty people early on Thursday the 15th October on a specially chartered plane provided by Air Italy . This marks a shift in government policy which since 2005 has sent people back to Iraqi Kurdistan but not to Iraq . Now they have begun, deportations to Iraq are sure to continue putting the lives of many in danger. Demonstrate on Saturday to build resistance to deportations to Iraq !
Contact Cheltenham Fur Targets!
15-10-2009 12:03
Please contact the shops below selling fur.The "March for Shariah" must be opposed
15-10-2009 12:03
On the 31st October Islam for the UK, an organisation of ultra-conservative Islamists led by Anjem Choudary, is holding a "March for Shariah." With the fascists of the EDL protesting in Leeds, there is no better time to offer an opposition to Islamism grounded in the non-hierarchical, anti-authouritarian, anti-racist perspective of the radical left.Target Brimar Demo - Saturday Oct 17th
15-10-2009 11:08

Saturday – hope to see you all there. This is just a little recap of how
you can come along and join us, and what you can expect to find.
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Not Easy Bein' Green!
15-10-2009 10:33
Stop n Search while Guerrilla Gardening,any advice for future in dealing with HM Boys please?rampART evicted this morning after over 5 years
15-10-2009 10:21
rampART Social Centre was evicted at 5:30am this morning by 45 police, bailiffs and a priest.After over 5 years and many eviction scares it has finally happened... 3 people and a dog were inside when police attempted to chanisaw the door. They also had climbers going up to the roof conjuring up memories of the raid during the G20 in April. Police are blocking the entrance to all three roads leading to the social centre with vans and their bodies. They are handing out a piece of paper with a telephone number to call to get belongings out of the building. A meeting will happen at Non Commercial House freeshop at 165 Commercial Street this evening, details to follow soon.
Campaign Against Air Italy
15-10-2009 10:16

There does not seem to be a fixed contract with any one air line, each charter flight seems to have a different carrier.
NCADC suspect that this is a deliberate policy by UKBA to try and prevent Anti-Deportation protesters, from targetting airlines.
Worcestershire Activists Demo Foie Gras Hotel
15-10-2009 09:53
Over the last few weeks activists from WARN have been protesting outside the Brockencote Hall - Country House Hotel & Restaurant.US Appeal Court Upholds SHAC 7 convictions
15-10-2009 09:52
The decision in the SHAC 7 case was filed in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals on October 14, 2009. Although our hopes were high that the court would recognize the constitutional and evidentiary problems raised in the SHAC 7 case, instead the court affirmed all counts and convictions against all defendants.meeting - reclaim the earth centre
15-10-2009 09:17
meeting thursday 15th October at 2pm in doncastercontact

Reclaim The Earth Centre
15-10-2009 08:10
Info for action for reclaim the earth centre please spread please contact
Reports from the Brighton-Tubas Group - The Abu-Najeh Family
15-10-2009 08:00
Six members of Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group are now in the West Bank. They have been visiting communities in the Jordan Valley and Bil'in, and have a lot of plans for the next few weeks. Read their blog at to keep up to date with what is happening.The Brighton Tubas Region Friendship and Solidarity Group is a network aiming at fostering links between community organisations in Tubas, occupied Palestine and Brighton. The Tubas Region, which includes the Northern Jordan Valley, is an area Israel wants to ethnically cleanse and annex. Israel is doing this by making life impossible for the people of the valley.
4-5 November: Trial of the Northwood Six
15-10-2009 07:52
Trial of the six activists arrested at the 'Die-in for NATO's Victims in Afghanistan' outside Britain's military nerve centre in Northwood earlier this year.From 10am, Watford Magistrates Court, The Court House, Clarendon Rd, WD17 1ST