UK Newswire Archive
Visteon Protest - Swansea and Belfast Workers Unite
01-05-2009 13:16

Irish Freedom News April Newsletter
01-05-2009 13:09

Bring a radio to the Mayday! Mayday! Street Party
01-05-2009 12:50
Bring stereos and radios to the Mayday Street Party so we can be the sound systemJolly's circus demos
01-05-2009 12:38
Peter Jolly's Circus Evesham, Knowles Hill off bypass just follow the upside down directions (they haven't even noticed that they have put them upside down)Breaking the Law of the Jungle
01-05-2009 11:55
Due to the policies of the UK government the French port town of Calais iswitnessing a humanitarian crisis the likes of which were once unheard of
in the modern western Europe. Thousands of people risk their lives to
enter England in search of a new life, surviving with the 'illegal'
solidarity of local people. It is a bottleneck of the resistance of
migrants from around the world who are challenging Fortress Europe by
their attempts to move. It will also be the location for a No Border camp
this summer, (23-29 June.) People from the No Borders Network in the UK
report back on a recent trip to Calais, put the mobilisation into context
and shine a light on the crisis in Calais to illuminate the relevance of
the No Borders position.
new miners compensation scheme, and the vultures are circling
01-05-2009 11:53
We've had money grabbing bastards from Beresfords and Raleys, now a Cardiff firm of solicitors are touting for business to make claims on behalf of miners for the 'Miners Knee' compensation scheme that comes into effect in the summer.International Solidarity Movement London present "Audio Intifada" - May 16 @ Bri
01-05-2009 11:15

Fighting Fit at Brighton
01-05-2009 11:14

Met blunders in MPA report
01-05-2009 10:34
The Metropolitan Police continue to obscure the truth about policing atthe G20, with several serious inaccuracies in a report they submitted
today, according to the Climate Camp Legal Team.
Raven's Ait evicted- get down the riverside ASAP!
01-05-2009 10:06
Evicted occupiers protesting by the riverside. Go and show solidarity! Bring dinghies.Mayday! Ahoy -One more Smashing Update
01-05-2009 09:59
With only a few days to go before the Smash EDO Mayday! Mayday! party things are going well. This e-mail contains all the info you will need to join the party. Please note the ways of finding out the meeting point. A few more infoline numbers might be added in case they are needed so keep checking the party page on
Although this info might look similar to earlier mailouts, please skim through it as details have been added.
See you all on Monday! (the forecast says sunshine)
Vestas to close Isle of White Wind Turbine Blade Factory
01-05-2009 09:19
Closure is planned around the 30th July. Government are being pressured to stop this!National Day of Action Against Topshop. Today!
01-05-2009 08:51
Get Involved! Please call Topshop's ('Sweatshop') customer services department today and ask to make a complaint about Topshop's failure to join the Ethical Trading Initiative.Demand decent wages and working conditions for the workers produce Topshop clothes on International Labour Day
The number to call is 0845 121 4519
Ever heard of guerrilla advertising! About the Mayday Flash mob plan!
01-05-2009 08:47
Hey have you people never heard of guerrilla advertising! The Mayday flash mob idea was an idea to maximise the numbers at the London Mayday event at Bank tube! We need to show the cops that we have not been scared off and to get people down to Bank in even greater numbers!Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
Ravens Ait being evicted now!
01-05-2009 07:41
Ravens Ait being evicted now!Around the Campaigns Friday 1st May 2009
01-05-2009 05:44
Glad to say there were at least seven empty seats on the 'Ethnic Charter Flights' to Afghanistan (Tuesday) and Nigeria (Wednesday) and all the seats on the 'Ethnic Charter Flight' to Cameroon this morning were empty as it was cancelled in its' entirety.An Alternative Explanation for the "Health Emergency" in Mexico
01-05-2009 05:39
A virus is a terrible thing to waste.Reclaim the heights. Bury the G8!
01-05-2009 03:55
Post Abruzzo sustainable relief by The Diggers 2.0.APPEAL TO THE GLOBAL MULTITUDES
Seize this chance to build sustainable autonomous community structures
Dialect - Swine flu media frenzy - WHO's snouts are in the trough?
01-05-2009 01:20

Dialect Radio is a Bristol (UK) internet broadcasting Co-operative run by volunteers. Our main activity is our weekly current affairs and arts magazine programme Dialect, which is recorded at our Queen's Square studios and posted for download every weekend. Want to volunteer? Volunteering Bristol, Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol. BS1 4GB Tel: 0117 989 7733. Listen on air: 93.2 FM (BCFM), Saturdays 9pm & Sundays 7pm

International May Day Rally, March & Picnic, Newcastle Saturday 2nd May
01-05-2009 00:27

Saturday 2nd May 2009 , 11am
Greys Monument, Newcastle upon Tyne