UK Newswire Archive
pflp statement re: zionist attacks on gaza
28-12-2008 04:58
Over 225 killed in Gaza and hundreds have been wounded in a series of massacres and crimes committed by the Zionist occupier against the Palestinian people in Gaza on December 27, 2008. From 11:30 AM to noon, the occupier shot dozens of missiles from Apache helicopters and F-16 planes at dozens of Gaza government buildings, directly in the middle of heavily populated residential neighborhoods and simultaneously with teachers and students returning to school.Demonstrations have broken out throughout the West Bank and the Arab world in protest and outrage at the brutality and the nature of these massive crimes.
Massive attack on Gaza planned many months ago.
27-12-2008 23:41
According to Israeli news correspondent Barak Ravid – the current massive Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip was planned many months ago.World Revolution Manifesto
27-12-2008 22:58
(Translator’s note: The greek version of the manifesto below has been circulating across websites in the country and arrived in the blog’s inbox as well. While I might not personally agree with all points raised in the text, what I particularly liked about it is that the ideas and what it calls for could have easily been dismissed as unrealistic exactly three weeks ago, but suddenly everything and anything seems possible… I never thought I’d be here translating a call for a world revolution before the end of 2008 but then again I never thought I would see the entire of Ermou Str - Athens’ main commercial/ shopping street - up in flames. It’s about time for ideas, plans and more action to kick in!)Work-to-rule on Leeds bins
27-12-2008 22:53
Refuse collectors and street cleaners in Leeds will be taking industrial action over the Christmas period.Manchester Demo against Gaza Slaughter
27-12-2008 22:49

Gaza Emergency Protest - Sunday 28 December 2-4 pm & Monday 29 December 4-6 pm
27-12-2008 22:12

Sunday 28 December 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm and Monday 29 December 4.00pm 6.00pm
Both protests opposite Israeli Embassy - Kensington High Street
Nearest tube: High Street Kensington
Ongoing Israeli offensive in Gaza; 225 killed over 700 wounded, Israel prepares
27-12-2008 21:38
As instructed by its political leadership, the Israeli army continued its military offensive against the Gaza Strip and shelled further targets raising the number of deaths among the residents to 225, and at least 700 residents were wounded, dozens aktion from uk -london
27-12-2008 20:40
saturday aktion in solidarity with the greek revoltBombs over Gaza (by Latuff)
27-12-2008 19:30

EDO Complicit in Murder in Gaza- call for demo
27-12-2008 18:58
EDO Complicit in Murder in Gaza- call for demo - Please pass on urgently and widelyInternational Witnesses speak from Gaza
27-12-2008 18:10
Reports and contact details for Free Gaza Movement spokespeople in Gaza under massive Israeli aerial attack.Video links of Gaza Massacre
27-12-2008 18:04
Numbers killed over 200Links related to what happened today in the Gaza
happy xmas from the white saviour.grrrr
27-12-2008 17:29
hi check this dick out.
the white saviour good help us.
Gaza massacre over 195 killed - Emergency Protests
27-12-2008 17:21
Sunday 28 December 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm andMonday 29 December 4.00pm – 6.00pm
Prostests opposite Israeli Embassy- Kensington High Street
Nearest tube: High Street Kensington
Letter from AR Prisoner Luke Steele
27-12-2008 17:07

Note: The letter was received at the start of the month, but as it was not posted here, as requested, thought it would be a good time for it. Here it is:
Israeli Air Strikes in Gaza Kill as Many as 200 People (by Latuff)
27-12-2008 16:35

Direct Action Germany: 17th-19th December
27-12-2008 16:20

19/12/08: Luxury Condo-project attacked, Berlin
18/12/08: Colour attack on fashist shop, Nuremberg
17/12/08: Tank redesigned, Colbitz-Letzinger Heide
17/12/08: Colour to police station, Mannheim
Nablus Solidarity demonstration for Gaza
27-12-2008 16:18

Culture Secretary: "There is content that should just not be available"
27-12-2008 14:16
Some extracts from an article from todays Torygraph follow...Bofetada Falangista al Pueblo
27-12-2008 12:39