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UK Newswire Archive

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Israel - solidarity concert with conscientious objectors

21-02-2002 13:59

Not all Israelis support Sharon's brutal policies. 18,600 turned out for a concert in support of the growing number of Isreali reservists who are refusing to serve in the occupied territories. Link to full report:

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Anarchy in Bristol

21-02-2002 13:59


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Indonesian workers under attack

21-02-2002 13:56

Dita Sari protests physical attacks on Indonesian workers trying to organise. Link to full report:

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uk passports could include digital fingerprints and eyescans

21-02-2002 13:55

, Feb. 21 — Britain, keen to tighten security after the September 11 attacks and reduce illegal immigration, said on Thursday that passports may soon include fingerprints and iris identity scans

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another 8 escape from Harmonsworth

21-02-2002 13:45

Feb. 21 — LONDON, Feb 21 (Reuters)- Police were searching on Thursday for eight asylum seekers who broke out of a detention centre near London's Heathrow Airport, the Home Office said.

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Bikers plan go-slow protest over Meacher letter

21-02-2002 13:41

Motorcyclists are considering a national go-slow protest after the environment minister urged police to take action against bikers riding through national parks.

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Farmers resume trade in live animal exports

21-02-2002 13:35

Exports of live animals from the United Kingdom to Europe have resumed, prompting animal welfare campaigners to warn of a national outcry against the trade

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Solidarity Action for Indymedia Italy

21-02-2002 12:28

Meet at The Italian Embassy in London at 1pm this Saturday in solidarity with the Police clampdown on Indymedia Italy.

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London auction of property of failed energy co Enron next week, celebration?

21-02-2002 11:57

Let's have a party to celebrate the fall of this bastion of global capitalism. Disrupt their auction, play loud music, nick their (7) shredders...
@ their Grosvenor Place HQ, next Wed/Thurs/Fri

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READY TO RIOT??? Virgin megastore on Oxford Street, tonite?

21-02-2002 11:51

So begins a computer game ad in yesterdays Evening Standard.
State of Emergency may well be one of the hottest games in modern day history, BUT THEY RIPPED INSPIRATION OFF OF OUR MOVEMENT!

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IMC Solidarity: Italian Embassy: Sat 23rd Feb

21-02-2002 11:44

Join us for a show of solidarity with Indymedia Italy

Saturday 23rd Febuary 2001
Italian Embassy, London

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Helen Hollan has an art attack! PVC at it again!

21-02-2002 10:37

Target those who control this vile society!

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The appropriation of Merseyside's Object 1 funding continues

21-02-2002 09:57

A snap public meeting was called in St. George's Hall
last night to explain to the residents of the city
why the council have decided to blow away the entire
remaining European Objective 1 funding (allocated to
the most deprived areas of the EU) as well as 40 million
pounds of city money on a football stadium.

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Murder in the Gold Market

21-02-2002 09:24

There is a war going on in the Gold Market, it has been falsely forced down with paper that has no real value.

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Colombian President Breaks Off Peace Talks With Communist Rebels

21-02-2002 09:11

BOGOTA, Colombia - President Andres Pastrana broke off the peace process with Colombia's Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia- People's Army (FARC-EP) Wednesday night, hours after the guerrillas hijacked a jetliner and kidnapped a corrupt senator complicit in his government's war against the poor.

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non ci farete tacere mai!

21-02-2002 03:25

non ci farete tacere mai!
no alla repressione! scajola boia!

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Citibank Targeted by Wave of Student Protests

21-02-2002 02:09

We want you to take back the power you have given away, namely in the form of money. Together we can make a difference.

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Show your solidarity with Indymedia Italy

21-02-2002 01:21

Here's a list of Italian embassies and consulates in the UK and Ireland where to send emails and fax to protest against the police raids in some Italian social centres to confiscate video material about the G8 protest in Genoa.

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DSEi Evidence Update

20-02-2002 23:15

DSEi Evidence Urgently Needed - Updated!

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Editorial Cartoon: What Has Ariel Sharon Learned From The Holocaust?

20-02-2002 20:12

Editorial Cartoon: What Has Ariel Sharon Learned From The Holocaust?
Editorial cartoon by Mike Flugennock, your latest installment in the "America's New War" series at . Print size 11x17 inches.