UK Newswire Archive needs help
10-02-2002 02:46
We are suffering from success, we have just got a $175.51 bill from our ISP (This is 6 months) and I have just looked at our web logs for this year and we are up to an average of 608 MB/Day (our limit is 400) so we will have to pay even more next time.Sweden is heading towards an indefinite future where justice may have no place
10-02-2002 00:10
The aftermath of the riots in Gothenburg where three demonstrators were shot by the police, have turned in to a corrupt legal practice which may result in a transformation of the legal system in an unsatisfactory direction, where legal rights of the individual have no place. PLEASE READ!Ruppert radio interview
09-02-2002 22:50
I have stated that there's been too much posting on this newswire on 9-11 by people who dont want to engage in discussion. where this info needs to be is out there in the general public consciousness. Vision TV is a start. However this is a radio interview with someone with a rationalist commentator - Michael Ruppert of, and certainly worth a listen. Realmedia.The Bush - Cheney Drug Empire
09-02-2002 22:32
Politicians in America have to have either sold vast quantities of cocaine with the CIA, and swindled people such as the SnL scandle, with several murders to cover things up...(Clinton) or Used resources from other nefarious crimes to consolidate your position... Its the American way!"WE DON'T WANT A HAND, WE WANT THEM TO KEEP THEIR HANDS OUT OF US"
09-02-2002 21:04
MONTERREY, MEXICO 2002Obituary : 50 fags and two bottles of gin a day!
09-02-2002 20:49
On a sad day as today Benny Jond speaks to the real people the people of the East End, who love the Royal family and here are some of the responses, which you may find very moving, but real. Unlike Diana the little upstart, Margaret really did connect with the People.Chiapas Update February 2002
09-02-2002 18:31
Dear friends,It is now eight years since the EZLN uprising on January 1st 1994. Although it can seem a struggle to find hopeful stories these days, the Zapatistas are a massive inspiration to people all over the world.
Solidarity Cacerolazo in Bankfurt (Germoney)
09-02-2002 17:26
Today, Saturday, February 9th, 2002 a "spontanous" action of solidarity with the struggling people in Argentina took place in Bankfurt (Germoney). About 70 opponents of capitalism gathered in front of the central train station, . Armed with banners, banging pots and kettles (cacerolazo), the demonstrators voiced their dissent with the policy of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), "World" Bank and similar institutions of global exploitation and destruction, forced through by governments like the Argentinian or the German.Israeli protest
09-02-2002 15:39
A belated report on the STW protest around the Israeli embassy t'other weekGreetings to the anti-NATO demonstration on February 9th in Prague
09-02-2002 15:17
The final goal must be the disbandment of NATO, and indeed the abolition of all armies and alliances for military "intervention".Fair Go For David Hicks
09-02-2002 14:53
An Exclusive interview with Terry Hicks, father of Australian, David Hicks. Terry has shunned the media but has allowed this interview to be published on the internet, in order that the truth will be told about his son.Showdown in Spain
09-02-2002 14:30
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the riot cops!Irish Greens launch anti-fluoridation bill
09-02-2002 12:29
What's in your toothpaste. Fluoride is a common component of rat poisons, anaesthetics, anti-depressant and antipsychotic drugs (fluoxetine Prozac -flupenthixol,fluphenazine etc) and Nerve Gas (sarin). The first fluoridated water supply in the world was at Auschwitzwhere it was intended to make the inmates more docile.Fluoridation was brought into being be an emloyee of aluminium cartel ALCOA getting a job with the US Federal Security Agency. It provides the Mellon family with vast profits from selling a highly toxic waste product as a healthy product.
Click link for dedicated website
Progressive Internationalism
09-02-2002 11:18
Today, the Foreign Office minister Peter Hain will give a speech at the LSE extolling the virtues of corporate globalisation and bashing the Black Bloc. But why is Hain so concerned with a bunch of pesky anarchists in the midst of a major war? This is an extract of what he said:Minister Costa on Marxism
09-02-2002 09:45
After his fairly short stint as Secretary of the NSW Labor Council, Michael Costa was installed in the NSW Legislative Council on September 6, 2001. A former Trotskyist, Mr Costa stated in his maiden speech to Parliament:SECRET GROUP FORMS TO SAVE EARTH! And you can join!
08-02-2002 23:56
EARTHSAVERS forms to tackle world's problems! And you can help!Enron: Ultimate agent of the American Empire
08-02-2002 23:56
Brilliant job of tying together some of the key players!corrupt gardai rush to stand by sir ronnie flanagans side
08-02-2002 23:00
something stinks to high heavenBOLIVIA: INSURRECTION NOW!
08-02-2002 21:42
One death per week, one wounded per day, dozens of reports of tortures, dozensof persecuted unionists, a hundred political prisoners, the closing of radios
stations related to social and union movements. In less than six months, that
is the balance of the regime, more atrocious than it has been in Bolivia since
the fall of the military dictatorships, 20 years ago.