UK Newswire Archive
AUDIO - Monbiot in Dublin the PEOPLE HAVE THERE SAY
21-01-2002 19:06
PUBLIC DEBATE ON THE FUTURE OF THE ANTI-GLOBALIZATION MOVEMENT - The people have there say.Globalisation 1 - Audio 50 sec Windows Media player
Capitalism on point of collapse
Dublin Jan 19th 2002
AUDIO - Monbiot talk Other speakers on Globalisation post 9.11
21-01-2002 19:02
Kieran Allen (arrested at anti-war demo)Audio 4 min 40 sec Windows Media player
“Using Sept 11th as an excuse to carry through the Neo-Liberal agenda”, Removing basic democratic rights, civil liberties & Privatisation.
AUDIO - G Monbiot on the Future of the Anti Globalisation movement
21-01-2002 18:50
AUDIO 7 min 58 secMonbiot Opening the Debate organised by Global Resistance Ireland. “There is more that binds us together than sets us apart”. Reds, Greens and Blacks, privatisation, Corporate Power, World power, Trade, Revolution, Sustained Change, Zappatlists, Labour Movements, Anger, Organisation, Internationalists, Sept 11th, Global Legitimacy and more...
VIDEO - GEORGE MONBIOT, the Movement after 9.11
21-01-2002 18:38

Future of the Movement George Monbiot Dublin
What is the Future of the Anti-globalisation movement
George Monbiot Guardian columnist & author of “Captive State” talks about the new challenges for The Movement and activists post Sept 11th.
Dublin Sat 19th Jan
The meeting was so well attended that over 80 people were turned away, well done GR Ireland!
AUDIO - David Ike on Globalisation n the New New World Order
21-01-2002 18:17
AUDIO 25 min Windows Media PlayerDAVID IKE in Dublin Jan 2002
David talks about Globalisation,the new new world order and lots lots more.................
Utah Olympic Peace Project Goes Global
21-01-2002 17:05
The People for Peace and Justice, a grass-roots peace and justice activist group in Utah, USA is distributing its "Olympic Peace Statement" in an effort to obtain signatures world-wide.Black Hawk Down
21-01-2002 16:46
Background info to the new film by Ridley Scott. The facts rather than the bullshit, american distortion of them.war on fascism
21-01-2002 16:17
current world politics has learnt nothing from past struggles with fascism.Who killed five journalists in Iran?
21-01-2002 15:27

Greedy Homeowners Win School Woodland in Court.
21-01-2002 12:49
7 residents in Stoke Newington helped themselves to natural woodland backing onto their gardens while school on otherside is being built. School opens and residents want to keep land. They win 5 metres of the land in court because Hackney cannot afford to defend its land in court!One of residents is solicitor in court, Hackney must pay half their costs!
Paul Robinson / Mailing
21-01-2002 12:07
Is mail sent to Paul robinson getting through to him ???Reproductive Freedom is a Woman's Right
21-01-2002 10:34
Safe legal abortion is the right of every womanThe Anti-Gold Mob
21-01-2002 06:11
Although this report goes back abit, I would be prepare to see some big surprises this week...With a heavy impact on the 28th...British Columbia Under Siege
21-01-2002 05:17
The Agenda is in full swing in B.C. Environmental protections are gone, social services gutted, public utilities on the block.Camp X-ray photos
21-01-2002 03:59

The Population Control Agenda
21-01-2002 03:57
This might be a good time to pay attention, I don't mean that is a sarcastic way, I mean it in terms of its incredible importance...thats all...Bristol Stop Esso - Nov2001 : FILM
21-01-2002 03:28