UK Newswire Archive
Peter Hain may still make Gordon Brown come unstuck - 'let us all down'!
25-09-2007 10:12
The Guardian reported on Monday [24.09.2007] as follows:-'Unions and charities are furious that Mr Hain has handed over the lion's share of the first tranche of privatised services to the Ingeus group under a deal which will not include union recognition and will not safeguard jobs on the same conditions as in Whitehall...'
Screening of Documentaries and Video activism in Caracas, Jan 2008
25-09-2007 09:56
Film and video activist screenings in Caracas, Jan 2008Calling all No Border campers from London!
25-09-2007 09:33
Come along to the London No Borders on Thursday!Sign to stop another Burma massacre
25-09-2007 01:22
After decades of brutal dictatorship, the people of Burma are rising--and they need our help. Today over 100,000 people are on the streets of Rangoon, more around the country. When protesters last marched in 1988, the military massacred thousands.But this time it can be different--if only the world stands with the marchers. The United Nations summit starts today in New York. Let's raise an emergency global campaign, demanding they press the Burmese generals to negotiate rather than crush the demonstrators. We'll deliver it to Security Council members--particularly China's Hu Jintao, until now the military junta's protector--and to media at the UN this week.
Cruelty Animal In the Waterland Circuses
25-09-2007 00:23
Cruelty Animal In the Waterland CircusesConsequences of a forced regime change in Iran
25-09-2007 00:03
As the Neocons and their allies continue to push for a devastating war against Iran, they are joined by some Iranian exiles who profess that they cannot wait a minute longer for the war to start. They are claiming, as their Iraqi counterparts did, that they are supporting the Neocons because they want to free the long suppressed Iranian People.wind power wins!
24-09-2007 22:31
a critical vote approves plans for 10MW of clean power near Rainworth first council meeting. my eyewitness report
US on the Warpath with the IAEA
24-09-2007 19:47
Being at the IAEA these days has once again reminded one that US diatribes are not limited to regimes and states that act contrary to US goals or even wishes. In the usual alliance of the government and the media -- clearly the US media has its own interpretations of a "free" media -- the Americans have launched a blitzkrieg against the IAEA and especially its head, El Baradei.Just doing your job, officer
24-09-2007 19:38
Taking part in the NoBorders camp near Gatwick, this short piece reflects on two assaults, one robbery and a security alert all witnessed within the space of two short, but exciting hours as a trainee Legal Observer for the camp's action in Crawley town centre, raising awareness. Forget being a special copper, try legal observing. It's far better, and you get to choose your own notebook."Open" Day at ex-Cre8 Site
24-09-2007 19:18

Cholera in Iraq our responsibility
24-09-2007 18:25
In an incredibly short space of time a cholera epidemic has spread from the north of Iraq to the south.
The US and the UK are responsible for this.
Schnews: Iraq And A Hard Place
24-09-2007 17:21
AS MEGA DEATH TOLL FROM OCCUPATION PASSES A MILLION“A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.” - Josef Stalin
And how proud Old Joe would have been of our Soviet-style self censorship! Here’s one that slipped past the headlines - the death toll in Iraq has now passed the one million mark.
A tale of two public sector meetings in Leeds
24-09-2007 17:04
Reports from two public sector meetings, September 2007: Leeds Public Sector Pay Campaign rally (Tues. 18 Sept) and Public Services not Private Profit (Thurs 20 Sept), Leeds Council Chambers - by Leeds Workers Power.The next Leeds Public Sector Pay Campaign organising meeting is in the Unison Offices 3rd October at 19:30
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It's official - swearing's illegal!
24-09-2007 15:33
How an activist got arrested for swearing in Crawley.Critical Mass and Carfree day in Brussels
24-09-2007 13:20

Unwarlike Warriors
24-09-2007 12:39
Is US military power just a myth? What conclusions can be drawn from the Iraqi campaign?Comedy benefit raises £40,000 for CAAT
24-09-2007 11:15
Hammersmith Apollo last night hosted a comedy benefit, "A Seriously Funny Attempt to the get the Serious Fraud Office in the dock!" The proceeds from the gig, featuring comics including Mark Steel, Omid Djalili and Russell Brand will go to help fund the Campaign Against the Arms Trade's (CAAT) judicial review to restart the SFO's prosecution of BAe Systems' for alleged illegal bribery of Saudi ministers.Peace Festival brings music & politics to heart of the city
24-09-2007 08:43

Straw Bale work on eco-building in St.Anns: Part 21
24-09-2007 01:00