UK Newswire Archive
'Anarchist Blogger' finally freed
05-04-2007 18:43
There has been some really good reporting here on Josh Wolf, the 'anarchist blogger' . He went to prison rather than submit video of an 'anachist rally' to a federal judge in the July '05 G8 clashes in California. I just thought it was worth mentioning to all the previous posters that he has finally been released after spending more time inside than any other journalist.Brighton delegation arrives in Palesine
05-04-2007 17:54
Fourteen volunteers from Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group arrived in occupied Palestine today, Thurs 5th April, for a 10 day cultural exchange and fact finding tour.Regional Economics Against Climate Change
05-04-2007 17:21
Modern industrial society faces a dilemma. On one hand, people of industrial countries do not want to abandon their assets and habits or way of living. On the other hand, the climate problem ends up in the destruction of humanity if emissions continue as in the past.Camberwell Squatted Center - Statement of Occupation
05-04-2007 17:15
Yes, we are dreamers…An Invitation.
On the 10th March 2007, we climbed a high ladder and entered the empty building at 190-192 Warham St in Camberwell, South London. It took five minutes to put life back into a building that had been left empty for 9 months.
05-04-2007 16:13
The Police, the English Partnership and Royal Bank of Scotlandworking in partnership promoting best fascism practice into regeneration
Come to Food Not Bombs this Saturday...
05-04-2007 15:42
Food Not Bombs is happening again this week, as every week, serving free food to the hungry in Whitechapel, East London...all the details of how you can get involved below...G8 2005 Indy Reporter Josh Wolf Freed after 226 Days in Jail
05-04-2007 11:24
Reporter Josh Wolf Freed - Thanks to all who campaigned on this one....Sharing of Unedited Video and Minor Grand Jury Cooperation Leads to Release
On April 3rd, independent reporter Josh Wolf was freed from federal custody after spending 7 1/2 months in prison for failing to turn over video footage to a federal grand jury. The unedited video was the target of the federal grand jury subpoena that caused him to be held at the federal holding facility, in Dublin, CA for over 226 days, a record amount of time for any journalist in U.S. history.
That morning, Josh wrote on his blog, "During the course of this saga I have repeatedly offered to allow a judge to be the arbiter over whether or not my video material has any evidentiary value. Today, you the public have the opportunity to be the judge and I am confident you will see, as I do, that there is nothing of value in this unpublished footage."
Full Story at

Iran’s release of sailors: A humiliating episode for Britain
05-04-2007 11:19
Iran’s release of the 15 British naval personnel captured in the Gulf is the dénouement of a humiliating episode for the Blair government and for British imperialism.Coward Of Oz Bans Bilal Philips And Yvonne Ridley
05-04-2007 11:15
Ridley, who was a senior reporter for Britian's Sunday Express, converted to Islam three years after she was captured by the Taliban while on an undercover assignment for the newspaper in 2001.more big bro methods to aidthe work of the DWP
05-04-2007 08:59
DWP minister adds another tool to aid benefit fraud detectionArab Perspective: Playing US Politics with Iraqi Blood for Oil
05-04-2007 08:48
US Democrats in opposition and the ruling Republicans have embroiled the American public in a political crisis over deadlines for combat operations in Iraq that could develop into a constitutional showdown, but for Arabs and Iraqis it is merely playing electoral politics with Iraqi blood for oil because the Democratic Alternative, when scrutinized, promises them no fundamental change.AUSTRALIA:GetUp! delivers 65,000 protest letters for David Hicks
05-04-2007 04:42

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Rod Vaughan Rejects Damned Lies
05-04-2007 03:50
TV Reporter Condemns Scurrilous And Malicious Slur On His ReputationRefuting Steven Pinker’s “A History of Violence”
05-04-2007 02:10
"Though the sophistication of traditional theology is lacking, the similarity of themes and style is striking. It reveals the extent to which worship of the state has become a secular religion for which the intellectuals serve as priesthood. The more primitive sectors of Western culture go further, fostering forms of idolatry in which such sacred symbols as the flag become an object of forced veneration, and the state is called upon to punish any insult to them and to compel children to pledge their devotion daily, while God and State are almost indissolubly linked in public ceremony and discourse, as in James Reston's musings on our devotion to the will of the Creator. It is perhaps not surprising that such crude fanaticism rises to such an extreme in the United States, as an antidote for the unique freedom from state coercion that has been achieved by popular struggle." -- Noam ChomskyRosia Montana: dead bodies have a good price
05-04-2007 00:26
(Translation of
Street Event: Free the Cuban Five!
04-04-2007 22:34

Shell Poisoning Erris Water Supply: Don’t Mention The Water, Part Two
04-04-2007 22:11

This film documents the visible pollution leaving the Shell Corrib Gas Project construction site.
NCPA: Corporate Profits - Supercede Cancer Care Needs
04-04-2007 22:11
In the current system of drug development, if a promising compound can't be patented, it is highly unlikely ever to make it to market — no matter how well it performs in the laboratory.The development of new cancer drugs is crippled as a result, says columnist Ralph W. Moss.
AUSTRALIA: Villawood detainee hospitalised after hunger strike
04-04-2007 22:11

Help create Queer IMC
04-04-2007 22:00
There are plans afoot for a Queer IMC to be set up. We are looking for Queer activists to get involved from the off and help us get this new IMC created!