UK Newswire Archive
grass is good
18-08-2006 16:03
- in fact - a comment about recent revelations in german literature instead of a redo of the "i love the pope - the pope smokes dope" t-shirt variety - ie. recent news from gunther grass, with a radical angle to the odd but fast-reacting euro media, then a brief resume of why he is both VERY good with his timing, yet even further - that to "uncondemn" him - with others in the same "boat "- frees all of us+++ MEXICO: Rebellion in Oaxaca - activists kidnapped, tortured, killed +++
18-08-2006 15:55

Liverpool Remembers the Hunger Strikers
18-08-2006 13:49

Assemble 12 pm, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool
Prominent speakers and Republican bands in attendance
Alternative Pride event: 26th August
18-08-2006 12:37
Sick of the box-standard-mullet-growing-beer-sipping Manchester pride weekend? looking for something less pretentious-just be-queer event? Do you like pink but not the pinkpound?Terror on the aeroplane - "highly improbable C'ptn"
18-08-2006 12:36
An excerpt from an article by Thomas C Greene in Washington availbalbe at:
I thought it worth a note here.
Breathtaking Hypocrisy of Mersey Fire Authority
18-08-2006 11:55
In a despicable and transparent political move, councillors from Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority have called on firefighters to strike 'reponsibly', should they vote for industrial action on Monday.TV is dope for kids scientists find it proven:
18-08-2006 11:37
A report from the Daily Express on 17-06-2006 entitled:'Children watching TV feel less pain'
Saltdean Nazi On MySpace
18-08-2006 11:35
Saltdean Nazi Sid Williamson on MySpaceHelp set up the Climate Camp!
18-08-2006 10:49
We are calling for all people who can to arrive in Leeds from Monday August 21 and head to the Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, Leeds LS2 7EQ. This is to build all the infrastructure ready to occupy the site.Cambridge Stop the War Demonstration - Saturday 19th August
18-08-2006 10:20
Stop the War Demo in Cambridge on Saturday 19th AugustLebanon: A Critical Battle for a New Middle East
18-08-2006 08:24
The fact of the matter is that the war on Lebanon was premeditated, with the hope that an easy war would bring an end to the resistance, coerce the country into an unwanted peace settlement, deliver a blow to Iran and Syria's regional ambitions, but most importantly downgrade Iran's regional import, perhaps as a stepping stone toward the long envisioned regime change.Judge quashes Thomas conviction
18-08-2006 07:34

AIDS Brain Drain: Countries Hit Hardest by AIDS Lacking Millions of Medical Work
18-08-2006 04:01

UPDATE-- Petition: We Demand an International Criminal Tribunal for Israel
18-08-2006 03:19
This Petition demands that The United Nations General Assembly immediately establish an International Criminal Tribunal for Israel to prosecute the Israeli Prime Minister Olmert, Defense Minister Peretz, Chief of Staff Halutz and Israel’s other top generals and war criminals for their infliction of international war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide against the Peoples of Lebanon and Palestine.Warmongers Want Medals? Prime Sinister wants to give out Medals?
18-08-2006 00:15

Reminder: Demo in Brighton this Saturday 19th Aug at 1pm
18-08-2006 00:07
Justice for Lebanon and PalestineKhatami and Torture
18-08-2006 00:03

Internet filter "Smartfilter", censors political incorrect websites
17-08-2006 23:39
Here is this so called "filtering techonology" being used in corporations and schools to filter internet access and out of curiosity I tried to see how webpage is classified, go and guess that the classification is on section "Extreme Pornography" of course blocked access.