UK Newswire Archive
Moore's-Law End Is Crisis for Econ.-ALSO $150 Computer Exposed
12-05-2006 04:29

Australian Wheat Board inquiry underscores real motivations behind Iraq war
12-05-2006 04:14

International Cease and Desist Order
12-05-2006 02:18
Please be forewarned that what I reveal will upset many apple carts and shake a lot of trees, hence the true meaning of the word Apocalypse. Over the last few years I have meticulously produced stunning and comprehensive proof of my assertions because humanity has long been purposely deceived and deluded to deny and oppose the things I am now revealing.Free School, Cowley Club, Brighton Saturday 13th & 27th May
12-05-2006 01:05
Guide to weekends activities at the Cowley Club, Brighton, 12/05/06.Mersey Councils Invest In Death
12-05-2006 00:28
Councils across Merseyside and Cheshire are pouring more than £28m into the world's largest arms companies - including Lockheed Martin and BAE Systems. As if that wasn't enough, they've also got a £3 million stake in Halliburton - Dick Cheney's favourite oil company!Will West Africa be the new Middle East?
11-05-2006 23:40
As the middle east becomes increasingly unstable, and Latin America increasingly unreliable, West African nations, in particular Nigeria, are being viewed as a 'safer' alternative.CALL TO ACTION: RE-INSTATE EU AND US AID TO PALESTINE
11-05-2006 23:29

Please copy, e-mail and distribute this as widely as possible.

German 'Robin Hoods' Give Poor a Taste of the High Life
11-05-2006 23:26

Infousurpa number 23
11-05-2006 22:42

The regime in Burma recently launched a new military offensive against civilians from the Karen ethnic minority in Burma. More than 11,000 people have been forced from their homes and are hiding in the jungle with no food or medical supplies. Civilians, including children, have been shot, tortured, mutilated and even beheaded. Total is the largest and last significant European investor in Burma. Total Oil’s Yadana gas project is believed to earn the regime between $200m to $450m a year. In addition to the huge revenues Total’s project provides the regime, the companies presence in Burma is influencing French, European Union and British foreign policy on Burma, as France vetoes effective EU sanctions in order to protect Total. Demonstration at Total's Head Office, 33 Cavendish Square, London W1G OPW. Nearest tube is Oxford Circus.
Business In The Community Annual Conference London – Picket For Help HBOS PLC
11-05-2006 22:29

Struggle Is a School: The Rise of a Shack Dwellers’
11-05-2006 22:03

Stephen Colbert: New American Hero
11-05-2006 22:00
His attack was more against the media than the criminal Regime, and in this one speech, he did more than the MSM has in five whole years.London Bombs - unanswered questions
11-05-2006 21:57
For links and documentation, please visit the original story link:
Turkish, Iranian armies build up forces: Response to US Build-Ups & Covert Ops
11-05-2006 21:53
The "Iraq Treatment" proving useless against Iran, it appears that in sending Kurdish Colonial Auxiliaries and Covert Operatives into Iran - funded with money stolen from the Iraqi People - the Bush/PNAC Regime appears to be attempting to create a military crisis along Iraq's border.NSA Whistleblower Identified, Threatened by Agency
11-05-2006 21:44
There is an up side to this revelation that the US Government is plugged into all of our communications. Because now that we KNOW this, the government cannot stage another fake terror attack to kick off more wars without the American people calling attention to the NSA phone monitoring being a total and complete failure! Remember this when the people who never admit wrongdoing when the proof is right in front of them claim that they had "inadequate resources" to stop an attack.Still waiting on the UK whistleblower ...
London says 'We are all Atenco!'
11-05-2006 18:46

Listen to Daily Audio Report from Palestine for 11th mat 2006
11-05-2006 18:03

Army arrest ten residents from Nablus, Resident arrested east of Bethlehem, Army invades the West Bank city of Jenin injuring two children and arresting two. Army invade several areas of Hebron and arrests five residents, The army arrest four residents from Al Sheyoukh and Halhol villages near Hebron
Climate Change Speaker Series event
11-05-2006 16:03
COIN's Speaker Series returns with an event on climate justice - 'will climate change destroy any hope of equality for the worlds poorest people?'. Andrew Simms of NEF and Maria Adebowale of Capacity Global speak at Ruskin College, Thursday 18th May, 7-9 pm. Entry £3/£2.