UK Newswire Archive
20-05-2005 18:49
free palestine demo and rally in trafalgar sq. 1pm at embankment. speakers and music in the square.NEW FILM POOKS FUN AT NORTH KOREA,US AND CANADA
20-05-2005 18:14
New Film Cheney's Tomorrow Never Comes.Political Action/comedy About a liberal newscaster that makes fake/slanted reports.He himself terorrist working for North Korea.Hunted by the CIA,FBI,Canadian GOV,US Department of State.The trailer G8: A Study in Power (or why people should protest)
20-05-2005 17:29
Good article from John Hilary, Director of Campaigns and Policy at War on Want
War on Want is participating in the "G8 Corporate Dream - Global Nightmare" counter conference being held on July 3rd in Edinburgh along with Friends of the Earth Scotland, World Development Movement and People & Planet. For details see:

US senate removes Galloway testimony from its website!
20-05-2005 17:22
Evidence 'goes missing' from Committee website...
Anarchists demonstate against murder of 15-year old Bolivian
20-05-2005 16:14
"5-30 anarchists demonstrated in London against the police murder of 15-year old anarchist in Bogota, ColombiaIs the Social State Ending?
20-05-2005 15:58
Socially just means people have comparable chances to develop in their lives, may have work, are protected against the great risks of life and can age with dignity. To that end, social systems and personal effort are necessary.ISRAEL’S SILENT NUCLEAR ATTACK REVEALED
20-05-2005 14:46
The uranium level in El-Khalil valley reaches 237 becquerel (bcq) per kilogram3, which equals about 10 times the permitted concentration, which is 25 bcq. The Thorium 232 (Th) level reaches 152 bcq where the permitted concentration level is also 25 bcq. The readings on Cesium 137 (Cs), another radio-active isotope that only emerges from nuclear explosions or nuclear activities is equivalently high.What the Americans are doing to Iraq, our world
20-05-2005 13:51
I watched the news about the aforementioned statements by al-Dahri on Al-Jazeera with one of my close Iraqi friends here. As we watched the large funeral procession with the body of the murdered cleric while al-Dahri made his ferocious statements, I watched her head drop into her hands as she said softly, "This is so horrible what has happened to my country since the Americans came."Regular Oxford Anti -G8 Meetings
20-05-2005 13:02
Anti-G8 Meetings are now to be held on a regular basis at the Oxford Action Resource Centre.Upbeat of the spanish copyright fundamentalists's drum
20-05-2005 13:00
The spanish equivalent of the BSA (Bussiness software alliance), the SGAE, continues its unbelievebla attack on common sense in all matters regarding copyright issues and, now, on the internet.Victory: Selfridges take on "No Fur" policy
20-05-2005 12:06
After a year-long campaign against their involvement in the fur trade, fashion retailers Selfridges have declared that they have stopped selling fur in their stores.slowsmall peasants on Resonance FM
20-05-2005 11:53
2-3pm every Fridaylisten via:

or 104.4FM in central London
THIS WEEK: mining
Two arrests on Dublin demo for Nicolás David Neira Alvares
20-05-2005 11:31
Political police make arrests at solidarity demonstration for murdered Colombian anarchistget clued up bout the G8 in Manchester sat 11th june
20-05-2005 10:44

Greet the new Immigration Minister, today, Friday, 20th May, 2005
20-05-2005 08:11
As the new Immigration Minister, Tony McNulty, takes up his post he needs to know how we feel about his inhumane detention and deportation policies.Stormtroopers Against The G8
20-05-2005 00:55

~ ~~MY PET GOAT: Lancing the Neo Con Coverup ~~~
20-05-2005 00:37
Jeremy Ellington, who has been critical of some left viewpoints of the Iraq interwar sanctions, demonstrates that his sharp pen is not reserved for intramural discussion, as he blasts neo-con apologist Richard Mintner and praises five time Emmy winner Peter Lance. TAGS: Ramzi Yousef,Oklahoma City, September 11, terrorism, 911 Commission,Richard Mintner, Neo-Con,Cover-up,Peter Lance,FBI,Nancy Floyd,conspiracy, Blind Sheik, WTC, World Trade Center