UK Newswire Archive
24-03-2005 12:04
Benefit night for Traveller support groups, come to eat, watch filmsand
get information on supporting Gypsy and Traveller sites resist
and racist harassment, campaign against bailiff company Constant and Co
and help raise some money for future actions…
free film night - london rising tide presents
24-03-2005 11:28
freee film night, ffod and discussion at LARC, whitechapel, londonpeaceful protesters beaten in Bishkek
24-03-2005 11:01
From the Kyrgyz Committee of Human Rights- a selection of news announcements regarding the situation on the ground in Bishkek.March and public meeting against anti-Gypsy racism
24-03-2005 09:02
Saturday 9th April 2005Assemble and commemoration at St James's Church, Piccadilly (12 noon)
March to Trafalgar Sq (1pm)
Public meeting at Jurys Hotel, Great Russell Street (3pm)
Performance of individualist at US embassy in Poland
24-03-2005 07:53
beyond formal (massive) protests:
Iraq, oil and conspiracy theories
24-03-2005 07:49
"... we may be right or we may be wrong, I mean people have their different views about why we're doing this thing. But the oil conspiracy theory is honestly one of the most absurd when you analyse it." Tony Blair, 6 Feb 2003GSL not fit to run detention centres!
24-03-2005 00:26
Despite having lost control of Yarl's Wood in 2003 (it was burnt to the ground with inmates locked inside), and being condemned for racism in a BBC documentary in March 2005, GSL have been awarded a 10-year contract to the run the horrendous new immigation accomodation centre in Bicester, Oxfordshire.Solidarity with Bart, Gabriël, José and Begona!
23-03-2005 23:42

Read more below.
Notting Hill Housing Trust - Clive Soley MP - Ms Sindy Finn
23-03-2005 23:35
Check out the Waldman web site to see the harassment meted out by my landlords - Notting Hill Housing Trust against me.
The World's Water: should it be privatised?
23-03-2005 22:28
The World's Water: should it be privatised? - PUBLIC MEETING - 7.30pm -Wednesday 13 April
Oxford Town Hall
Every year over two million people die because of the unclean water they are forced to drink. Many more - particularly women and children - have their lives disrupted by the need to walk miles to collect water.
Indigenous Ahwazi refugees suffering in Iraq
23-03-2005 21:19
Ahwazi human rights activists sent an urgent appeal this week to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees over the safety and security of Ahwazi refugees living in southern Iraq.What is Neoliberalism?
23-03-2005 21:10
Every search for alternatives must questions these neoliberal foundations by demythologizing the "great narratives" of the free market, efficiency, competition and entrepreneurship. Economic laws and practical necessities could be analyzed as social constructions.If Britain were Iraq, what would it be like?
23-03-2005 19:34
What would Britain look like if it were in Iraq's current situation? The population of the UK is over twice that of Iraq, so a lot of statistics would have to be multiplied by that number.Secret sale of public land. Demonstration against redevelopment of Queens
23-03-2005 19:31

New progressive left website with demo info for this weekend
23-03-2005 18:50
There's a new website for progressive left with information on up and coming mass actions and a progressive agenda for the general election.Third International Conference on the Impact of Environmental Factors
23-03-2005 18:32
Third International Conference on the Impact of Environmental Factorson Health. call for papers/ abstracts..
Homophobia on Dr Who
23-03-2005 17:49
Queer as Folk author, Russell T Davies complained about a gay-bashing joke on children's tv. Now his new Doctor Who script includes a homophobic remark which is presumably designed to give the program 'street cred' but is no better than the homophobia he complained about in The Guardian.LONDON MEDIC TRAINING UPDATE!!!!!
23-03-2005 16:26
MEDIC TRAINING IN LONDON 1st - 3rd APRIL not 2nd - 4th - PLEASE EMAIL IF YOU CAN AS PLACES ARE LIMITEDRoad spy cameras track protesters
23-03-2005 16:19

NUS delegates enter discourse of oppression by Coca-Cola at NUSSL conference
23-03-2005 15:25
Given partial information regarding the activities of Coca-Cola in India and Colombia, the National Union of Students' buying consortium met in Liverpool this week and renewed a contract with Coca-Cola. However, the topic hot on everyone's lips was Coca-Cola; the ground work is prepared for continued work to tell the truth about Coke.