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UK Newswire Archive

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Witnesses sought to Wombles arrest !

21-09-2001 11:10

Witnesses sought as Womble Medic is arrested (and later charged )as he goes to aid woman, injured by police at the DSEi Demo

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Peace vigils in Newcastle upon Tyne

21-09-2001 10:20

There will be a Vigil for Peace and Justice on Saturday (22 Sept) at 3 pm at the War Memorial by St. Thomas' Church, Haymarket, Newcastle.
Should there be a US military strike in retaliation this week, please go to Grey's Monument, Newcastle at 6.00 pm (candlelit vigil suggested).

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Will Bush Respond with Indiscriminate Violence?

21-09-2001 09:32

Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Joy Gordon, an attorney and professor of philosophy at Fairfield University in Connecticut, who specializes in the study of ethics and human rights.

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It's all about oil... again

21-09-2001 08:47

If global conflict and ecological disaster are to be avoided, the west must end its reliance on oil, writes Mark Lynas.

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100 years of infinite justice

21-09-2001 07:17

100 years of american history

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Statement by the Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan

21-09-2001 03:48

A statement by the brave Afghani resistance

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Big Brother & The WTC Attack

21-09-2001 00:52

big bro

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Dear "Their Not American" - Mr. President Bush,

21-09-2001 00:46

Are you really as afraid and naive as you sound?

One question Mr. President Bush - and one question only:
If those terrorists were Canadian, European, or Australian; would the United States of America declare WAR on one of those countries? Or would the "criminals" and their "co-conspirators" be arrested?

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US to feed starving Afghanistan

20-09-2001 23:34

CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. grain industry sources Thursday expressed disbelief
over the U.S. government's plans to carry through with an earlier offer to buy 100,000 tonnes of wheat for donation to Afghanistan.

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Circulate this letter to Mr. Bush

20-09-2001 23:23

The president has no authority to issue a death warrant for anyone who is accused of a crime. Only the congress has the power to declare war. Protect our civil liberites!

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Sick: WTC "jokes" are disgusting...

20-09-2001 23:13

Why should we tollerate such filth?

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The Problem @ Z-net

20-09-2001 20:17

A helpful suggestion.

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The Militarization of Earth

20-09-2001 19:33

Earth Military

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Vigil for peace held in Manchester

20-09-2001 18:58

Tonight (20 sept) a vigill for peace was held in Manchester.

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Squall update

20-09-2001 18:09

Squall update

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The New War-ld Order

20-09-2001 17:26

New War-ld

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Gatecrash Labour's Party

20-09-2001 17:22

Considering recent events, our presence will also be marked with a clear anti-war character.

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US history in the Middle East

20-09-2001 15:55

A short introduction to the US involvement in the Middle East.

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Britney use tragedy for increased record sales

20-09-2001 15:48

While Britney el al begin to donate some of their millions to the victims of the WTC plane crashes, most of the world doesn't give a toss