UK Newswire Archive
13-12-2004 00:23
Work is being carried out in the biosphere reserve of Montes Azules to plunder its riches. The Mexican government say it is to protect the rainforest but the Zapatistas say they are attacking the forest by building bridges.Anti-fascist actions in Sweden
12-12-2004 23:45

Anti-terrorism legislation attacked in Whitechapel
12-12-2004 23:40
'At the very least, my son has a better character than David Blunkett,' Ashfaq Ahmad told the large, appreciative audience that turned out in Whitechapel's Brady Centre today to hear about the realities of British anti-terrorism laws from people who've experienced them.The Basement - opening night
12-12-2004 21:26

Dr Kelly with the pen knife in the woods, you don't say .
12-12-2004 20:42
Well that is the official version all gleaming in white (washed) in the corporate media, and that's the end of it.Well not quite it would seem there is still a very slim chance that justice will be done and the truth might just come out. Well bliars been under pressure and with millions praying for him to have heart attack who knows perhaps the lieing bastard might .....
sixth months of autonomy
12-12-2004 20:23
Born in the what may have been the final weeks of the wombles ex-grandbanks social centre, the rampART has been a space in time - a time in space - providing opportunities within the big smoke for autonomous alternative progressive non-hirachical self-organised self-motivated DIY culture....Target HLS Customer
12-12-2004 19:28
Target HLS Customer Forest Labs this Week in solidarity with the US campaign.Bristolian newspaper reaches 100th issue
12-12-2004 19:07
The UK's best community newspaper reaches its 100th issueSquatter murdered by Nazi skins
12-12-2004 16:40
An anarchist squatting in Barcelona has been murdered by fascists.Update (Ukraine)
12-12-2004 16:34
The observations and re-actions of various ‘experts’ to events in the Ukraine amuse some analysts. Did anyone expect the US not to intervene, do leopards change their spots? Have we all forgotten that the US government is merely a pawn of Corporate Capitalism? If it wasn’t an orange scarf it may just as well have been pink – let’s not miss the ‘forest for the trees’ (and in some cases the veins of the leaves.)Alone
12-12-2004 15:49
Extract of a diary from Bex Tyrer from Oxford, writing from Beit Sahour, PalestineMedia War Against G8 Protestors Begins (secret anarchist training camps)
12-12-2004 15:40
The opening shot of a PR war on protest groups has been fired ahead of next years G8 Summit in Scotland, with an article in the usualy quite well balanced Scotland on Sunday, published Sunday 12th Dec 04.Un Louvre pour tous
12-12-2004 13:36

12-12-2004 10:13
Here is an extract of a Parliamentary question on the money grabbing that goes on behind the Olympics. It costs taxpayers money while promotes unethical companies like Coca-Cola, Nike and corrupt construction firms that are making millions out of public subsidies. Make a change, say no to a bid that it for big business and not you and your children.Disarm DSEi meeting
12-12-2004 09:15
Hiya,The next London DSEi meeting and Xmas drink is on 20th December at 7pm. Please email

12-12-2004 08:10

Please act now.
The Alternative Nativity Play
11-12-2004 22:45

highlighting the plight of Palestinians living in the occupied territories