UK Newswire Archive
Gush Shalom update 22 May / Avnery
22-05-2004 20:57
GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 -
Israeli Death Force treats animals like Palestinians
22-05-2004 19:19
With a parrot that had escaped the Israelis perched on his shoulder, and a kangaroo crouching in the corner of the room, Mohammed Juma contemplated the little that was left of the zoo he had spent five years creating. "This was my life," he declared. "I watched my dream being destroyed."Berg beheading: No way, say medical experts
22-05-2004 19:01
US medical experts believe that the Berg video was "staged"... was the video created by the US gov't. to deflect attention away from the mushrooming Abu Ghraib torture scandal? --- VarletEric Idle presents... The FCC Song
22-05-2004 01:00

Once upon a time in Rafah (by Latuff)
21-05-2004 23:59

Rage against Sharon brings new life to Parliament Square
21-05-2004 23:24
After Brian Hawe's arrest, the square picks up again, this time with help from members of Palestine Solidarity Campaign and International Solidarity Movement. Numbers have varied from night to night, but Friday's was the lowest, with around 20 taking part.Police Officer stabbed in Birmingham
21-05-2004 23:19
What goes around....comes around.Billy Wilson's English Essay
21-05-2004 22:00
not all Americans are afraid of the Bushies...Attacks on British Embassy in Tehran: ANOTHER SET UP?
21-05-2004 21:47
Remember attacks on American Embassy in Tehran?Petition to Stop US Military Aid to Israel (please sign)
21-05-2004 20:01
Please sign the petition below at:
SAS on streets of Manchester
21-05-2004 19:25

Here is some of their latest work....
Tajikistan: Strategic U.S. Victory, Tactical Setback
21-05-2004 17:48

Protest Israeli atrocities in Gaza
21-05-2004 17:44
If you're going to be in London for the Iraq demo tomorrow...The Silencing of America: Americans Are Afraid of Bush’s Violent Regime
21-05-2004 17:16

Arms company EDO MBM shut down for a day (Pics & Report)
21-05-2004 16:50

21-05-2004 16:05
Following a citizens weapons inspection at HMS Warrior (Northwood HQ) by Trident Ploughshares activists, a report has been produced by the group outlining their findings. (The report is based exactly on a report by Hans Blix of UNMOVIC)Getting Away With Murder - From the Bogside to Basra
21-05-2004 15:33

Israel fears growing terror threat by settlers
21-05-2004 15:28
Do Palestinians have any rights to defend their homes?Illegal Settlements: Israel Bulldozes ONLY Palestinian homes and towns in punishments and land stealing,thus creating more homeless refugees, killing women and children, re creating Ghettos, practicing racism against arab israelis and Bedouins..