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EZLN: 20 &10: Fire and Word

17-11-2003 15:32

The EZLN is celebrating the 20th anniversary. On November 10, the "EZLN: 20 &10, Fire and Word" campaign was launched with the presentation of the book of the same name, written by
Gloria Munoz Ramirez.

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what britons really think about bush... (yougov poll results)

17-11-2003 15:23


ok just another poll - but results are supported by other recent polls - the message is clear - BUSH GO HOME!

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Mass murderer lives well.

17-11-2003 15:09

This is the luxurious prison lifestyle of the Lockerbie bomber—the Libyan jailed for the terrorist killings of 270 people.

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Reasons to protest Bush Visit

17-11-2003 14:43

Just a few of the many reasons to protest at the visit from bush:

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Contributors wanted for GM film

17-11-2003 12:17

Contributors are being sought for a film about the last six or seven years worth of campaigning against the introduction of genetically modified crops. If you have video footage of demonstrations, protests, office occupations or direct action, please let us know. We are also seeking people who have a specific personal involvement in the campaign in some way and are willing to be interviewed for the film.

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FABO at the Royal Albert Hall

17-11-2003 12:05

As mentioned in the "2 BP bosses in one day" newswire posting below, the movemnent among oily types is stronger than ever.

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Campaign funds to bush/cheney.

17-11-2003 12:05

The tribes chairman and his son have given campaign contributions to the bush/cheney 2004 election cycle. As someone who is a native American Indian I find this most embarrassing to state that I am a Cowlitz Indian after learning that the Chairman of the tribe used Our official name when he and his son gave $2,000 each plus the wife on the council also gave $2,000.

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UK Becomes Sixth Country to Implement the European Union Copyright Directive

17-11-2003 11:30

Slashdot are running a story on the passing of the European Union Copyright Directive.

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The photo of Simon Chapman who is in hunger-strike for 44 days

17-11-2003 11:20

Simon Chapman is in hunger-strike for 44 days,
Solaiman Dahdouk 58 days,
Carlos Martinez 44 days,
Fernando Perez 44 days,
Spyros Tsitsas 41 days.

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Bush Statue topplin' in Slough

17-11-2003 11:11

The people of Slough show their disgust at the imminent Bush visit

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Nunca Máis: more than 150.000 at Santiago de Compostela. YearONE of the Prestige

17-11-2003 10:55

Free people of Galiza, solidary and voluntary people from here and there: two words in the mouth of the Sea are understood worldwide: Nunca Máis.

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Cops and Security Guards Riot in Baghdad - report

17-11-2003 10:13

*NEWSFLASH* - read report below but bear in mind that news just came in of another proetst, same place, same issue, taking place now as none of the protestors demands have been met....

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'NO GM AMBUSH' Protest

17-11-2003 09:27

Protesters bare all at Parliament Square in anti GM message to Blair and Bush

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Meme warfare through entertainment

17-11-2003 06:24

Resistance begins in the mind...

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Prepared for the Provacateurs

17-11-2003 06:10

Check out this article from cancun indy during WTO mtgs-
After the violence triggered by paid provocateurs on Tuesday, the death of Mr. Lee, and a general climate of anger and repression, everyone feared the worst sort of confrontation on Saturday, and the police brought in massive reinforcements. They tripled the size of the metal barriers, and the provocateurs showed in greater numbers, with shopping carts filled with stones and huge metal bars. But the diverse sectors of legitimate protestors came together in an amazing plan that produced the most beautiful, moving and symbolic protest imaginable, so powerful that we were all sure we had reached and passed the turning point viz-a-viz the WTO.

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Global Intifada (by Latuff)

17-11-2003 02:38

Global Intifada
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror.