UK Newswire Archive
mysterious death of microbiologist david kelly
19-07-2003 11:59
The recent finding of the body of UK Government microbiologist Dr David Kelly adds to the death toll of at least 14 renowned microbiologists who have died in mysterious circumstances over the past 2 years.Larzac Festival Against WTO - France 8-10th August 03
19-07-2003 10:42
Against the world trade organisation
8 - 10 august 2003
wild cat strike
19-07-2003 10:37
BA cancel more flightsMany passengers spent the night at the terminal
British Airways' passengers face further chaos on Saturday following an unofficial staff walkout at Heathrow Airport. More than 10,000 passengers were affected on Friday after 80 inward and outbound flights to domestic and European destinations were cancelled.
Saddam's fall weakens Palestinian terror groups
19-07-2003 00:36
- Saddam's fall causes terrorist cash shortage- Downfall of dictator also results in power vacuum in Arafat's Fatah
Bloody Aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan
19-07-2003 00:14
At the end of the 20th century human mankind became faced with an unprecedented recidivism of the medieval barbarity - the mass expulsion of the people from their home places and the direct genocide towards the whole people. Azerbaijan turned out to be one of such victims. In 1987 Armenia raised a problem of joining the Nagorny-Karabakh Region of the Azerbaijan Republic to Armenia and a range of actions were undertaken by Armenia in this respect.The wave of Armenian chauvinism raised in connection with the forced problem of "reunion" of Nagorny-Karabakh and even which does not have common borders on Armenia, led to the mass violations of human rights of Azeris living in Armenia.
Interview with Mark Thomas at the Edinburgh anti-repression action, 17th of july
18-07-2003 23:31

Blair psychopath - from glass-eyed Brown psychopath wing
18-07-2003 22:53
A clinical psychopath - so say the psychopaths struggling to gain control in this illusion"Ask for Death!"
18-07-2003 21:14
Host: "What is better, peace and full rights for the Palestinian people, or Shahada?"Walla: "Shahada. I will achieve my rights after becoming a Shahida."
Video clips of the Palestinian propaganda items mentioned are available at the linked address.
Israel’s Refusal to Recognize the Right of Palestinian Refugees to Return
18-07-2003 20:35
Since July 1 the Israeli government has violated RVERY recent agreement it made by carrying out military invasions of Palestinian areas, implementing a campaign of abductions, opening fire on civilian areas without provocation, imposing curfews and not relaxing its “draconian” closure that restricts all movement for Palestinians18-07-2003 20:00
Breaking News 18/07/03: The WEF Summit in Dublin has been cancelled! The WEF propose to merge it with the next Davos (switzerland) Summit in January 2004, which will be during Ireland's presidency of the EU.REPUBLICANS SEND COPS TO ARREST DEMOCRATS ON US CAPITOL HILL
18-07-2003 19:28
WASHINGTON - There was a stand-off today between the Democratic members of the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means and the U.S. Capitol Police after they were called by staff representing Committee Chairman Bill Thomas (R-Calif.). The incident occurred after Committee Democrats protesting the late notice given them of major changes to pension legislation, walked out of the Ways and Means markup of that bill in the main Committee room and convened a meeting in the Committee library.Bush Administration Promises Perpetual War
18-07-2003 17:39
"We're going to get better over time," promised Lawrence Di Rita, a special assistant to Rumsfeld. "We've always thought of post-hostilities as a phase" distinct from combat, he said. "The future of war is that these things are going to be much more of a continuum"This is the future for the world we're in at the moment," he said. "We'll get better as we do it more often."
Bush Uranium Lie Is Tip of the Iceberg
18-07-2003 17:32
Five months later, the truthfulness of one claim in George W. Bush's Stateof the Union address has become the focus of growing media scrutiny. The
attention media are paying to this single assertion should be part of a
larger journalistic inquiry into other misstatements and exaggerations
that have been made by the Bush administration about Iraq.
Urgent!: Thessaloniki prisoners being denied letters
18-07-2003 17:18
Simon, thessaloniki prisoner, has just phoned and said that letterswhich DO NOT have a return address on the ENVELOPE will not be delivered
to prisoners.
18-07-2003 16:50
Loonscape, the online community designed to challenge business to provide a better deal for mental health, has launched the Loonscape Social Exclusion Forum. Chaired by Peter Campbell, a founder of 'Survivors Speak Out', the Forum is designed to collect evidence from mental health service users of good and bad practice from financial service providers. This will be submitted later this year to the Government.Wake Up! Wake Up! It's Yer Chips With Everything
18-07-2003 16:39
Repost from Schnews Issue 415Friday 18th July 2003.
Interview with Simon, at anti-repression action in Edinburgh, 17.7.2003
18-07-2003 16:34

also see

There are also more pictures in bigger file-sizes to see at:

With God On Our Side? Bush’s Use of Almighty God to Justify War in Iraq
18-07-2003 16:11
By making certain statements about God blessing America in the war on Iraq, did George Bush inadvertently make it a Holy War? I will look at the use of God in his State of the Union address and how he has invoked God since then. Many religious groups and leaders were very upset by this.interview with Jam74 anti-road protester
18-07-2003 15:43


At this event several campaigns were having stalls and handing out information.
Here is an interview with an anti-road campainger.
Anti-gm audio interview from FrockOn festival, Glasgow, 7th of june 2003
18-07-2003 15:22


At this event several campaigns were having stalls and handing out information.
Here is an interview with an anti-gm protester.