UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
23-10-2005 06:50

money as an activists weapon of propoganda
22-10-2005 22:28
at today's anarchist bookfair, methods were discussed to promote awareness of the full implications of the government's plans to introduce the most draconian, intrusive, sinister system of id registration ever seen in history. using money (£5, £10, £20 notes etc.) to promote websites giving the full facts was an idea that someone introduced. simple, viral, and available to all.Archbishop Nicholls and the Catholic Education Service: An Apology
22-10-2005 13:45
The head of the Plater College Foundation apologises to Archbishop Nichols and the Catholic Education ServiceSINGAPORE TO EXECUTE AUSTRALIAN MAN SOON
22-10-2005 01:19

Situation of anarchist prisoners in Barcelona- Urgent request for solidarity
22-10-2005 01:11
Aggresion to Rafa, isolation of Igor and transfer of Francesco due to solidarity protestsCrest Nicholson Plc Evicted Houseboat Family Open Letter of Appeal
21-10-2005 20:51

[Interview] Nawal el Saadawi: The veils in our society
21-10-2005 16:46

Dealing with natural disasters
21-10-2005 13:37
If you are in the Cambridge area and would like to discuss how to change global politics to respond effectively to natural disasters then click here:
English Secret service says torture works.
21-10-2005 12:56
As Britain's outspoken Ambassador to the Central Asian Republic of Uzbekistan, Craig Murray helped expose vicious human rights abuses by the US-funded regime of Islam Karimov. He is now a prominent critic of Western policy in the region.Mike Tyson in the Midlands
21-10-2005 12:41
The convicted boxer “Mike Tyson” is on a tour in the east midlands and is kicking up a storm in Derby, as “Next Step” a local domestic violence group, based in Swadlincote opposes the glorified tour of a convicted rapist and it would appear that the local people in Derby are backing the protestTerrorism Communism – McCarthyism or Reality
21-10-2005 01:28
Analysts and historians would recall the last time ’bogeyman’ hysteria gripped an unwary public; USA of the nineteen fifties and McCarthyism with the ‘red under the bed threat’ is now one of history's embarrassing moments. Joe McCarthy, puppet of ultra-right forces in the US, ruined numerous careers and lives – for nothing! The degree of 'threat’ attributed to the 'reds' proved to be wildly exaggerated, more a product of excited 'judgement' or shared delusion than accurate assessment. US intelligence agencies and ultra-right militarists fell victim to their own propaganda and the (dis)information warfare waged at the time.Bereaved families hold 24-hour vigil in Whitehall
20-10-2005 23:28

Londons longest surviving sqatted streets threatened with demolition
20-10-2005 17:32
St. Agnes Place, Kennington, is London’s oldest squatted street. Two hundred people are threatened with imminent eviction and the twenty-something Victorian terraced houses are soon to be demolished.Belfast Calling
20-10-2005 16:45
As a black kid growing up in West Belfast in the 70's and 80' at the height of the war, it had an added impact to me as a child. The overt discrimination by the state drew therefore on both my religion as well as my colour and therefore made me, in their words, a Black Fenian****** as opposed to, ‘just being’ a plain Fenian ******.In an online living diary I account both for those times and my now activism presently, which will be of special interest to those interested in the conflict in Ireland.
Secret agents brief Bracks on 'seditious' protest
20-10-2005 14:39

Fight for a living wage
20-10-2005 10:32
After battles upon battles, Queen Mary's College still hasn't got the message! Demo planned for Thursday 27th October, 4pm, Bancroft Road E1Zapatistas Request Aid for Storm Victims
20-10-2005 09:20
This was has been posted from the Chiapas95 list. To subscribe to the list, go to:
Alternative Social Forum - Caracas, January 2006
19-10-2005 19:29
* From Venezuela we extend an invitation to an international event of and for social movements in the struggle, as a more valid option to the bureaucratic spectacle the World Social Forum has become.Anarchist assembly @ the london anarchist boookair
19-10-2005 17:54
Anarchist assembly @London Anarchist Bookfair
Stirling Uni Students condem Isreali occupation
19-10-2005 15:50
Students at Stirling Uni yesterday voted on a motion to twin with Birzeit University in Palestine and to condemn the illegal occupation, wall and settlers.