UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Blair meets the public (well not really).
07-01-2007 22:29

Keep Our NHS Public - meeting
07-01-2007 18:05
Keep Our NHS PublicPublic Meeting, Thursday 8th Feb, 7.30pm
Nottingham Mechanics Institute
North Sherwood Street
Active Halifax BNP/Combat18 Organiser Sent Swastika Death Threats
06-01-2007 23:52

So much for the BNP not being Nazis, and not running Combat18.
Martin Luther King “One death is one death too many!”
06-01-2007 23:39

American Defeat: An anti-state communist perspective on the Iraq War, 2003
06-01-2007 22:28
An analysis of the US-UK war on Iraq which was written just before the start of the war in 2003. Some of the predictions made subsequently proved to be mistaken but the overall picture has proved to be accurate.Seek out and close this Aryanfuturist meeting-London...
06-01-2007 16:21
A fairly regular poster on has put this up about an AryanFuckup meeting in London due sometime in January...Please seek it out and give them our anti-facist 'regards'....
Sheffield Demo for better Bus services
06-01-2007 15:23

Construction Safety Slammed In Liverpool
05-01-2007 23:03
Outside McDonald’s on Lord Street, the Amicus union launched a campaign against poor safety standards in the construction industry this afternoon. As if to prove their point, Morgan Utilities Ltd were fined £11,000 for a 2005 incident just down the road.Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
How do we get a radical, campaigning student movement?
05-01-2007 14:38
A day of political discussion, training and planning for student activists organised by Education Not for Sale, No Sweat and Students Against Sweatshops. Come and join other student activists to discuss how can we argue for, organise for and campaign for radical ideas in the student movement.11.30-3.30pm, TGWU Transport House, Theobalds Road, Holborn, London
Bungles, Ghosts and Damage Control
05-01-2007 04:57
The Whitehouse is in damage control over the bungled execution of Saddam Hussein. The hurried execution backfired in the worst possible way; a vanquished leader should never be allowed to continue his work from the ‘grave’. Anthropologists are familiar with appeasement rituals and ceremonies for the dead, which are common to numerous cultures. In the wake of Saddam’s bungled execution these curious rituals begin to make sense.Demo at racist prison in central London, this Saturday, 11am
04-01-2007 23:20
Call for demo at Communications House (corner of Old Street/Mallow Street, central London) this Saturday, from 11am til 1pm.Religio Lobby unite to oppose gay equality laws-OutRage! puts 10 point plan
04-01-2007 15:54
New on etc about a campaign mounted by religionists to oppose the forthcoming gay equality laws regarding goods and services (and others)OutRage! issues 10 pont plan to ensure full compliance etc....
Full article | 1 addition | 28 comments
False Flag Operations and Make-Believe Bogymen
03-01-2007 19:17
War is a racket. The people don’t –of course- want war. It takes false flag operations and make-believe bogyman enemies to get the masses to accept war. The USA has wasted 21 trillion dollars since 1945 on military buildups to fight enemies that don't existIraqi asylum seekers in the UK, claims in progress or have been refused asylum
03-01-2007 14:25

They are more cautious on returns to the three Northern Governorates (Sulaymaniyah, Erbil and Dohuk), though they do say "the security situation, even if calm, remains tense and unpredictable" and that careful consideration must be given before any returns are carried out.
Solange Nlandu Therese Nsingu
03-01-2007 06:39

Kalyx & Colnbrook IRCs - Close them down Now!
03-01-2007 06:36

03-01-2007 00:02
summary of the first work table on autonomous education at the meeting of Zapatista communities with the people of the world in Oventik, Chiapas, México.Encounter Between the Zapatista Peoples and the Peoples of the World - 3
02-01-2007 23:35
03 Informative Bulletin about the Encounter between the Zapatista peoples and the peoples of the world01-01-07: Save Iceland banner drop, London, UK
02-01-2007 18:18

Against the repression in Oaxaca, Anti-capitalist class struggle!
02-01-2007 18:11
For several months the town of Oaxaca, capital of the Mexican State of the same name, has been the center of important struggles which have or suffered repeated attacks by the forces of repression (police, army and paramilitary) with many victims: at the end of November the toll was 22 dead and 34 disappeared.