UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Targeting Bail-Out Scroungers Poster
09-02-2009 11:03

Around the Campaigns Monday 9th February 2009
09-02-2009 09:26

As Patrick was on the plane close to take off and not aware of last minute court order to stay removal, (it is still unclear whether the escorts were informed that a judge had stayed the removal), he decided to take on-board evasive action which made quite a stink (I kid you not) and resulted in Patrick being taken off the plane and returned to Colnbrook IRC. Patrick alleges he was roughed up on the plane and in the escort van. He has now been moved to Dover IRC. Thanks to all who faxed/emailed on Patrick's behalf.
Background: Keep Patrick Masengo in the UK, no removals to DR Congo

AEC members tear gassed, beaten and arrested; residents lay blame on ANC
09-02-2009 05:26
Earlier today, Gugulethu SAPS burst into an Anti-Eviction Campaign mass meeting, tear-gassed and beat residents, and then arrested two AEC leaders, Mncedisi Twalo and Mbulelo Zuba.Israeli forces open fire on Palestinian farmers and internationals in al-Farahee
09-02-2009 01:33
Israeli soldiers again opened fire on Palestinian farmers and international Human Rights Workers (HRWs) on Thursday 5th February, as they attempted to harvest parsley in agricultural land near the Green Line.The campaign for the bank users strike begins
08-02-2009 22:54
With this message from the Crisi collective, begins the Banks users strikeFull article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Books not Bombs, A Rally for Gaza, University of Nottingham : Pics 2
08-02-2009 18:08

Books not Bombs, A Rally for Gaza, University of Nottingham : Pics 1
08-02-2009 18:01

Greek banks downgraded!
08-02-2009 17:04
Three of the top Greek banks have been downgraded by the economic agency Moody’s, after losing 70 per cent of their share price in the Athens Stock Exchange during 2008.Gender, Race and Class: an anti-capitalist feminist event - SOAS, Sat 14 Feb!
08-02-2009 16:01
Details for the anti-capitalis feminist event to be held in London on St Valentine's Day #'09.Dirty Socks: Who Will Get My Vote?
08-02-2009 14:15
'I have some good news and some bad news,' the sergeant in the joke tells his men. 'The good news is that you are going to change your dirty socks. The bad news is that you are going to exchange them among yourselves.'London Basque Solidarity Campaign-Public Event
08-02-2009 11:55
PUBLIC EVENT organised by London Basque Solidarity CampaignThursday 12th February 2009 (7:00pm) Oxford House
Projection of the documentary The Spanish Inquisition
Speaker Saleh Mamon (Human Rights activist)
The future of Azerbaijan- an eternal presidency, no foreign broadcasts, no freed
08-02-2009 04:09
In an interview with, the president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Lluis Maria de Puig expressed his regret over the broadcast ban of foreign radio stations as well as concern over recent constitutional amendments. These changes seriously undermine the possibility for a democratic state in Azerbaijan especially because Azerbaijan took the responsibility to abide by the principles of democracy, respect for law and human rights when joining the Council of Europe.Pacifism or Animals: Which Do You Love More?
08-02-2009 04:06
Steve Best and I penned an essay that focuses specifically on the struggle for animal rights, but also presents a broad and harsh critique of dogmatic pacifism and a strong argument that the growing ecocrisis necessitates that we employ holistic, pluralistic, contextualist tactics (including the use of militant direct action) in the battle for total liberation for humans, non-human animals, and the Earth.Madagascar: More than 25 killed in march to presidential palace
08-02-2009 03:59
At least 25 people were shot dead today in Madagascar's capital Antananarivo during a march to the presidential palace called by the city's mayor Andry Rajoelina after he declared himself the leader of a new transitional government at a political rally. In the past weeks, a power struggle between the mayor and the president Marc Ravalomanana has led to both violence and looting.The Path of the Revolutionary Student Movement
08-02-2009 03:19
In the university town of Mérida, Venezuela, student political organizations have had a significant presence at marches both for and against a proposed constitutional amendment that will eliminate the two-term limit on elected offices if it is approved in a national vote this February 15th. The predominant discourse has been quite polarized between opponents and supporters of President Hugo Chávez, who plans to run for a third term in office and carry on the construction of “21st Century Socialism” if the amendment passes. However, nuanced voices have emerged from the campaign hype. Seeking to highlight the deeper analysis provided by these non-conformist voices, interviewed student leader and social activist Carmen Pulido about the state of radical student activism and the amendment. Pulido regularly organizes student-labor solidarity activities and other political events along with a loose network of anti-capitalist university students. These students have been staunch supporters of many of the initiatives undertaken by Chávez’s ten year administration. Nonetheless, the students persistently retain their autonomy in order to push the “Bolivarian Revolution” led by Chávez toward what they see as a more just and revolutionary path.9/2 Fax action for antifascist prisoner, Christian
07-02-2009 21:39

incarceration as a result of taking part in antifascist actions (attacking nazi demos).
Conference to Organize Community Survival Programs in Africa and U.S.
07-02-2009 20:28
All African People’s Development and Empowerment Project Conference Calls for Engineers, Scientists and Healthcare Workers to Build Community Survival Programs in Africa and U.S. - February 21-22, 2009Carmel-Agrexco UK report. Sat 7 Feb 2009
07-02-2009 19:18

Pictures copyright (C) 2009 Peter Marshall
Why the Innocent Are Punished More Harshly Than the Guilty
07-02-2009 17:15
A man who died in prison while serving time for a rape he didn't commit was cleared Friday by a judge who called the state's first posthumous DNA exoneration "the saddest case" he'd ever seen. . . .Asylum and the myth of sharing
07-02-2009 16:41
Have you ever wondered why as children we’re taught the importance and value of sharing? I have and it seems somewhat misplaced; it’s not as if as adults we have any need for such a value.The much-lauded childhood principle of sharing runs contrary to those principles we practise as grown-ups. As adults we are scared about what the next man has, we envy his lot. We are scared about what sharing might do to our children’s futures. Those very children who think sharing is so important. So while as children we equate goodness with generosity, as adults we try very hard to undo this philosophy. Bizarrely this seems to work.