UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Top Nepalese Maoist To Speak In London
07-11-2006 21:08
3 meetings are taking place from Friday to Monday this week. Comrade Suresh a leader of the revolution in Nepal and a member of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) will be speaking.Hertford Magistrates criticise Police
07-11-2006 17:37
On Monday (6th Nov), an animal rights protestor was up before the magistrates of Hertford for a breach of section 14 of the Public Order Act. Basically he had not done as an officer had told him during a demonstration at GSK’s site in Ware, Hertfordshire on 16th June, 2006. There were two sec.14 notices in question and while the protestor was found guilty of breaking the second, the magistrates called the first one, relating to a protest at GSK’s massive site at Stevenage, “unlawful and misconceived”.Wolfowitz in London next Monday morning
07-11-2006 17:23
Paul Wolfowitz, neo-con co-architect of the Iraq invasion and presidenbt of the World Bank will be in London next Monday, and the Bank's European office has requested a meeting with UK development NGOs for 10.30 am. Venue not known as yet....Travel agents disrupted in Reading!
07-11-2006 14:12
As part of yesterdays day-of-action against short-haul flights, called for by Plane Stupid, there were direct-actions and protest against travel agents in Reading.Urgent action to protect babies in the Philippines
07-11-2006 14:12
This is an alert sent to Baby Milk Action supporters announcing a campaign launched today to help protect babies and mothers in the Philippines from the aggressive marketing of baby foods. Efforts to regulate the baby food companies to stop breastfeeding from being undermined and to ensure breastmilk substitutes are used safely if necessary are being threatened by legal action from US companies and pressure on the President from the US Chamber of Commerce.Speakers from Rossport Solidarity Camp
07-11-2006 13:59
A presentation from campaigners at the Rossport Solidarity Camp, followed by a discussion.Sunday 12th November, 7.30pm.
At Kebele,
14 Robertson Road,
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They have biometrics in Poland already...!
07-11-2006 02:22
I just visited Poland and they have biometrics already(I did not manage to get a photo of a one)
Letter in Support of the People of Oaxaca
06-11-2006 20:48
LETTER IN SUPPORT OF THE PEOPLE OF OAXACA1.3 million people march in Oaxaca
06-11-2006 19:47

the pics show the protesters, a military spy caught by activists, burned out barricades, activists with self-made-bazookas and molotov cocktails for protecting - if necessary - the mega marcha against the police.
Sweatshops, workers and international solidarity
06-11-2006 16:14
No Sweat's annual conference takes place in London on 25 November.Full article | 3 additions | 2 comments
Stop Moping - Towards Strategic Insurrection
06-11-2006 13:13
Big mobilisation haven't turned out very successful recently. The 22nd October Collective gives us an idea why. Some more thoughts on strategies and what makes them work.Benn Speaks in His Favorite City
05-11-2006 23:07
Merseyside STWC welcomed Palestinian delegation and Tony Benn to LiverpoolOAXACA: THE BATTLE OF THE DAY OF THE DEAD
05-11-2006 08:31

The police did even have to leave the city because of the strong resistance.
pics of the battle:
Urban insurrection on Nottingham estate?
05-11-2006 08:07
Recent news reports have revealed an incident of unrest in Nottingham in which people built barricades and fought police - prefiguring the mass revolt which could become more frequent in the face of widespread repression.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
- - - Mexico, Oaxaca: police with the SWASTIKA ! - - -
05-11-2006 07:30
International climate action day in Gothenburg
04-11-2006 23:18

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London Mexican embassy protest video - 30/10/06
04-11-2006 16:30

Record turn out for London's Critical Mass
04-11-2006 14:29