UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
***ASN BLOC*** for Free Education [Nov 19]
07-11-2014 14:10
Call from the Autonomous Student Network for all anarchist, libertarian left and autonomist students to from a bloc at the Free Education demonstration on November 19th - Free university in a capitalist society is like a reading room in prison!The revolution has begun !
06-11-2014 09:25
Last night in an unprecedented display of the power of the people the British establishment was rocked to its foundations by hundreds of thousands on the streets.SHOCKING: FAR RIGHT NHS EMPLOYEE DEFENDS BIGOTRY @slatedl @edlnews @otanislove
05-11-2014 23:45

Her words "Bigotry is an important part of diversity because it maintains differences".
Tell that to the victims of violent racial assaults, or the relatives of a racial murder victim.
Philippines: Akbayan and Santiago file joint resolution to terminate VFA
05-11-2014 11:04

Cambridge FBU Picket.
04-11-2014 21:47

HAPPY HALLOWEEN, NAZI SCUM! @edlnews @slatfascists @misslbuttercup
31-10-2014 15:56

Isreali Ambassador Greeted by Protest During Cambridge Visit.
26-10-2014 16:49

Philippines: Lawmakers studying the filing of bill against hate crimes
26-10-2014 01:40

Iranian Anarchist Musician Shahin Najafi Speaks About Acid Attacks On Women
25-10-2014 09:11

Global Rally Against ISIS, For Kobane & For Humanity : Nov 1st 2014
22-10-2014 23:13

Turkey : Armed Manifestation In Support Of Kobane
20-10-2014 21:31

War Against ISIS / Daesh : ColdHackers Hijack Turkish Regime FB Accounts
20-10-2014 03:00

Brief Analysis of Western Anarchist / Leftist Critique of Rojava Solidarity
19-10-2014 19:23

UG#694 - Social Destabilization Tactics Post 1989 (The Terrifying War On Terror)
19-10-2014 17:47

Can the TUC march and rally today deliver the Movement thats been overdue?
18-10-2014 11:09
Poverty Made in England to mark today's march and rally against low pay
The slogan should be No Pay and Low Pay-
Will the TUC listen to the people who are not in chains of trade union bureaucracies?
Cops at the door - a Bristol anti-repression statement
16-10-2014 15:34

International solidarity call for D.A.F & The People of Kobanê
09-10-2014 09:57

War against ISIS/Daesh: Solidarity actions, demos, occupations, clashes.
09-10-2014 09:41

Kurdish groups in Europe and Turkey have stepped up protests in solidarity with their comrades on the frontline in Kurdistan.
Call-Out For Solidarity Actions For De Vloek!
08-10-2014 13:08
De Vloek (The Curse) is a 12 year-old squatted social centre in the city of The Hague (Holland). The council now plans to evict and demolish it to build a luxury sailing centre. De Vloek has no intention to leave! On the 16th of October the council will decide if the demolition will go ahead. We are therefor launching a call-out for solidarity actions on Monday the 13th of October (think banners, dutch embassies, etc.).Philippine activists start 1,000-km march for climate justice
07-10-2014 12:54