UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
visible protest
02-08-2004 22:35
Without its corresponding visible street protests our efforts in internet and the alternative press accomplish little to nothing.9-11 Commission Report - a Significant Failure
02-08-2004 18:48
The 9-11 Commission Report failed to ask WHY. Why was the U.S. attacked? If it had addressed the root cause of the problem, America's foreign policy toward the Middle East would have had to be dealt with. And then it would have had to deal with its unconditional support for Zionist Israel and its rape of Palestine.Building Bridges Radio -Trillin Rhymes Bush and the AFL-CIO Must Change
02-08-2004 14:17
Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 29 minute radio show. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOWReport of Dungavel protest Sunday 1st August 2004.
02-08-2004 06:33

Homes for Life under Threat.
01-08-2004 19:03
Blair’s policy experts with their mouths tucked firmly between the cheeks of the corporate & private landlord are floating a package of reforms which will end council tenant’s right to a home for life.George Bush exposed
01-08-2004 18:45
At long last we have caught George Bush with his pants down. Hot.TAKE BACK THE STREETS PROTEST EDINBURGH SATURDAY 31ST JULY 2004
31-07-2004 21:56

Death of a Civilization, Welcome 21st Century American Slave
31-07-2004 02:54
The death of civility and decency in the U.S. and the reconditioning of the minds of the American people.REDS GET STADIUM GO-AHEAD - Echo Jul 30 2004 [IS IT BYE-BYE STANLEY PARK?] )-:
30-07-2004 17:25
LIVERPOOL Football Club has finally got the green light for its new stadium as the City Council granted planning permission for the Stanley Park project today (Friday 30 July).The decision came late on Friday afternoon following much deliberation at Liverpool Town Hall and an 8am inspection of the proposed site was also held by members of the council's planning commitee.
30-07-2004 17:19
Hunger Strike of the discoverer & whistle-blower of seized drugs distribution by high-ranking police generals & drug lords in the Philippines. The country is ranked by the latest United Nations report to be the 3rd biggest producer & exporter of the methampetamine hydrochloride, called “shabu”, but commonly called “meth”, “ice”, “crack” in the United States where the instantly addictive illegal substance is becoming extremely popular in the West Coast & Southern States. The Philippines is also an acknowledged major transshipment of the said drugs to other countries. Assasination attempts and persecution on him.LET US DECIDE - the case for council housing (Liverpool has 21,000 remaining)
30-07-2004 17:00
LET US DECIDE (from Guardian 29th June 2004)Tenants have the right to affordable, secure housing that is provided by the council - not private companies
Tenants all round Britain are intent on defending council housing against a government dogmatically committed to privatisation. Decent, affordable, secure and accountable housing provided by the local council has served generations well. And contrary to myth, it pays for itself - if all the money it brings in is reinvested. In Camden, my rent for a three bedroom flat is £85 per week. In the wake of the right to buy policy, the same flats go for over £250,000. Many are now owned by private management companies who rent them out for £300 a week. Housing Association rents in Camden are much higher than the council; and they have an appalling record on repairs and how they treat tenants.
Farnborough Airport Consultative Committee – July 2004
30-07-2004 13:43
Farnborough Airport is the business airport for Europe, a key component of globalisation. Farnborough recently hosted the biennial Farnborough International Airshow, the world's biggest arms fair.FACC, is the consultative committee for Farnborough Airport. It should consist of one third each: airport operator and users, local councils, local community. But due to the manner in which it was unlawfully established, local councils are over represented and the local community severely under represented. Farnborough has never been officially designated by the Secretary of State and thus the committee is not covered by the relevant legislation, but the committee operates as though this were true, or is supposed to. It meets three times a year: March, July, November.
Farnborough Airport Consultative Committee (FACC) met Thursday afternoon 29 July 2004 in the conference suite at BAE Systems headquarters in Farnborough.
Camden forced to back down
30-07-2004 13:42
Camden were to have prosecuted an anti-privatisation campaigner for daring to stick up a poster opposing their sell off of council housing. Public outcry has forced Camden to drop the case.Nestle whistleblower needs support
30-07-2004 12:21
Nestlé whistleblower needs support to stop being deported to Pakistan where threats have been made against his life. Plus a theatre piece from the WOMAD festival showing a Nestlé Medical Delegate at work.Southend: Protest against privatisation of home care
30-07-2004 12:00
Home care workers, members of Unison, Southend Pensioners Group and others joined forces to protest outside a Southend council meeting last week. They want to stop the councils plans to privatise home care services. It was a lively protest, with pensioners and trades unionists waving banners, chanting and handing out leafletts which warned how privatisation will mean a worse service for the elderly, as well as attacks the jobs, pay and conditions of the care workers.East Anglia workers strike threat beats turkey corporation!
30-07-2004 11:57
Around 1,000 workers had voted for strike action at the Holton and Great Witchingham plants in Norfolk and Suffolk. The strike was due to go ahead last Monday (19th July). However, in the face of this proposed action, their bosses at the giant Bernard Matthews Turkey corporation instead suddenly withdrawn its plans to change shift patterns and extend the working week from four days to five. The workers have shown that being organised in a Trades Union can win real results. There actions have now won a withdrawal of the shift changes, a 3 percent pay rise and a 1 percent increase in pensions.Lambda Project tackles Two-Spirits for Upcoming Rainbow Theater Festival
30-07-2004 03:18
BWT is looking for your stories of spirit for upcoming theater festival.