UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
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Tues 28th March. Mass Strike in Britain and General Strike in France.
21-03-2006 00:08
Tuesday 28th March 2006 will see 1.5 Million workers strike to defend pensions. On the same day there will be a General Strike in France as part of the uprising against the CPE.Sainsbury's discrimination against law abiding teenagers
20-03-2006 22:26
Sainsbury’s store in Oswestry, Shropshire, UK has taken the decision to put a blanket ban on all children wearing The Marches School uniform.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Update : French Uprising, General Strike, Protester in Coma
20-03-2006 22:14
French unions and student bodies have today official called for a general strike and massive protests throughout France on 28th March 28 to pressure the government to withdraw the new CPE law that removes existing rights from young workers.More horror in Palestine as Israeli 'defence' forces shot to death 8yr old girl
20-03-2006 19:56
Associated Press reported that eight-year-old Akbar Zayed was on her way to a clinic to have stitches removed from her chin when she was gunned down by a barrage of Israeli 'defence' forces. The IDF raid left behind demolished homes, damaged cars, three hospitalised and a family devastated by the death of a little girl. It was meant to be a raid to arrest 'fugitives' the army claimed were holed up in a house. However the people to end up being shoot in the West Bank village of Yamoun were those in a taxi going to the clinic in the adjacent street.SUPPORT BARCELONA PRISONERS!!!
20-03-2006 17:24
On the 31st of March, the support group for the prisoners from the 4th of February (the 3 south american squatters arrested, beaten, and now being charged with the attempted murder of a copper here in barcelona) are asking everyone who can to pay a visit to your friendly local spanish embassy or consolate....Tues: Solidarity Vigil outside Judicial Review for ex-UK residents in Guantanamo
20-03-2006 16:19
The Judicial Review into British government ministers’ responsibility towards 3 former-British residents held at the US base in Guantanamo Bay will be held at the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand, from tomorrow (Tues 22nd) to Thursday 24th March, starts at 9.30am each day. Supporters are gathering outside from tommorrow morning. Please come to show your solidarity.Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
M1 Widening? Multi occupational bridges!
20-03-2006 15:10

20-03-2006 07:47

Mindwalk 34: Axis of Liars
20-03-2006 07:34
Bush, Cheney, Rice. Rummy gets alot of the limelite, so we'll have a go without him, just this once. We start out with a bit from prime time TV. ABC's Boston Legal of all places. Next Bush's bold face lie aboutIran IED's followed by a few of our favorite lies of old from Dick. New lies fresh from Condies visit to Australia thanks to Martin at Nim FM down under.
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Communique from Ecuador
20-03-2006 01:52

Translated statements from the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador, that have initiated a country-wide uprising "for life and self-determination".
Tyneside Report - March 18th Protest Against Iraq War
20-03-2006 00:19

Why Paris is burning
19-03-2006 16:31
When the explanation was given that: "When one easily fires working people, it's resulting in more jobs." - all human beings with common sense first shook their heads in disbelief, and now shake their fists at those French ministerial crooks advocating this nefarious nonsense.Full article | 1 addition | 15 comments
That it should come to this … fear and loathing on the swp march
19-03-2006 13:04
should’ve known, I really should. I mean when it comes to cynical, piss taking of this merry band of useless marching muppets I’m the worst offender… but somehow, well the glorious events taking place in France, the line of mounted riot cops I saw leaving Islington nick on my way there, well it got my blood running, got my hopes up that this day would be more than the usual impotent trot through London, that perhaps, just perhaps this would be the day that something might happen.LONDON MARCH AND ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT
19-03-2006 11:46
Personal account of the anti-war rally at Trafalgar Square in London and comment on the Stop the War movement.Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Countryside Properties - illegal flyposting danger to cyclists...
19-03-2006 09:26

Safety groups are concerned that drivers can be distracted by the illegal signs. Cyclists have expressed particular concern about Countryside Properties PLC advertising its Mayfield housing development.
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Tony Blair Too Afraid to Come to Brum
18-03-2006 23:17

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Rioting Breaks Out in France After CPE Demos (Paris)
18-03-2006 21:34

The call to action, March 18th 2006
18-03-2006 18:14
Back in January the Assembly of the Social Movements, and the World Social Forum being held in Venezuela, issued the following call to action...Full article | 5 additions | 1 comment
Over One Million on Streets Protesting Against CPE In France!
18-03-2006 17:23
First major estimate's of today's massive french protests put the figure above one million. Le Figaro is reporting that unions believe well over a million are now demonstrating against the CPE labour reform on the streets of France.The Agency France Presses is now quoting organisers as giving a figure of 1,145,000 people...