UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
200 NHS Staff Walk Out In Runcorn
22-09-2006 19:40
The government's sell-off/closure programme within the National Health Service is becoming more widespread, but so is public anger and worker resistance.Judge praises DSEI train blockers!
22-09-2006 13:11
Well almost, Lord Justice Moses, hearing the appeal against sentence of 10 people who blockaded trains taking delegates to the DSEI arms fair in London stated that every one of them had given considerable public voluntary service to the community.Divided City Open Forum on speculation, housing - Sun 1st Oct, London
22-09-2006 12:39

Sunday October 1, 2006, 12.30pm-6.30 pm
Limehouse Town Hall,
646 Commercial Road, London E14 7HA
Mining in Colombia - An Eyewitness Account, 3rd October
22-09-2006 10:34
British companies are profiting from masacres, human rights abuses and environmental destruction in the most blood-soaked country in the Western hemesphere.Defy-ID National Gathering - Nov 25th, Nottingham
22-09-2006 09:49

Minutes of Manchester NO2ID Meeting, Wednesday 13th September 2006
22-09-2006 07:35

Solomon Islands PM publicly denounces Australian government
22-09-2006 01:01

The Cottage of Content Occupation: Summary
21-09-2006 21:36
A week has past since the forcible eviction of the occupiers of the so-called Cottage of Content. With no official word from Birmingham City Council, the buildings’ future function looks uncertain.Bullets and Barricades in Oaxaca, Mexico
21-09-2006 16:41
Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group has issued an urgent call for people to denounce the repression in Oaxaca, Mexico. A mass social movement is demanding the resignation of the State Governor in this southern Mexican state. At least six activists have recently been shot dead, as each night barricades go up on the streets of Oaxaca City.Divisionism is Death
21-09-2006 14:55
A well-known method of subjugation utilised by conquerors and rulers alike is, “divide and conquer”; this strategy applies equally in times of war and peace. It may surprise many but this method remains the principal means of social control in today’s western societies. The primary divisive structure today is the (separate, ‘closed-door’) nuclear family and the principal divided unit is the psychically isolated, competitive individual. [It should be noted that the ‘individual’, as distinct from the group, is a relatively recent social creation.]Eastcroft Incinerator: Views of the Monster
21-09-2006 13:17

This what it looks like now ..... It's monsterous.
If the expansion had gone ahead [or still might, if WRG appeal and are successful] it would have looked even uglier.
NHS Privatisations Rouse Sleeping Giant
21-09-2006 13:13
The working class is waking up to the harsh reality of New Labour’s plansto privatise the NHS and is getting angrier and more militant by the day.
Despite record spending (on consultants!), NHS Trusts are cutting staff and beds to pay for corrupt and stupid PFI deals that will leave them with billions of pounds of debts to line the pockets of capitalist fat cats.
National Camp for Climate Action follow-up meeting in Manchester
21-09-2006 13:05
The Camp for Climate Action was just the beginning!London Climate Camp meeting
21-09-2006 13:01
Where next for climate activism in London? Second Camp for Climate Action follow-up meeting, Tuesday, September 26, 7 PM at RampARTOutRage!-Demo: Uganda stop persecuting gays
21-09-2006 10:28
Gay human rights group Outrage! are joining an NUS-LGBT protest the on-going persecution of lgbt people in Uganda. Fri 22nd 4pm.Manchester University Students Oppose National Identity Register
21-09-2006 09:21

IMF out of the Philippines and South countries now, protesters demand
21-09-2006 03:13

Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
* * HUNGARY: national television under siege - clashes on the streets * *
20-09-2006 22:04

Prison Guards Strike On...And Then Off Again!
20-09-2006 21:44
Yesterday morning it was revealed that Liverpool prison officers had voted to go on strike over a below inflation pay offer and changes to their working practices. But last night it was announced that the strike had been cancelled!