UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Cairo: Deaths and injuries after SCAF attack on #OccupyCabinet
16-12-2011 19:02

Activists believe that up to 5 people have died in Cairo today following clashes between troops and protesters. Hundreds are reported to be injured after pro-SCAF thugs hurled rocks onto the protestors from the roofs of neighbouring buildings. According to Joseph Mayton:
The violence began around two in the morning after an Ultra – a hardcore football fan – was allegedly abducted by security near the nearly three-week old sit-in in front of the Egyptian cabinet building.
The man was reportedly beaten up and tortured by his captors.
Council deceive community and approve Glentaggart East opencast
16-12-2011 16:28

50 Dead & 500 wounded by riot police in Kazakhstan
16-12-2011 10:50
Today, at Kazakhstan’s independence day, more than 3000 people assembled peacefully in Zhanaozen, to promote the demands of the oil workers who have been on strike since May. Police and special forces attacked the meeting and opened fire on the strikers and their families.Anarchy in China as Officials and Cops Beat Retreat from Village
15-12-2011 15:45

Earth First! - 20 years of ecological protest & resistance
15-12-2011 13:53
- looking forward to more digger-diving, machine-sabbing, locking-on radical direct actionLet's get out there and active, day and night
N30 Occupy London Tribute vid
14-12-2011 12:33
Short clips from the day spliced into 6 mins with accompanying track by Riot in London. In solidarity with all those who took part in the occupy and strike action on the dayOne day strike over Primary School Academy plans
13-12-2011 21:54
Teachers, parents and community say No to forcing Montgomery Primary School to become an AcademyToday teachers in the NASUWT and NUT, together with GMB members, held a one-day strike. There was a picket line this morning and last Sunday 11 December at 1.30pm the local community held a public meeting against the Academy takeover at the Sparkbrook Community Centre, Sydenham Rd, Sparkbrook.
Greece: attempted escape from Korydallos Prison by anarchists of the CCF
13-12-2011 20:39

KEN can't do it by rent stunt alone!
13-12-2011 18:04
The BBC is spreading the word for London career politico Ken Livingstone claiming that if elected mayor in 2012, he will practically revolutionise the rent system in housing. That is a good line, Ken. But you haven't shown you know what you are talking about. Unless of course Ken Livingstone is remembering the great initiative he had taken at the GLC, his bastion of pride, where he launched the series of ethicising corruption scams.A Real Victorian Christmas Party and Picnic at Triton Square: Fri 16th
13-12-2011 10:49

Video: Traveller Solidarity Network protest @ The Coronet Wetherspoons, London
10-12-2011 11:40
This is just the beginning....Greece - Athens: clashes during December 6th demo - photos from night
09-12-2011 20:12

The origins of the Occupy movement
09-12-2011 19:41
If the catastrophe that is coming is to be avoided and humanity is to have another chance, it will be because the others, from below and to the left, have not only resisted, but are already sketching the outline of something else.The Unilever Strike and the Case for Classwide Solidarity
09-12-2011 17:41

A Rolling Festive Phone-in to Atos 'Healthcare'
09-12-2011 15:22

What kind of nonsense is going on at Occupy London?
09-12-2011 15:15
Yes, what kind of nonsense is going on at Occupy London? Meeting with UBS and The FSA? Hanging out with The Guardian?UK Uncut Christmas Special
09-12-2011 12:21

Cash tills were ringing, snow falling down.
Big business is merry, and with good reason-
For it’s the busiest shopping day of the season.
But not every CEO should sleep snug in their bed,
As dreams of big profits dance through their head,
Because any tax dodgers with hope of good cheer:
UK Uncut know you’ve been naughty this year.
Greece: The Illegitimacy of Demands
08-12-2011 23:20
With demands over the wage and welfare in austerity Greece deemed illegitimate because unaffordable, what shape can struggle take? Demetra Kotouza sees the all out attack on living standards as producing a de facto opposition that can't be cohered by ideologies of classattack against a police station in Kirkkonummi (Finland)
08-12-2011 18:27
There's been a new attack against the police in Finland. Exactly one month after the last attack against a police station in Kerava, on the night between the 6th and 7th of december (6th is the Finnish independence day) a police station in Kirkkonummi (about 30 kilometers from the capital Helsinki) was attacked with an incendiary device.“While a number of people were lining up for pea soup and elsewhere the “cream of society” was dancing in the president's castle, we decided to take action. Early in wednesday morning 7th of december we warmed the cold night by setting alight two canisters of gasoline with a fuse in front of the doors of Kirkkonummi police station. To warn the creatures moving in the area, we set a mechanism in the fuse that would send a warning with a loud noise.