UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Lancaster UKIP Billboard Improved
16-05-2014 03:42

DWP unravelling - UK Neo Cons breaking laws, suppressing due process
13-05-2014 11:04
The UK DWP is unravelling - the UK Neo Cons CONDEM regime has been breaking laws, suppressing due process daily. Following Denis Skinner drawing attention at a 2013 PMQs to the Cameron-fronted regime driving the vulnerable and the seriously ill to their deaths, a momentary state of shock prevailed. That appears to have been ‘sedated’ by the ferocious PR by Fleet Street tabloids reinforcing their attacks on the low income, the no-income groups and of course ton the sick, the very sick.....
UG#682 - The Commercially Controlled Media (Shadows Of Liberty)
11-05-2014 02:09

Anarcha-feminism: women's liberation, now and in the future society
07-05-2014 10:37
Meeting on anarchism and women's liberationUG#681 - Leviathan Remixed (Resistance Audiocollage)
05-05-2014 16:15

Organising for Abolition: Skill Sharing Weekend
05-05-2014 10:15

Boko Haram – An Image From The Future
04-05-2014 15:02
The future, according to the book, begins only when the false totality of the present is no more. If there was no such thing then there would be no such discontinuity, but since there is there is. On the other hand, the past is not over until the false consciousness of capitalism becomes a totality, and if it does not go away for that it may have something in common with the former. The pivot on the false totality that the two can pursue together, as the tell-tale narrators of market ideology would describe it in their vocabulary, is already a reality putting severe pressure on the military-industrial complex. With Boko Haram having entered the global war on capitalism with a doctrine of open tactical mimicry of the useless suicide army, it became an undeniable fact that the Atlantic Divide is not merely an European matter, but an African one as well. Otherwise it would have to be called Northatlantic Divide but obviously that is not the whole truth. The divide also finds expression in the fact that internal divisions which are remarkably dominant on the American side do not play any role on its Pangaean one. The nervous reactions of canary factions in the military-industrial complex demonstrate that from the Southern side as well, it is not merely a local rejection of imperialism but one yearning for it to be cleared out of the entire hemisphere. If imperialism was a patient, which it is not – it is the disease and Earth is the patient – then its military bases could be seen as hospitals. But even in the few instances where they are, actually they are not, since they do not heal it.Oklahoma Governor Thanks Witnesses After Botched Execution
04-05-2014 02:42

War preparations between Ukraine and Russia – Show or reality?
02-05-2014 18:04

Organising for Prison Abolition: Skill Sharing Weekend
02-05-2014 08:42

Philippines: Inclusive growth under Aquino no longer possible
01-05-2014 12:42

US President Obama Visit in Manila
30-04-2014 11:07

UKIP posters in Leicester, vastly improved
30-04-2014 09:48

Council Asked to Act over Breach of Contract
30-04-2014 09:24
Leicestershire County Council (LCC) has been asked to take action over the late payment of £266,000 by UK Coal. Coal extraction at the Minorca site is continuing despite UK Coal being late in making payments due under a Section 106 Agreement. LCC is being asked to take action either to get the money owed or to stop coal from being extracted and shipped out from the siteMarch for Engerland 2014
29-04-2014 16:26

Benetton stores targeted by global protests
26-04-2014 13:48

Bristol Anarchist Bookfair - 26th April
23-04-2014 16:01

The Bristol Anarchist Bookfair returns for it's 6th bash-back on Saturday 26 April, with enough ideas, debates and books to spark a conflagration. So come on down and add your fuel to the fire.
Victory to the striking South African miners! Demonstrate in London, Thursday 24 April
17-04-2014 06:46

Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London, SW1P 3EE
Outside the Anglo American AGM
Tower Hamlets - could the BBC & Private Eye be leaving out 'UK National' angle?
16-04-2014 16:23
The London Met Police is reported by Wednesday's Guardian (16 April 2014) web site and by the Evening Standard to have found 'no evidence' of criminality in Tower Hamlets Council.There will therefore be no investigation by the Police into Tower Hamlets Council, say those reports.
WDM campaign launch event - The New Scramble for Africa?
14-04-2014 09:53
A speaker event to launch our new campaign, targeting the aid-facilitated neo-colonial takeover of the African food system.