UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Demonstrations agains Lula da Silva Paralyse Brasília
22-12-2004 14:24
On 25 November 2004 Brasília was shaken by two demonstrations against the government Lula. This year will end under the sign of street mobilizations to end and points out at the same time to the perspective of a fierce 2005.Bliar aids US nuke targets
22-12-2004 01:44

By Clayton Hirst
19 December 2004
Item from The independant shows how far the bliar poodler has gone.
How long can he last is open to question, given that poodlers tend to crack up in the end. As the poodler's own poddlers get caught out lying etc., we maty see the psychopathology play out in a suicide in the family as the awareness of his aiding the USUK atrocities in Iraq dawn.
21-12-2004 20:20
Urgent: phone prisoners asap and especially on Tues 21st Dec when therewill be a mass phone in...
21-12-2004 14:47
The people of the free world have not forgotten that half of America’s population opposes the ultra-right wing regime of Bush. A similar situation occurred in Nazi Germany with the rise of another madman to power. The population became polarised; however, the half with the conscience was swept along with the fanatics to the ruin of all. Failure to act against the regime in the early stages resulted in a greater calamity for the entire nation. Let it not happen again!Kelly speaks from Israeli prison after first week
21-12-2004 12:50
Kelly (23) from Madison (Wisc, US) was arrested last week during demonstration against the Apartheid Wall near the village of Bil'in. She is being imprisoned and deported by the Israeli Ministry of Interior because of her role as a community activist in the collective.A Tale for the solstice
21-12-2004 09:06
Cad Goddeu or The Battle of the TreesBy Taliesin
(Translation by Revd. Robert Williams)
European Social Forum: Debating the challenges for its future
21-12-2004 01:33
After three European Social Forums (ESF) we need to step back and ask: whatnext? This newsletter is an attempt to provide a multitude of answers to
this question, reflecting upon the Forum’s purpose, practical achievements
and methods of organisation.
Defend Council Housing Organising Meeting - 22nd December
21-12-2004 00:18
Defend Council Housing Organising Meeting7.30pm - 8.30pm Wednesday 22nd December
Oxford Town Hall
We are all Ahmed Awwad: Popular Resistance in Palestine
20-12-2004 00:31
Reflections on recent acts of popular resistance in Palestine by Israeli member of Anarchists against the WallInternational Dissent!/Anti-G8 Meeting in Feb 2005
19-12-2004 20:28
International Planning, Networking and Co-ordination Meeting Against the 2005 G8 SummitSeverely disabled, mentally ill: the truth about Broadmoor 'terrorist' emerges
19-12-2004 16:47
He is known to the outside world only as "P". Nearly two years ago, he was arrested without charge and imprisoned as an alleged foreign terrorist And he is an alleged terrorist who has no arms.He had had prosthetic arms but had been arrested two years earlier, and the police had broken those arms. They'd actually caused wholesale damage.British Telecom to buy Israeli communications technology
19-12-2004 15:02
Britain's telecommunications giant British Telecom intends to purchase Israeli communications technology, according to Sergei Brosh, chairman of the Israeli Export and International Cooperation Institute.Peace on Earth - Silent Vigil Monday 20th Dec
19-12-2004 11:15
Silent vigil for world peace.NEW DRUGS BILL TO CRIMINILIZE FUNGI
19-12-2004 06:40
A new drugs bill introduced to parliament on 16 Dec will extend police powers, including the power to test for class A drugs simply by arrest. Those testing positive would be required to attend an assessment and follow-up appointment.Additionally, the bill will clarify the current ambiguity relating to the legal status of magic mushrooms, making POSSESSION OF ALL PSILOCYBIAN MUSHROOMS ILLEGAL. Fresh/unprepared mushrooms are currently legal to possess and sell in the UK. Mushrooms artificially dried/prepared for consumption are currently class A. Psilocybian mushrooms are of deep spiritual value as entheogenic sacraments to many people. Their further prohibition constitutes not an increase in the repression of both freedom of spiritual belief, and of basic civil liberties. Common features of the "drug war". I hate to say it, but i kinda saw this coming around a year ago when our beloved mycolegal loophole started becoming over-commercialised :@
One Million at the DC Capitol January 6 - Then Look Out!
19-12-2004 02:24
If we turn out one million people for the election suppression showdown on January 6, it will be impossible to hide how Karl Rove and the Republicans disenfranchised Blacks, Hispanics and students by - among other things - withholding voting machines and ensuring seven hour lines in the inner cities and no lines in the suburbs. What kind of inauguration after that!!Please send this to the appropriate mailing lists.
Zaragoza EXPO 2008 - Activist Crack Down
18-12-2004 21:23
Alternative Carols for Palestine
17-12-2004 21:47
On Thursday there was much carol singing in Cornmarket Oxford. We were just about to start singing alternative Carols for the Palestine Solidarity Campaign when we were trumped by the choir of St Michael’s at the Northgate.Iran not off the hook yet
17-12-2004 17:59
The US and Iran are headed for a Neocon driven confrontation, say three of America's leading experts. But an Administration desire to control the Persian Gulf's energy, not nuclear questions, is the real force driving a clash, making Iran "the frontline state in the anti-hegemonist camp".rampART radio
17-12-2004 09:39
please listen to rampART radio this weekend.. its our birthday here at the rampART creative space.. we will have many good shows and tasty sound bites for your delictation.. support the uk's best radio indymedia station!it's here for you!