UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Not One Cut Until the Bankers Pay!
02-07-2011 08:12

Tuesday 5 July 2011, 5:30pm
Not One Cut Until the Bankers Pay!
J30 actions come to Cambridge (part 2).
01-07-2011 23:05

At one point, I saw it stretch from one end of East Road to the other, with still enough of a head to snake it's way around the corner onto Burleigh Street.
J30 actions come to Cambridge (part 1).
01-07-2011 21:08

In Cambridge this was represented by many schools closing, a skeleton staff at Cambridge Jobcentre, and picket lines in front of Cambridge Regional College and Anglia Ruskin University (see pictures).
Reclaim the Cowley Rd Carnvial on Sunday
01-07-2011 08:20

Our carnival's been stolen ... let's steal it back!
The demolition of social housing?
30-06-2011 22:45
A look at far reaching changes in social housing policy being introduced by the UK government.Report: The US/NATO War in Libya
30-06-2011 22:41

#J30 Sheffield Rally at the end of the March
30-06-2011 19:52

More photos of the Manchester j30 march
30-06-2011 19:32

All pictures are Creative Commons licensed. Pinkolady would like to be credited where they are used.
Cardiff J30- BHS and Vodafone occupied
30-06-2011 19:07
In solidarity with striking workers today, Cardiff city centre hosted "Busk Against the Cuts", Food not Bombs and 3 seperate UK Uncut actionsJ30 March in Manchester
30-06-2011 18:39

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#J30 Sheffield March Against Cuts
30-06-2011 18:25

#J30 Sheffield Rally at start of March
30-06-2011 16:35

"Let Them Go!"
30-06-2011 15:25
Witness' see black men being stopped and searched.The 30th June Strikes and the Need for a New Working Class Movement
30-06-2011 14:12

UG#555 - Homo Systematicus (Machines of Loving Grace & The World of Conspiracio)
30-06-2011 11:41

j30 Critical Mass
30-06-2011 10:32
Watch live broadcasts from a Nokia Phone all over London, from the point of view of a cyclist!Contaminated Bayer site houses get green light despite 'health risks'
30-06-2011 10:22

Sheffield Trades Council March and Rally Tomorrow
29-06-2011 23:20
Sheffield Trades Council March and Rally 12 noon Peace Gardens/City Hall June 30th