UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Iraqi election - fair ?
14-02-2005 19:52
Where the Iraqi election results fair ?UBS Bank Have a Word With Crest Plc
14-02-2005 19:07

radical left iraqi union leader speaks in london
14-02-2005 17:29
Falah Alwan, leader of the radical Federation of Workers' Councils and Unions in Iraq, is in Britain and will be speaking at a meeting hosted by University of London Union on Wednesday February 16 at 7.30pm.Tatchell-What's wrong with the Left...
14-02-2005 16:54
Peter Tatchell questions the Left on its current behaviour.radical left Iraqi union leaders speaks in London
14-02-2005 15:38
Falih Alwan, leader of the radical Federation of Workers' Councils and Unions in Iraq, is speaking at a meeting organised by University of London Union and No Sweat this Wednesday February 16 at 7.30pm.pathfinder schemes
14-02-2005 14:28
In the name of urban renewal, creating sustainable communities, social cleansing on a vast scale is being pushed through unchallenged.London benefit gig for CIPO-RFM this Friday.
14-02-2005 14:24

14-02-2005 14:15
Call for participation of immigrant and antiracist groups at the ESF preparatory meeting in Athens, February 25th, 26th.CIPO-RFM to speak in the uk. Nottingham, Oxford, Cambridge, Brighton, London.
14-02-2005 14:15

14-02-2005 01:43
An INTERNATIONAL CALL for PEOPLES' GLOBAL ACTION BLOCS on MARCH 19 and 20 to EXPOSE and TARGET WAR PROFITEERSMarch 19th - International Anti-War + Anti-Neoliberalism Protests
14-02-2005 01:40
March 19th marks the 2nd Anniversary of the "Shock and Awe" Invasion of Iraq. A Global Day of Coordinated Actions will see demonstrations in London, Glasgow and throughout the world. Elsewhere in Europe massive protests will take place against neoliberalism and for social justice, as well as anti-war.Method in Which Outsiders Judge African Traditions Serves Institutional Interest
14-02-2005 00:21

Amnesty Interventional
13-02-2005 22:01
At the National Conference on April 8-10 2005, AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL UK will discuss 'whether to offer support to armed interventions'!Pensions talks between Prescott and unions stall
13-02-2005 12:36
The latest news from the New Labour spring conference at Gateshead is that talks between unions and Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott on public sector pensions have stalled.Make Love Not War Cancelled
12-02-2005 15:04
Due to harassment from Islington Council, the dance music event previously publicized to be held on Saturday 12th February WILL NOT BE HAPPENING AT ALL SORRY!Pensions pressure builds as union leaders meet with Prescott
12-02-2005 12:46
Union leaders are meeting with Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott to talk about union members' refusal to accept government plans to downgrade public sector pensions schemes. The government is under huge pressure from union members to abandon proposals to cut the pensions schemes.kkkanada: Native groups speak out against mine
12-02-2005 04:58
The Taku River Tlingit First Nation in British Columbia and the Douglas Indian Association in Juneau issued a joint statement against the proposed Tulsequah Chief mine on Thursday.Civil Liberties under threat - James Welch of Amnesty speaks in Oxford
11-02-2005 21:26
James Welch, Legal Director of Amnesty, spoke on current threats to civil liberties at a meeting in Oxford Town Hall on 10 February, called by OSTWC (Oxford Stop the War Coalition).Muharram the month of revolution
11-02-2005 20:44