UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Liverpool: The Yuppie Takeover
26-03-2006 16:18
Lord, in a bourgeois town
It's a bourgeois town
I got the bourgeois blues
Gonna spread the news all around
- Leadbelly
Letter from Ignasi, detained anarchist in Barcelona
26-03-2006 12:35
Letter recieved from Ignasi, arrested anarchist of 9th February, Barcelona. Ignasi was arrested in an anti-terror operation by the Catalan State investigating a number of direct actions against banks and prison institutions in the city.An Interview with Kim Petersen, Co-editor of Dissident Voice
26-03-2006 07:20
"The UN should be scrapped and reconstituted along egalitarian and democratic lines. There must be no permanent power allotted to any one state or group of states” - Kim PetersenFull article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Byelorussians Appeal for Indymedia & commercial media support
26-03-2006 01:01
Things are happening in Byelorussia. The anarchist camp got brutally evicted on friday. Their crime wasn't so special, the pitched tents on a square which is usually used to sell children to whomever wants to buy them at $50. Maybe they put off the punters. But thats politics. Translators and Horizontal solidarity and support is being asked for by our peers in Minsk. Give it to them.__________________________________________________
UK Pensions Mass Strike, 28th March 'Red Tuesday!' More Rallies announced.
25-03-2006 20:15
Red Tuesday - 28th March will see mass strikes against capitalist attacks in both Britain and France.In Britain, the strike will be to defend workers pension rights, and will involve 1.5 million workers. It could be the largest strike here since the 1926 general strike.
More pics of 18th March march
25-03-2006 19:32

An Anarchist Commentary About Cuba
24-03-2006 23:51
James Petras’ Photographs of Cuba Before and After Developing: An anarchist commentary on his declarations about Cuba* The Cuban Libertarian Movement (MLC – Movimiento Libertario Cubano) makes some pertinent observations about certain declarations by somebody who was until recently an unconditional defender of the Cuban revolution.
No Trident Replacement protest March 25th
24-03-2006 21:49
No Trident ReplacementProtest on Saturday 25th March in Market Square 11.30am-2.30pm
Organised by Nottingham CND and local Unison.
The next popular war?
24-03-2006 21:26
Since September 11 there has been ongoing speculation that the Bush Administration would counter one crisis or another by triggering another terrorist attack on American soil. The Republicans are in a particular funk at the moment, and with elections coming up, the idea that another attack might occur is difficult to resist.On the other hand, Bush now bases his entire Presidency on the illusion that he is the guy to protect Americans from terrorism. It will be difficult to blame the next attack on Clinton. After the Dubai ports fiasco and other questions about American port security, the responsibility for a new attack might turn right back at Bush. Another attack blamed on another Middle Eastern country that the United States is talking about attacking follows a fairly obvious pattern.
More than £1000 donated by Sheffield citizens to MSF's ongoing work in Sudan
24-03-2006 15:11

Crossrail Bill braeches Human rights Convention -Court action 27 March 2006
24-03-2006 13:17
A group of campaigners in the East End of London, in the Brick Lane E1 area, are taking court action against Alistair Darling MP, the CrossRail Bill minister. They are also seeking court orders against the London Borough of Tower Haceks Council over that Council’s breaches of the law and over its abuses of public cash in promoting the CrossRail hole planCall to the (American) Continent- Indigenous Peoples of Ecuador Demand Democracy
24-03-2006 00:46
This is a letter to the Government and Peoples of the USA from NAHUACALLI, Embassy of Indigenous Peoples.HIGH COURT JUDGE CONDEMNS ARMS COMPANY’S LEGAL TACTICS
23-03-2006 22:43
On Thursday 23rd March 2006 a High Court Judge handeddown a damning judgement against an arms company. He
struck out an interim injunction against remaining
defendants in the controversial harassment injunction
case brought against anti-war protesters in Brighton
by arms manufacturers EDO MBM Technology Ltd.
The case has been continuing in the High Court for
nearly a year without reaching a full trial despite an
court order that a speedy trial should be prepared
for because of ‘human rights implications’.
‘The blame for loss of the trial date in my view
undoubtedly lies with the claimants’ says Judge
Bristol: Bass not Bombs - political PARTY mashup!
23-03-2006 20:53

Update from Ecuador.
23-03-2006 20:23

Libertarian, Anarchist and Antiauthoritarian Forum, in Athens, May 4-7, 2006
23-03-2006 18:20
Libertarian, Anarchist and Antiauthoritarian Forum, in Athens, Greece, May 4-7, 2006.Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Strike Rallies throughout Britain on 28th March - Red Tuesday!
23-03-2006 18:20
Red Tuesday - 28th March will see mass strikes against capitalist attacks in both Britain and France.In Britain, the strike will be to defend workers pension rights, and will involve 1.5 million workers. It could be the largest strike here since the 1926 general strike.
Three day sit-in outside parliament next week.
23-03-2006 18:11
Eighty or more Iranian asylum seekers' sit-in will be staging a three days sit-in in London to protest against the Home Office's asylum laws. The protest begins on the 27th and end on the 29th in front of parliament and they will attend everyday from 8am-6pm.Thousands of asylum seekers who have fled the Islamic regime of Iran and have come to Britain are faced with appalling and inhumane conditions. Many have either been refused asylum and issued removal orders or are in the precarious situation of waiting. An illegal, unsafe and unprotected life has been imposed on many of them.
Important ruling on police keeping DNA records?
23-03-2006 12:09
As I understand it the police routinely take DNA samples when people are arrested and do not destroy these even if you subsequently released without charge (let alone found not guilty if brought to court). Now see this which has just been reported by the BBC.Ustiben report : BRITAN'S ANSWER: SEND IN BULLDOZERS
23-03-2006 12:06
Ustiben reportBRITAIN'S ANSWER:
Grattan Puxon
Yesterday the bulldozers were sent in
yet again to crush the homes of Travellers
who by the British Government's own admission
have nowhere legally to live.