UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Students Occupy Runcorn College!
04-03-2007 16:23
Over fifty Sixth Form students at Riverside College, Runcorn, Cheshire reacted against the removal of I.T. facilities from the college and the atmosphere of secrecy in which the ill-disguised asset strip was carried out.Full article | 1 addition | 8 comments
Copenhagen, saturday afternoon:Big demo in support of Ungdomshuset
03-03-2007 21:24

They were all there : The black dressed and the punks, mothers with prams and the eternal vagabonds, mature women with handbags and powder on their cheeks and old veterans with silver in the hair.
Defend the NHS Day: Sheffield Demonstration
03-03-2007 20:15

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Denmark: Copenhagen is burning
03-03-2007 18:39

Solidarity action in many european countries.
documentary: Reclaim Power - voices from the camp for climate action 2006
03-03-2007 18:18

AUSTRALIA: NSW: Mardi Gras 2007
03-03-2007 00:17

Rural Workers in Uruguay occupy land and call for solidarity
02-03-2007 19:34
On January 14 of this year, Mandiy� � a group of small dairy farmers � occupied a 388 hectare section of the Eduardo Acevedo Estate in the area of Bella Uni�n, in the north of Uruguay. This is the second land occupation in the country, following the group of �peludos� (sugar cane workers) in their occupation one year ago of another 32 hectares that had been abandoned for more than ten years.1. Day after eviction of Ungdomshuset - TIMELINE
02-03-2007 17:30
The day after the eviction of Ungdomshuset and the following demonstrations, barricades and riots in Copenhagen, the police is expecting more troubles. Activists are meeting tonight and a few happenings are taking place around town. Things have been planned for tonight and the fight is obviously not over yet! A lot of people have now been detained for 14 days or more.New 'rebel' bulletin - The Nottingham Sparrow - March 2007 - no.1
02-03-2007 17:14

A new local bulletin by the Nottingham group of the Anarchist Federation is launched this month to 'celebrate' the opening of Nottingham's new Market Square later this month. Further issues will come out whenever we
have something new to say. We welcome letters and leads for the next issue. Contact Nottingham AF at:

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Ungdomshuset Solidarity Demo
02-03-2007 15:15
Reporting from the demo by mobileFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Ruths facistpolice clears the Youthhouse in Copenhagen!! Se all about it!!
02-03-2007 13:09

Ruths fascistpolice clears the Youthhouse in Copenhagen!!
Se all about it!!
Rospuda Demo next Friday/Demonstracja na rzecz Rospudy
02-03-2007 13:08

Informacje dotyczace demonstracji przeciwko przeprowadzeniu obwodnicy przez dolinę Rospudy. Demonstracja odbędzie sie w sobote, 9 marca o 16:30 na przeciw Polskiej Ambasady w Londynie
On the Ground: Shell to Sea protest, Dublin, 24/02/07 - video and report
02-03-2007 12:42

Call for International Anti-G8 Demo in Rostock, June 2
02-03-2007 11:20
The following is a call for an international demonstration against the 2007 G8 Summit in Heiligendamm, to be held in Rostock on Saturday 2 June, 2007. To sign up to support the Call, goto: www.heiligendamm2007.deAnd remember to stick around for other actions and events throughout the week! See: and
'Block G8' call for mass blockades of the G8
02-03-2007 11:15
The following call for mass blockades of the G8 summit has been published by a broad coalition of groups, from anti-fascists to non-violent action groups, BUNDjugend (the German Friends of the Earth youth organisation) to radical-left networks, socialist youth organisations to the Green Party Youth Steering Committee, trade union organisations to christian organisations, libertarian theologists to activsts from attac... More groups are being invited to sign up. Do so here: www.block-g8.orgYou can save political prisoner Ahmad Batebi from execution
02-03-2007 10:04

Today Ahmad Batebi is one of the thousands of political prisoners that are not far from death because of non stop torture in prison.
Polish solidarity with Ungdomshuset
02-03-2007 09:37
Poznań (consulate) -
And today around 2pm (1pm in UK) in Warsaw -

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Ungdomshuset Solidarity Demo Friday London
02-03-2007 01:15
Meet 2pm HYDE PARK CORNER, inside on park
Bring banners, flags, leaflets, noisemakers....
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Police evicts social centre 'Ungdomshuset' in Copenhagen
01-03-2007 19:32
After a long political and legal battle the basis-democratic, alternative political and cultural centre 'Ungdomshuset' was forcefully evicted by riot police and airborne anti-terror squads this morning. Ensuing demonstrations have seen large-scale confrontations between protestors and heavy-handed police, here is the full story from Copenhagen.