UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Critical mass in Nottingham at 5pm
25-02-2005 11:53
Meet at the Savoy Cinema 5pm today (Fri 25th Feb)Palestinian Music in Brighton
25-02-2005 10:35
PALESTINE MUSIC FESTIVAL in BrightonThursday March 3rd at 7pm, Sallis Benney Theatre, Grand Parade, Brighton.
LONDON 2 GLENEAGLES BIKE RIDE - meeting on sunday in brighton
24-02-2005 20:28
24-02-2005 16:03
Britain’s development aid is being siphoned off for big business.BAN THE MOB PEOPLE
24-02-2005 14:30

A16.2///All Out Against the IMF/World Bank!! April 15-17 Washington, DC
23-02-2005 22:36
A New World is Under Construction!!Brussels photos
23-02-2005 21:51

Fair Trade Market this weekend
23-02-2005 21:08
A Fair Trade market will be held in Gloucester Green this weekend.ALERT - Polish station got eviction (former Bethnal Green Police Station)
23-02-2005 18:16
The squatted police station at Stepney Green (Arbour Square) expect an unexpected eviction tomorrow.Polish Station eviction attempt (former Bthnl Gn Police Station)
23-02-2005 17:20
The squatted police station at Stepney Green (Arbour Square) expect an unexpected eviction tomorrow.Welcome to Oxford International Women's Festival 2005
23-02-2005 16:36

Another gay Algerian faces deporting-pls help.
23-02-2005 16:26
A gay Algerian, Saad B, faces deportation back to homophobic Algeria. Pls send letters via his solicitor to Charles Clarke..The resistible rise of the Cottenham residents association
23-02-2005 14:16
The so called Cottenham residents association (CRA) held a public meeting yesterday evening, 22 Feb 2005 in the local college hall. The turn out was impressive, a few hundred people gathered specially for the event. Despite what the name of the association would suggest its sole purpose is to handle a single 'issue' as they prefer to call it ('problem' would sound wrong to the BBC journalists that were present): the nearby traveler community of Smithy Fen.Queers without Borders at Harmondsworth detention centre last saturday
23-02-2005 01:43

exercise scorpio 2
22-02-2005 18:01
As a part of the biennial exercise Manchester Airport are looking for volunteers to act as Evacuees or Friends and Relatives during "Exercise Scorpio 2" which will take place on Sunday the 20th March 2005.M.Howard- Constituency info...
22-02-2005 16:38
Tory leader Micheal Howard's Constituency info. For those who may be interested in telling him what they think of his Gen Election policies etc...SPEAK Launches Big Dress against Trade Injustice
22-02-2005 02:05

prada fashion show target of pracarity action in Milan
21-02-2005 21:18
Monday 21st, Milan ItalyMilans fashion week looks set to be plagued by protests this week. Today, animal rights activists targeted Pradas store in Milan to highlight the cruelty of the fur industry. In the evening Prada was again targetted, this time by protesters drawing attention to the issue of chainworkers and parcarity within the fashion industry...