UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Nottingham's November Critical Mass and Bike About :: The Pictures
25-11-2006 02:03

Friday 24th November @ 5.30pm
Setting out from the usual meeting place [Outside the Savoy Cinema on Derby Road, meet at 5.30pm] with more arriving from the Sumac in Forest Fields.
Migration Summit in Tripoli
25-11-2006 01:16
50 EU and African States met for a two day conference on migration controls and development in Tripoli from 22 to 23 November 2006Is this the CCTV vote?
24-11-2006 22:44

Dear Bono
24-11-2006 22:38
A pop star endorsed product. World-wide debt. An exploitation. What else is there to say?Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
Critical Mass Cyclists Arrested (Leeds)
24-11-2006 21:49
Leeds Critical Mass ends with two cyclists being assaulted by police and driven away to station.Eviction threat: help needed in Copenhagen
24-11-2006 21:31
CALL FOR HELP (circulate widely):This is a call for help to defend a squatted social centre in Copenhagen which has been running for a long time. There is more about its long history here:

The original call (below in an edited/spelling checked version) can be found here:

"Sweatshops, workers and international solidarity" conference, 25 November
24-11-2006 14:36
The No Sweat campaign's 2006 conference takes place at SOAS on Saturday 25 November.FashWatch web-site up and (keeping the fash) running!
24-11-2006 14:21

Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
torture of Necati Zontul- an update and forthcoming documentary
24-11-2006 12:15

Welfare Reform Bill: Lobby of Parliament and Rally
24-11-2006 11:19
Please support this important event, this really is a brutal and nasty bill which will have a massive impact on disabled people.Collective statement of solidarity with the social struggle in Oaxaca, Mexico
24-11-2006 10:53

Global Action Day for Education (30th Nov.)
24-11-2006 02:31

Photos: Brian Haw's, 2,000th day protesting outside Parliament.
23-11-2006 22:21

Join the UAF Blackpool protest against the BNP conference
23-11-2006 13:15
Final reminder: UAF protest against BNP conference in Blackpool, Saturday 25 Novemberreport back: Oxford WDM meeting - Our World is Not for Sale
23-11-2006 11:17
Oxford World Development Movement (WDM) hosted a talk on Wednesday 22nd November at the Town Hall entitled, 'The World Bank and International Monetary Fund: Reform or Abolition?' Turn-out was really good and people heard three top speakers talk on the future of the World Bank and IMF: Dr. Stephen Hurt, Senior Lecturer in International Relations at Oxford Brookes, Patrick Watt, Senior Policy Officer at ActionAid, and Peter Hardstaff, Head of Policy at WDM.Buy Nothing Day this Saturday 25th November
23-11-2006 10:27

This year our message is simple, shop less - live more! The challenge is to try simple living for a day, spend time with family and friends, rather than spend money on them.
Polish youth needs your help!
23-11-2006 09:46
Polish minister of education, Roman Giertych, a leader of fascist party League of Polish Families (LPR), takes up a general assault on youth rights and liberties.Venezuelan Autonomous Movements March in Caracas for Chavez
23-11-2006 04:08
Caracas, November, 22, 2006 ( - Thousands of Venezuelan campesinos, indigenous, roof-less (sin techo), union members, media activists, and members of land, water, health and community committees marched in Caracas on Monday. The political party, UPV (Union Popular Venezolana), led by Chavez militant, Lina Ron, also joined the demonstrations, where the various groups marched in support of Venezuelan President Chavez, for the consolidation of the revolution, and for the continued autonomous mobilization of their various movements.Behind the Governments Veil of Deceit
23-11-2006 00:37
News feature in response to the veil (niqāb) issue raging in Europe.UNNOTICE BANNER AT THE MEXICAN EMBASSY
22-11-2006 21:00
so many people with video cameras and cameras and they did'n't notice the banner