UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
White Hat Report #8
12-01-2011 05:56
White Hats Reporting on the latest activities of the the Dark Cabal, the United States Fed, the WH administration, Congress, the IRS, etc.Solidarity demo for Thessaloniki 4
11-01-2011 20:04

1A Holland Park,
London W11 3TP
Nearest tube: Lancaster Gate, Central Line
National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts: Latest News
11-01-2011 17:24
The second National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts has been called for 24th January 2011 targetting Atos Origin and the rest of the poverty pimps.Keep updated on facebook at:

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US government demands Twitter account information of WikiLeaks and followers and
11-01-2011 14:00
"Citing the Pentagon Papers case, the CRS report warns that an attempt to stage a prosecution for the WikiLeaks disclosures would raise questions over “government censorship” and US attempts to exercise “extraterritorial jurisdiction.”If the law were properly applied, a prosecution of WikiLeaks and Assange would not even be brought. However, given the sharp shift to the right by the US high court, along with the rest of the political establishment, there is every reason to believe that a government attempt to railroad Assange on espionage charges will proceed in earnest."
Student protester who threw fire extinguisher from roof jailed
11-01-2011 13:37
Edward Woollard, 18, sentenced to two years and eight months for hurling object towards crowded courtyardLeaflet for Network X gathering: movement beyond actions
11-01-2011 13:23
Movement beyond ‘actions’: what we have been, what we can becomeAs the UK moves into times of potential mass unrest, how does our movement find a way of connecting with the people around us? What is the best use of our political time, energy and experience in this new, and maybe very exciting phase? We all know that deep social change is going to take a mass movement, not just a bunch of activists – but how can we best be part of and agitate for such a movement?
[Tunisia] Evidence Of Civilian Massacre 10-01-2011
11-01-2011 02:04


government attacked civilians in tunisia
11-01-2011 00:46
horrific scenes from a hospital
Strike the royal wedding
11-01-2011 00:30
Tube drivers and BA workers are reported (albeit in the daily mail) to be planning strikes for the day of the royal wedding. In the wake of the horrendous situation most people find themselves in, it will be reassuring to see the royal family step out in public to remind us that we're all in it together. I remember the talk of united strike fronts through 2011, and wonder what better opportunity unions will ever have to maximise their potential.two screws attacked as Littlehey prison set on fire
10-01-2011 22:47
In what one can only hope is the second in a long line of prison revolts, prisoners refused to return to their wings after exercise, attacked two screws and set fire to and smashed up part of the prison estateBuilding workplace and community solidarity: MASH (Mutual Aid Sheffield)
10-01-2011 20:58

US government demands Twitter account information of WikiLeaks and followers
10-01-2011 17:40
“Ms. Jonsdottir denounced the subpoena in a telephone interview with the WSWS on Sunday. “There is no criminal case against me because I have done nothing in violation of any law,” she stated.“The US government is trying to criminalize whistleblowing and publication of whistleblowing,” Jonsdottir added. “They want to make it tantamount to spying, and if they succeed in doing that, journalists could be prosecuted just for doing their jobs.”
Jonsdottir and Gonggrijp, together with Julian Assange, are listed as the producers of the Collateral Murder video released in April, which shows the slaughter of unarmed people, including two Reuters journalists, by a US helicopter gunship in 2007.
In addition to the information on WikiLeaks and its collaborators, the subpoena also demands “non-content information associated with the contents of any communications … stored by or for the accounts(s), such as destination email addresses.” If Twitter posts are interpreted as messages, that means that Twitter will be obliged to turn over the names of all of WikiLeaks’ followers.”
“The subpoena ordered Twitter not to disclose that it had been served with the subpoena.”
Dark Nights #10 – Anarchist & Anti-Prison Newsletter January 2011
10-01-2011 10:18
Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet of resistance reports and repression news to download and print out. 8 pages / A3 size. Distribute and discuss.Save the Prince of Wales.
09-01-2011 18:08
Thursday 13th of January is the last chance to voice your opposition to the construction of unnecessary yuppie flats in Moseley which threaten the future of it's last true local pub, The Prince Of Wales.Smash HLS: Protest Target: Aircastle Limited
09-01-2011 13:12
Campaign against animal torture company HLS- Fortress make their money; they are an investment company, and therefore rely on their subsidiaries and acquisitions to keep them profitable. This therefore widens the field considerably, and means that there are strategic protest targets across the world, from ski resorts to newspapers, which can all play a vital part in chipping away at Fortress' resolve.'Nonviolence Works' Exhibition, Wrexham
09-01-2011 00:18

From 8 January and for the next two weeks, there's an exhibition called 'Nonviolence Works' at St Mary's Cathedral on Regent Street, Wrexham, open every day between 8.30am and 5pm until 22 January.
Members of Wrexham Peace & Justice Forum called in on the opening day to have a look.
Urgent Action: insistent Black Eagles death threats against human rights and ind
08-01-2011 15:02
SMS text messaged Death Threats to Martha Giraldo and Aida QuilqueFull article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Survivors Resistance Network demands an end to Work Capability Assessment (WCA)
07-01-2011 14:12
From April 2011 those of us who have been receiving disability benefits on mental health grounds will start having our eligibility for benefits reassessed en masse using the discredited and ill conceived Work Capability Assessment (WCA) which is a computer based method of assessment. We do not accept that this move is taking place to provide us with a way out of poverty and social exclusion as the government claims but rather that its purpose is to reduce the welfare bill regardless of the distress, destitution, disengagement with mental health services and suicides that will result.The government is specifically targeting people who are living with mental health problems as this group of claimants is less likely to return to work than other claimants. It is not suggesting that we do not have mental health issues; simply that it is still possible for us to work even though we are in mental distress. It is now the case that pain, distress, indignity and an abysmal quality of life caused to us by work cannot exempt us from it; we can only be excused from work if, mechanically, we cannot perform a job and not because work would have negative consequences for us. This is called ‘focusing on what we can do rather than on what we can’t do’; the misery being what we can’t do. Although these changes to the way mentally distressed people are assessed for benefits were introduced by the last Labour government we are aware that Ed Milliband is now undertaking a review of Labour policies and we urge him to abandon support for the WCA in favour of a more accurate, honest, discerning and compassionate way of assessing a mentally distressed person’s fitness for work.
CSI Palestine
07-01-2011 00:01
The tragic death of an unarmed woman in Palestine last Friday (31st) has lead to a global cry for action against the increasing use of 'non-violent' weapons in the continued repression of the Palestinian people.
On the Newswire: 1
Target the bosses who have ‘snouts deep in the trough’
06-01-2011 15:26
Time to escalate the anti-cuts protests