UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
One week of Blockade on Tara
01-06-2007 19:04
Today begins the second week of a campaign to have the M3 diverted.The really intelligent governments ministers who stitched up the
Gabhra Valley for their mining and re-zoning maties are taking
full advantage of the hung government.
but we are not all thick.
Eviction of squatted community garden
01-06-2007 17:04
Eviction hearing on monday for community garden in ReadingSolidarity needed; Rigaer Strasse 84- Berlin
01-06-2007 15:46
Rigaer strasse 84, a housing project in Berlin-living place for 48 people,aspace for international guests, public cooking space, cinema, free space
for politcal groups, concert space, and a bar.
Nottingham folk report from G8 in Germany #2
01-06-2007 10:45
Second report from some Nottingham folk who have travelled to Germany to take action during the G8 summit, which takes place at from 6-8 June 2007 in a hotel in Heiligendamm next to Rostock at the Baltic Sea. For more coverage of the G8 summit, click here. For the first report, click here.
Uthayasooriyan Family belong to Middlesbrough
01-06-2007 05:14

Detained on Tuesday 29th May they are due to be removed on Sri Lankan Airlines flight SL0506, departing 14:25 on Saturday 2nd June.
Manchester No2ID Street Stall, St. Anne's Square, 2nd June
31-05-2007 22:45

The War on Drugs Does Not Exist
31-05-2007 22:01
The WAR ON DRUGS does not exist - welcome to the WAR ON HUMAN RIGHTS, FREEDOMS, BELIEFS AND CHOICES…..For if it is a War on Drugs, why do we annihilate and persecute some, while giving supremacy to others?Get the G8 off Africa’s back
31-05-2007 17:25
Article by the education charity WORLDwrite examining prevailing attitudes on the ability of Africans to self govern and develop their economic and social potential. Explores poverty eradication & poverty reduction along with what debt relief really means in Ghana.Includes comments by Ghanian Academics Professor Akilagpa Sawyerr and Dr. Yao Graham of Third World Network Africa.
Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
G8; Call for Global Infopoint Network
31-05-2007 14:49
In conjunction to the alternative media material that has already started coming out of Germany about whats going on, we want to encourage the setting up of a network of nodal infopoints outside of the protest area for people in their local area to be able to go to and find out first hand whats going on...Spaces already forming in Berlin, Mataro(Cat), Sao PauloAudio: Barcelona and the ongoing attack against the squatted social centres.
31-05-2007 14:43

Recorded on May 3- 07
Public Meeting: BP in Colombia: Oil workers, communities speak out
31-05-2007 13:05

Public Meeting: Cuba's response to the Kashmir earthquake
31-05-2007 13:00

Stop the show! Everyday resistance instead of anti-G8-Spectacle
31-05-2007 06:17
It is always similar: The rulers in politics and economy meet and protests as for example against the G8-summit in Heiligendamm react to it. Thousands of humans come together to have actions, demonstrations, discussions, etc. and after the end of this - for state and capital calculable - spectacle they all drive home and function again at home (part of the spectacle are the summits as well as the protests against it): everywhere, where capitalism reproduces itself daily, where we all reproduce it daily, by our wage labour, by our doing: whether in the factory, in the office, in the sweat shop, in the agency, in the school or university. The protests against the G8-summit and the demo tourism do not have anything to do with concrete daily resistance, where we work and live.Australia: NSW: Sydney political scapegoats plead not guilty
31-05-2007 03:05

Iraq war opponent Cindy Sheehan resigns from the Democratic Party
30-05-2007 19:48
American antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan addressed an open letter to Congress May 26 announcing that she was leaving the Democratic Party, which now controls both houses of the legislature. Sheehan, whose 24-year-old son Casey died while serving in the US armed forces in Iraq in April 2004, came to prominence when she set up camp near George W. Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Texas in August 2005 as a protest against the war.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
the closure of the tramway pub squat ????
30-05-2007 16:01
whats happendAnarchists join Gay Pride march
30-05-2007 12:24
Local anarchists supported the march and distributed leaflets.G8 infoweek and more at rampART
30-05-2007 09:59
While the G8 summit takes place in Germany, the rampART will be hosting a series of G8 Info Nights with indymedia access point,presentations and discussions along with the latest news of what's going on at the protests. Each night will have a specific theme as well as screenings of the latest footage...PLEASE DO GET INVOLVED
Leading Palestinian hip hop band DAM in London
29-05-2007 17:07
DAM is Palestine’s seminal rap band, and one of the most interesting groups garnering international attention today. Through their music, DAM raises awareness of the situation of Palestinians living in Israel, proving that rap is a fantastic tool to forge identity and build strength and hope in our acutely discriminating world.Daily Post- Sycophant, Lazy or plain Docile?
29-05-2007 14:29
Why is it the Daily Post along with its sister paper the Echo seem absolutely incapable of doing the most cursory journalistic research before they mislead their audience?