UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
2nd Renaissance -3
06-02-2006 19:55

Faslane Peace Camp : Call Out.
06-02-2006 18:30
Camp now in it's 24th Year, and in dire need of a breath of life.Recycling Art and Banner making at the Sumac
06-02-2006 18:18

It was shown that with a little creativity, it is possible to put alsorts of material, that most would normally discarded, applied to other use. Here are some we made earlier.
talk: Palestine, the current situation
06-02-2006 17:40

KHOODEELAAR the Brick Lane London E1 Area campaign against Crossrail hole Bi
06-02-2006 17:03
KHOODEELAAR is backing a new community mobilisation next weekend against Crossrail hole attack in the East End. This follows Tower Hamlets Council's failure to implement the community demand of 22 January 2006 to pass a simple resolution saying No to Crossrail hole Bill.London May Day
06-02-2006 13:45

Rhythms and rebel clowns join Council Buses Lobby
06-02-2006 12:27
“There’s no F in Bus” reflects the feelings of thousands of passengers in Sheffield who are fed up of waiting for buses that don’t turn up or services that have been cut or changed. A pensioner from Arbourthorne, where the No. 6 bus has just been cut said “I’ve lived on this estate for 70 years. Hitler couldn’t stop our bus but Brandon Jones (South Yorkshire First commercial manager) has!”Who's Your Shepherd?
06-02-2006 09:54

Silent No More
06-02-2006 09:34
-><-This cartoon episode of Islamic marching against free speech has inspired me to think beyond all that I have ever seen written or pictured.
PROTESt: Iranian government out of the International Labour Organisation (ILO)
06-02-2006 01:27
Join the Protest;Workers of Iran need your support!
Iranian government out
of the International Labour Organisation (ILO)
To support workers of Bus Company in Tehran
To condemn the Islamic regime of Iran for attacking workers
To demand the immediate release of arrested workers
To demand the exclusion of the Islamic Republic and its Islamic councils from the ILO
When: Friday 10 February, 12:00-2:00
Where: ILO, 21-24 Millbank Tower, London, SWP
Nearest tube station:
Westminster (bus 77A, 88) & Pimlico, Victoria ( bus 507)
Tel: 07950924434
Germany: Massive Protests against the NATO "security conference"
06-02-2006 01:12

Massive protests each year against this conference...
Communique of Antiauthoritarian Movement about the surveillance scandal
05-02-2006 21:04
This is a communique of Antiauthoritarian Movement about the surveillance of telephones of its members: Grigoris Tsilimantos, Argiris Mouratidis, Attila Ihtiar and Marina Meintani (who used to be a member of the antiauthoritarian newspaper “Babylonia”)Christine Gilbert - HEAD OF CORRUPT COUNCIL KNIGHTED
05-02-2006 20:44
In the true fashion of the monarchy to honour despots and criminals of the people, Christine Gilbert, the chief executive of corrupt London Tower Hamlets Council has been knighted. Former Crossrail head and privatisation Guru, thief of public monies Sir Adrian Montague and coup instigator Sir Mark Thatcher are other beneficiaries. Sir - alias inhumanGREENWASH GUERILLAS TO GREET BP CHAIRMAN, CHATHAM HOUSE, LONDON, 7.2.06
05-02-2006 20:32

UNISON Make Poverty History claims - a success or failure YOU DECIDE
05-02-2006 10:38
UNISON claim joining the Make Poverty History campaign was a success - joining a coalition of organisations that allowed the distribution of white wrist bands produced by sweat shop workers in China, the agreement not to mention the war and the removal of natural resources through liberalisation and privatisation policies making it impossible for poor to access water.2nd Renaissance -2
05-02-2006 03:48

Stop Red Ice: End Planned Murder of 300,000 Canadian Seals In March
05-02-2006 00:50

Please stop a tiny number of fishermen and international furriers who
are keeping Canadian seal clubbing going long after
it has ended in the UK, US and elsewhere.
KHOODEELAAR! THE BRICK LANE LONDON E1 against Xrail hole deamnds to cllrs
05-02-2006 00:00
The KHOODEELAAR campaign in defence of the Brick Lane E1 area and against the Crossrail hole has created the hottest political debate in the East End of London and beyond. The result is that sitting councillors on Tower Hamlets are now running desperate to keep their careers. They are now under pressure to tell the truth on how they let the Crossrail hole to be brought to attack the communityThe QUICKTIME REPORT 5/2/06 - SEE GLOBALLY!
04-02-2006 23:21

Incapacity Benefit Cuts Protest
04-02-2006 21:26