UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Ramona Africa and MOVE the movie in London, Thursday 28th
27-06-2007 17:28
Ramona Africa will be speaking at 8pm Thursday 28th @ 15 rampART Street, London E1MOVE communication minister Ramona Africa, is touring the UK for two weeks to talk about the MOVE Organization, the events of May '85, the MOVE 9, Mumia Abu-Jamal and what they stand for. Come to listen to her story and watch the "MOVE" documentary.
Good riddance Blair from Parliament Square.
27-06-2007 16:30

Parliament Square 10.35am
27-06-2007 09:39
Police searching tents. Brian and\'Barbara resisting.Nick Griffin the mortgage broker?
27-06-2007 01:39
Just what precisely IS the BNP now?Autonomously Gazing After the G8
26-06-2007 17:59
A text written in the hope of an empowering self-critical debate in autonomous and anarchist circles about what happened and what didn´t happen during the protests against the swallow doesn´t make a summer
Report: gay schoolkids at great risk of attacks
26-06-2007 15:39
Gay lobby group Stonewall today released a 24 page report which clearly shows the extent of homophobic bullying and attacks within UK schools.G8 Film premiere. This Thursday, south London
26-06-2007 09:31

Entry is free.
Parliament Square update, Monday afternoon.
25-06-2007 16:39

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A Protest camp for the victims of the socio-economic terror in Jerusalem
25-06-2007 15:41

Transformation, survival and emancipation in a world city: regeneration or busin
25-06-2007 11:52
This week in London, Inura is having it's 2007 conference, 25 June to 1 July 2007INURA is a network of people involved in action and research in localities and cities.
It is a non-governmental and non-profit organization with a self-organizing, non-hierarchical, decentralized structure. The Network consists of activists and researchers from community and environmental groups, universities, and local administrations, who wish to share experineces and to participate in common research. Examples of the issues that Network members are involved in include: major urban renewal projects, the urban periphery, community-led environmental schemes, urban traffic and transport, inner city labour markets, do-it-yourself culture, and social housing provision. In each case, the research is closely tied to, and is a product of, local action and initiative.
US JUdiciary CVorrupted By fbi and cia
24-06-2007 19:23
The following report presents evidence of the total corruption of the judiciary of the uSA by the intelligence agencies of the united states of america.Parliament Square Peace Camp pics.
23-06-2007 18:21

Mammoth electoral fraud in Philippines elections: Padding and shaving
23-06-2007 08:07

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*New Genoa G8 video* The Diaz raid, July 2001
23-06-2007 02:08

What they found were 3 journalists and 90 environmentalists, social workers and pacifists. In what can only be described as a bloody massacre, 62 people were hospitalized. Some with life threatening injuries.
DepARTure Lounge: create resistance against the root causes of climate change
22-06-2007 13:28

13 – 15 July, near Heathrow, London
A weekend workshop where we will collectively explore the spaces between art and activism and design creative actions in preparation for the Camp for Climate Action.
screening of 'Move' documentary on June 28 at rampART
21-06-2007 17:49

house, where 11 adults and children were murdered, and screening of The MOVE