US JUdiciary CVorrupted By fbi and cia
geral sosbee, JD | 24.06.2007 19:23 | Globalisation | Social Struggles | Terror War | World
The following report presents evidence of the total corruption of the judiciary of the uSA by the intelligence agencies of the united states of america.
In order to discourage the use of contempt charges by some of the low life so-called judges mentioned in this and other reports
(i.e.: my Article #: 73
Date: 18 Aug 2005 @ 16:55 By: Geral Sosbee , entitled, "The Corrupt Judiciary of The United States "), I also state that I may be wrong in all of my remarks.
Now, returning to the *'REAL CORRUPT' court proceedings in the United States District Court, Central District of California, Western Division,
MANUEL L. R E A L, Judge presiding, the following facts are presented:
The plaintiff, Geral Wayne Sosbee , brought an action in the year 2000, against the fbi and others in efforts to stop the torture campaign designed by the fbi to kill or to imprison him. Even as Sosbee tried to bring his court action to stop the horrendous assaults, the fbi continued (and continues today) the dirty campaign 24/7(as described in and elsewhere).
In the court proceedings The fbi prevented Brian Doyle ( an fbi operative who worked as manager of Kinko's on Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, California )from appearing as a key witness for Sosbee. The Court ignored this as he also permitted the opposing counsel, Sarah R. Robinson , to control the procedings. Subpoenas were ignored, witnesses lied on the stand or did not show up at all, and a Korean translator for another key witness was not made available to Sosbee.
Sosbee had little opportunity to present a case of gross misconduct by the fbi. Then, the judge (toward the end of the hearing) engaged in the following outrageous show of PREJUDICE AND REAL CORRRUPTION in open court against Sosbee :
FROM THE TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS, pages 15-16, (except all the brackets shown below and the contents therein are mine); note that the 'Court' mentioned below is one and the same person as Judge MANUEL L. REAL :
"The Court:...
Mr. Sosbee, Why do you think the government is interested in you ?
Sosbee responds:
I'm sorry, I don't understand the question, your Honor.
The Court continues:
Why do you think the government is interested in you?
Sosbee responds:
Well, that's what I'd like to find out here in court, your Honor.
The Court [obsessively continues this same improper conduct]:
Why do you think they are? What possible motive could they have to be interested in you?
Sosbee responds:
Your Honor, I believe I included in my pleadings a statement that there's a retaliation against me by the fbi as a result of my providing information of criminal conduct by the fbi to the United States Congress. And it is the obligation--
The Court [interrupts Sosbee as follows with more trash]:
Why would they retaliate against you? Other people have given that kind of evidence before the Congress.
Sosbee [responds to the continuing badgering by the judge]:
I would like to know that too, your H o n o r [ ? ].
The Court [then quips]:
Well, okay. Anything further?
Sosbee writes:
Then, a few moments later, the judge dismisses the case and ignores the large number of documents (including the fraudulent fbi performance report)which Sosbee had filed as pleadings with the court on the very issue that the judge pretended to be so interested, i.e.: why would the fbi be interested in Sosbee. The fbi continued their crimes against Sosbee (and does so today) because the judge in the above cited hearing is corrupt, cowardly, and traitorous; or in the alternative, this very small man in high position is simply retarded. He and the others who sit on the bench and who protect the fbi and the cia (by actively helping them to avoid responsibilities for their crimes) should be jailed, if anyone must be jailed.These judges and justices are as guilty as the perpetrators for the atrocities committed worldwide.
The above cited excerpt from the transcript was typed originally by Leonore A. LeBlanc, on August 14, 2000. The hearing was held on July 3, 2000, case number CV 00-5910-R. LeBlanc tried to delay providing Sosbee with the transcript (presumably at the behest of the fbi) in order to prevent Sosbee from timely filing an appeal. LeBlanc stated the reason for the delay was that Sosbee did not pay her;this was a lie.
* For additional evidence of the corruption of REAL note the following data which shows that REAL lied on the bench regarding evidence before the court:
On page 5 of the transcript the Los Angeles Police admits to appearance in court and in possession of the police records which were subpoenaed by Sosbee; the police records would show that the fbi and the Los Angeles Police Department UNLAWFULLY worked together in efforts to arrest Sosbee on fictitious charges.The transcript reads:
Ms. Raffish [Deputy City Attorney Julie Raffish, representing the Los Angeles Police Department]
The real party in interest filed a motion to quash the subpoena duces tecum set for compliance today, on Friday. It's my understanding--
The Court:
No, I don't have that on my calendar, Counsel. It's a little late; okay?
All right.Go ahead, Mr. Sosbee.
[ from page 15 of the transcript :]
Mr. Sosbee: Your Honor, I have a -- I also subpoenaed the police records, and I'd like to ask that they be brought into evidence.
The Court:
No. We don't have them. We don't have any police records here. Mr. Sosbee, Why do you think the government is interested in you?
Sosbee writes that when the judge made the above statement that no police records are in the court, Raffish was present in the court with the police records in hand and in compliance with the subpoena requested by Sosbee.
Judge REAL also prevented Sosbee from introducing testimony of Brian Doyle (mentioned above) and when Sosbee asked the court to call Doyle, the following dialogue is recorded in the transcript , page 14;
Mr. Sosbee: Your Honor, I subpoenaed Mr. Brian Doyle. Is he here?
The Court: Brian Doyle? I guess not.
The Judge made a mockery of his own court as shown above, and the full ugly and unlawful tenor of the Judge's demeanor (and that of US Attorney Sarah Robinson)in the court may be summarized as follows:
The government sought to aid the criminals of the fbi by completely preventing Sosbee from putting on a compelling case, by harassing Sosbee during the proceedings, and by insuring that the record for appeal contain no substantive issues. The appellate judges, however, are not off the hook; they (each and every one by name) will also be remembered as supporters and apologists for fbi and cia torturers and assassins.
and see:
The following information represents the opinion of Geral Sosbee and is submitted for educational purposes and for the record. Each judge named herein may be acting in a perfectly normal and legal manner and Geral Sosbee could be wrong in all of his statements as set forth below. For my view of the global significance of this update see:
--- --- --- --- ---
Also, note the following headlines:
Associated Press
Published December 7 2005
NEW HAVEN, Conn. -- A federal appeals court denied a newspaper's seven-year-old request Tuesday for internal Justice Department documents regarding FBI agents who made false statements on sworn affidavits.
*Pervasive Corruption and Terrorist Culpability in the
Federal Courts of the United States of America
Over the past several years, during which time I have been continuously and systematically assaulted by the fbi and the cia goon squads around the world, I have documented by uncontested evidence (submitted to various federal courts) high crimes and misdemeanors by agencies of the United States government (see the Affidavit-2005 for summary at ) ; in many instances I have also documented actions and inactions by various judges which indicate apparent cover-up of the very crimes that I and others seek to uncover in courts for the good of the nation and the world. Occasionally, the courts have impliedly threatened me with sanctions , if I appeal their oppressive rulings. In every instance of perceived judicial incompetence and possible criminality of the judges on these federal courts , I believe that these judges and so-called justices are responsible for aiding and abetting the global terrorist activities of the fbi and the cia by unlawfully ruling at every turn in their favor . See for example , .
In all instances in the cases set forth herein , my pleadings have been summarily thown out of court hastily in order to prevent the airing of the truths regarding crimes committed by the fbi and the cia. Not a single court attempted to inquire about the covert and illegal operations of the fbi and the cia. Some of the courts that I now indict for their conspiratorial roles as set forth herein include the following:
Los Angeles Federal District Court, Judge Manuel L. Real, Federal District Court 05910-R, 7-6-2000.See:
For specific evidence of the corruption of Judge REAL,
See article dated June 22, 2007, by Geral Sosbee, entitled, " REAL CORRUPTION ."
Federal Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, Judges Kozinski, T.G. Nelson, Tallman, 00-56179, 7-9-01.
See .
See also:
United States Supreme Court, All Justices 534US894,10-1-01.
See also:
Merit Systems Protection Board Administrative Judges as set forth below:
JoAnn M. Ruggiero (NY 752B05026621), 2005; this judge perfunctorily and prejudicially glanced at parts of, then dismissed as irrelevant all evidence therein, knowing that she would also soon advise the fbi how to win summary judgment in the matter before the court.
Anthony L. Ellison (SF 0831020133-I-1), 2002
U. Sidney Cornelius, Jr. ( DA 0831040499-I-1 (2004)
Neil A.G. McPhie and Barbara J. Sapin (DA -0831040499-I-1), 2005
Today the courts with their prima donna judges anxiously and admittedly protect the fbi and the cia from responsibility for their crimes (see the Rodriguez case at ). See also . The result of the corruption of the United States Judiciary is the surrender of all peoples of the world unto a cowardly group of fools who now have the authority to give blanket pardon to the real criminals among us : the fbi, cia, the DOJ and similarly motivated agencies, all of whom participate in the new expansion of the 'torture industry.'
The fascist standards established by the government of the United States of America under the tyrranical and corrupt grips of the fbi and the cia and their subordinate federal courts are hereby noted as addendum to the website
Regarding JoAnn M. Ruggiero mentioned above, on this date I sent a motion for her to recuse from hearing my case for the following reasons:
case number NY752B05026621
password code for filing electronic pleadings: 4746416
Unprofessional conduct and bias against Sosbee (hereinafter " Appellant" ) by inviting the Agency (DOJ and fbi) to assert an equitable defense to Appellant's claim of duress; the Court is well aware that in order for a party to legitimately seek equitable relief, that party must do equity and be fair in all dealings. The central feature of the case brought by the Appellant (with overwhelming evidence) is fbi and DOJ corruption and terrorist practices (including attempted murder, torture, fraud, perjury, etc), and sufficient evidence is presented to the Court to preclude any viable assertion by DOJ for court ordered equitable relief.
The Court also permits the attorney for the DOJ to lie, to attack ad hominum the Appellant and to falsely characterize Appellant's pleadings as 'bizzare', 'disingenuous', and lacking 'one iota of evidence'.
The Court abandones all decorum by ignoring all the evidence in support of Appellant's claims.
The Court serves the interests of the intelligence communty, not the interests of Justice, by aiding the DOJ and the fbi to avoid and cover up responsibility for their atrocities; for this the Appellant suggests to the Court that failure to recuse may constitute a criminal offense given the outrageous conduct of the judge in this case.
The above information does not represent legal advice.
geral sosbee
______________ __________________
As of November 23, 2005, the fbi manipulates a federal magistrate (or other judge) into ordering continuous poisonings of Sosbee at every opportunity. This currently anonymous judge and the secret laws that permit the tyrants to engage in such abominations are in part responsible for the fall of the U.S. government into a fascist and inhumane state.
P.S.: Thankfully, this year has been good to me by delivering at a critical time messages of support from thousands of keen intellects and sensitive hearts worldwide .
*Among the many offenses committed by the above named judges is the one at 18 U.S.C. Section 4 (misprision of felony); the Texas State officials mentioned in the website ( may be similarly charged under the same statute , or under Tex. Penal Code Section 38.171.
This info does not represent legal advice.
See Also:
Headlines,AP, 6-26-06:
"Alito breaks tie, Kan. death penalty
law is constitutional [and is not] cruel and unusual."
Sosbee writes: the death penalty is by definition cruel and unusual and Alito's stand in support of killing our brothers and sisters reflects his hideous character.
For more on america's corrupt and cowardly courts see the following site from which this statement is quoted:
" I've written a ...paper... which shows how the courts have bent the rules for the CIA, creating new legal theories that other agencies are now keen to use to protect their own secret information." Paul Wolf.
Sosbee submits that to the extent that the judges/justices/courts cover up the atrocities committed by the fbi, cia and others, these arrogant government officials on the Bench are torturers. See:
In order to discourage the use of contempt charges by some of the low life so-called judges mentioned in this and other reports
(i.e.: my Article #: 73
Date: 18 Aug 2005 @ 16:55 By: Geral Sosbee , entitled, "The Corrupt Judiciary of The United States "), I also state that I may be wrong in all of my remarks.
Now, returning to the *'REAL CORRUPT' court proceedings in the United States District Court, Central District of California, Western Division,
MANUEL L. R E A L, Judge presiding, the following facts are presented:

The plaintiff, Geral Wayne Sosbee , brought an action in the year 2000, against the fbi and others in efforts to stop the torture campaign designed by the fbi to kill or to imprison him. Even as Sosbee tried to bring his court action to stop the horrendous assaults, the fbi continued (and continues today) the dirty campaign 24/7(as described in and elsewhere).
In the court proceedings The fbi prevented Brian Doyle ( an fbi operative who worked as manager of Kinko's on Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, California )from appearing as a key witness for Sosbee. The Court ignored this as he also permitted the opposing counsel, Sarah R. Robinson , to control the procedings. Subpoenas were ignored, witnesses lied on the stand or did not show up at all, and a Korean translator for another key witness was not made available to Sosbee.
Sosbee had little opportunity to present a case of gross misconduct by the fbi. Then, the judge (toward the end of the hearing) engaged in the following outrageous show of PREJUDICE AND REAL CORRRUPTION in open court against Sosbee :
FROM THE TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS, pages 15-16, (except all the brackets shown below and the contents therein are mine); note that the 'Court' mentioned below is one and the same person as Judge MANUEL L. REAL :
"The Court:...
Mr. Sosbee, Why do you think the government is interested in you ?
Sosbee responds:
I'm sorry, I don't understand the question, your Honor.
The Court continues:
Why do you think the government is interested in you?
Sosbee responds:
Well, that's what I'd like to find out here in court, your Honor.
The Court [obsessively continues this same improper conduct]:
Why do you think they are? What possible motive could they have to be interested in you?
Sosbee responds:
Your Honor, I believe I included in my pleadings a statement that there's a retaliation against me by the fbi as a result of my providing information of criminal conduct by the fbi to the United States Congress. And it is the obligation--
The Court [interrupts Sosbee as follows with more trash]:
Why would they retaliate against you? Other people have given that kind of evidence before the Congress.
Sosbee [responds to the continuing badgering by the judge]:
I would like to know that too, your H o n o r [ ? ].
The Court [then quips]:
Well, okay. Anything further?
Sosbee writes:
Then, a few moments later, the judge dismisses the case and ignores the large number of documents (including the fraudulent fbi performance report)which Sosbee had filed as pleadings with the court on the very issue that the judge pretended to be so interested, i.e.: why would the fbi be interested in Sosbee. The fbi continued their crimes against Sosbee (and does so today) because the judge in the above cited hearing is corrupt, cowardly, and traitorous; or in the alternative, this very small man in high position is simply retarded. He and the others who sit on the bench and who protect the fbi and the cia (by actively helping them to avoid responsibilities for their crimes) should be jailed, if anyone must be jailed.These judges and justices are as guilty as the perpetrators for the atrocities committed worldwide.
The above cited excerpt from the transcript was typed originally by Leonore A. LeBlanc, on August 14, 2000. The hearing was held on July 3, 2000, case number CV 00-5910-R. LeBlanc tried to delay providing Sosbee with the transcript (presumably at the behest of the fbi) in order to prevent Sosbee from timely filing an appeal. LeBlanc stated the reason for the delay was that Sosbee did not pay her;this was a lie.
* For additional evidence of the corruption of REAL note the following data which shows that REAL lied on the bench regarding evidence before the court:
On page 5 of the transcript the Los Angeles Police admits to appearance in court and in possession of the police records which were subpoenaed by Sosbee; the police records would show that the fbi and the Los Angeles Police Department UNLAWFULLY worked together in efforts to arrest Sosbee on fictitious charges.The transcript reads:
Ms. Raffish [Deputy City Attorney Julie Raffish, representing the Los Angeles Police Department]
The real party in interest filed a motion to quash the subpoena duces tecum set for compliance today, on Friday. It's my understanding--
The Court:
No, I don't have that on my calendar, Counsel. It's a little late; okay?
All right.Go ahead, Mr. Sosbee.
[ from page 15 of the transcript :]
Mr. Sosbee: Your Honor, I have a -- I also subpoenaed the police records, and I'd like to ask that they be brought into evidence.
The Court:
No. We don't have them. We don't have any police records here. Mr. Sosbee, Why do you think the government is interested in you?
Sosbee writes that when the judge made the above statement that no police records are in the court, Raffish was present in the court with the police records in hand and in compliance with the subpoena requested by Sosbee.
Judge REAL also prevented Sosbee from introducing testimony of Brian Doyle (mentioned above) and when Sosbee asked the court to call Doyle, the following dialogue is recorded in the transcript , page 14;
Mr. Sosbee: Your Honor, I subpoenaed Mr. Brian Doyle. Is he here?
The Court: Brian Doyle? I guess not.
The Judge made a mockery of his own court as shown above, and the full ugly and unlawful tenor of the Judge's demeanor (and that of US Attorney Sarah Robinson)in the court may be summarized as follows:
The government sought to aid the criminals of the fbi by completely preventing Sosbee from putting on a compelling case, by harassing Sosbee during the proceedings, and by insuring that the record for appeal contain no substantive issues. The appellate judges, however, are not off the hook; they (each and every one by name) will also be remembered as supporters and apologists for fbi and cia torturers and assassins.

and see:

The following information represents the opinion of Geral Sosbee and is submitted for educational purposes and for the record. Each judge named herein may be acting in a perfectly normal and legal manner and Geral Sosbee could be wrong in all of his statements as set forth below. For my view of the global significance of this update see:

--- --- --- --- ---
Also, note the following headlines:
Associated Press
Published December 7 2005
NEW HAVEN, Conn. -- A federal appeals court denied a newspaper's seven-year-old request Tuesday for internal Justice Department documents regarding FBI agents who made false statements on sworn affidavits.
*Pervasive Corruption and Terrorist Culpability in the
Federal Courts of the United States of America
Over the past several years, during which time I have been continuously and systematically assaulted by the fbi and the cia goon squads around the world, I have documented by uncontested evidence (submitted to various federal courts) high crimes and misdemeanors by agencies of the United States government (see the Affidavit-2005 for summary at

In all instances in the cases set forth herein , my pleadings have been summarily thown out of court hastily in order to prevent the airing of the truths regarding crimes committed by the fbi and the cia. Not a single court attempted to inquire about the covert and illegal operations of the fbi and the cia. Some of the courts that I now indict for their conspiratorial roles as set forth herein include the following:
Los Angeles Federal District Court, Judge Manuel L. Real, Federal District Court 05910-R, 7-6-2000.See:

For specific evidence of the corruption of Judge REAL,
See article dated June 22, 2007, by Geral Sosbee, entitled, " REAL CORRUPTION ."
Federal Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, Judges Kozinski, T.G. Nelson, Tallman, 00-56179, 7-9-01.

See also:

United States Supreme Court, All Justices 534US894,10-1-01.

See also:

Merit Systems Protection Board Administrative Judges as set forth below:
JoAnn M. Ruggiero (NY 752B05026621), 2005; this judge perfunctorily and prejudicially glanced at parts of, then dismissed as irrelevant all evidence therein, knowing that she would also soon advise the fbi how to win summary judgment in the matter before the court.
Anthony L. Ellison (SF 0831020133-I-1), 2002
U. Sidney Cornelius, Jr. ( DA 0831040499-I-1 (2004)
Neil A.G. McPhie and Barbara J. Sapin (DA -0831040499-I-1), 2005
Today the courts with their prima donna judges anxiously and admittedly protect the fbi and the cia from responsibility for their crimes (see the Rodriguez case at

The fascist standards established by the government of the United States of America under the tyrranical and corrupt grips of the fbi and the cia and their subordinate federal courts are hereby noted as addendum to the website
Regarding JoAnn M. Ruggiero mentioned above, on this date I sent a motion for her to recuse from hearing my case for the following reasons:
case number NY752B05026621
password code for filing electronic pleadings: 4746416
Unprofessional conduct and bias against Sosbee (hereinafter " Appellant" ) by inviting the Agency (DOJ and fbi) to assert an equitable defense to Appellant's claim of duress; the Court is well aware that in order for a party to legitimately seek equitable relief, that party must do equity and be fair in all dealings. The central feature of the case brought by the Appellant (with overwhelming evidence) is fbi and DOJ corruption and terrorist practices (including attempted murder, torture, fraud, perjury, etc), and sufficient evidence is presented to the Court to preclude any viable assertion by DOJ for court ordered equitable relief.
The Court also permits the attorney for the DOJ to lie, to attack ad hominum the Appellant and to falsely characterize Appellant's pleadings as 'bizzare', 'disingenuous', and lacking 'one iota of evidence'.
The Court abandones all decorum by ignoring all the evidence in support of Appellant's claims.
The Court serves the interests of the intelligence communty, not the interests of Justice, by aiding the DOJ and the fbi to avoid and cover up responsibility for their atrocities; for this the Appellant suggests to the Court that failure to recuse may constitute a criminal offense given the outrageous conduct of the judge in this case.
The above information does not represent legal advice.
geral sosbee
______________ __________________
As of November 23, 2005, the fbi manipulates a federal magistrate (or other judge) into ordering continuous poisonings of Sosbee at every opportunity. This currently anonymous judge and the secret laws that permit the tyrants to engage in such abominations are in part responsible for the fall of the U.S. government into a fascist and inhumane state.
P.S.: Thankfully, this year has been good to me by delivering at a critical time messages of support from thousands of keen intellects and sensitive hearts worldwide .

*Among the many offenses committed by the above named judges is the one at 18 U.S.C. Section 4 (misprision of felony); the Texas State officials mentioned in the website ( may be similarly charged under the same statute , or under Tex. Penal Code Section 38.171.
This info does not represent legal advice.
See Also:

Headlines,AP, 6-26-06:
"Alito breaks tie, Kan. death penalty
law is constitutional [and is not] cruel and unusual."
Sosbee writes: the death penalty is by definition cruel and unusual and Alito's stand in support of killing our brothers and sisters reflects his hideous character.
For more on america's corrupt and cowardly courts see the following site from which this statement is quoted:
" I've written a ...paper... which shows how the courts have bent the rules for the CIA, creating new legal theories that other agencies are now keen to use to protect their own secret information." Paul Wolf.

Sosbee submits that to the extent that the judges/justices/courts cover up the atrocities committed by the fbi, cia and others, these arrogant government officials on the Bench are torturers. See:

geral sosbee, JD
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