UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
LaDIY Cinema Fundraiser Presents: Itty Bitty Titty Committee (2007)
28-07-2011 10:16
On Sunday, July 31 · 7:00pm - 10:00pm at the Rutland Arms, 86 Brown Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 2BSLaDIY Festival presents a first in a series of feminist film screenings
Starting with Jamie Babbit's light hearted comedy approach to radical feminism in 'Itty Bitty Titty Committee' (2007).
No Mill Road Sainsburys Petition Handed In Tonight.
27-07-2011 18:40

Free activists detained at nonviolent action at military training area in Sweden
27-07-2011 10:26
War Resisters' International is calling for the release of ten activists who were detained by Swedish police during the “War Starts Here” nonviolent action at the North European Aerospace Testing Area (NEAT) near Vidsel, Sweden. The test site – covering an area the size of Belgium – is used for testing a range of innovative weapons, including planes, missiles and “drones” (remotely piloted weapons). Despite its size, NEAT is a little known site – even in Sweden – yet plays a crucial role in multi-national preparations for war.London's Death Sentence For Brendan Lillis
27-07-2011 02:23
Brendan Lillis is an Irishman left dying in the UK prison system. The British Govt and their agents shockingly believe that Brendan is still a dangerous man. What nonsense.Rote Flora: "Access all areas" - International Day of Action
26-07-2011 17:32

2011: the year we took on the unaccountable elites
25-07-2011 22:20
The people are fighting back - even Charles Moore wonders if ‘the Left may actually be right’Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Shell blockaded on the first day
25-07-2011 07:45

At 6.59 this morning a tripod was erected on the road between Shell's Ballinaboy refinery and their compound at Aughosse, Co Mayo.
State's case against Abahlali baseMjondolo collapses (South Africa)
24-07-2011 15:10
In September 2009 the South African shack dweller's movement Abahali baseMjondolo (which has strong links to the London Coalition Against Poverty) was attacked by an armed ANC mob in Durban. Twelve AbM activists were arrested after the attack and were detained for eight months. The state's case against the 12 has now fallen apart completely and clear evidence of a state frame up has emerged. This report is from the radical legal NGO that represented the 12.Demo against cuts to social care in Oxford
24-07-2011 14:40
A smallish, but lively crowd took the streets (OK, pavements!) of Oxford yesterday to protest against cuts to social care in a "March of the Uninvisibles".Norwegian Terrorist Had Links to EDL!
24-07-2011 09:56

Calais: "Welcome to Fortress Europe" action at City Europe
23-07-2011 18:38

Come up to Rossport! Shell Starts Work on onshore pipeline
23-07-2011 13:36

Mayo County Council steal caravan from Rossport Solidarity Camp at 3am
23-07-2011 13:19

UG#560 - Cyberluddism (Reclaiming Luddism on the Bicentennial)
23-07-2011 03:54

solidarity demo for the pelican bay hunger strikers
21-07-2011 20:42

U.S. Embassy, London. Mailing Address 24 Grosvenor Square London, W1A 1AE United Kingdom.
in solidarity with thousands of prisoners across California have participated in a hunger strike against torturous conditions at Pelican Bay State Prison's Security Housing Unit.
Italy: NO TAV / Genoa / Naples / Other News
21-07-2011 14:10
Update on the last few weeks in Italy: NO TAV movement, Genoa 10 years after the G8, labour struggles in Naples, and more.Estate Agents attacked - Bristol
21-07-2011 12:10
Last night (20 July) the windows of Maggs & Allen Bristol were smashed.We did this in response to Maggs & Allen's part in the threatened eviction of the Freeshop and the Emporium, two squatted spaces on Stokes Croft. Our solidarity goes out to all people being threatened with eviction, from those in squats to those who can't afford their rent.
Occupation of Shell peat storage facility in Rossport
20-07-2011 17:13

At 10.30 am this morning Shell to Sea campaigners stopped work for the second day in a row at the Bord na Móna site at Shramore, near Bangor, Co. Mayo. They are currently on the site and occupying machinery.
Transition in Cities and the #SpanishRevolution
19-07-2011 19:45