UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
St George's Weekend Video.
24-04-2006 09:33

Film - 'Failing Haiti' - on 9 May 2006 at Ritzy Cinema, Brixton, London
24-04-2006 09:29
'Failing Haiti', written and narrated by St. Petersburg Times Latin America correspondent David Adams, will be shown at 7.00pm on Tuesday, 9 May, 2006 at The Ritzy Cinema, Brixton, London SW9, followed by a discussion with the Haiti Support Group.Archbishop of Canterbury appeases Nigerian homophobia
24-04-2006 09:24
Archbishop of Canterbury appeases Nigerian homophobiaBut US Bishop condemns Nigeria’s anti-gay repression
Anglican leader of Nigeria backs savage homophobic law
Fear grips the lesbian and gay community in Nigeria
24-04-2006 09:19
Uproar as BNP anti-Islam campaign to contest 40 seats in next months Brum local elections.Regarding forthcoming local elections - your views welcome.
The need for the Simultaneous Policy in Brazilian politics and other news
24-04-2006 08:35
The Spring 2006 edition of the Simultaneous Policy newsletter, It's Simpol !, is now available at
Plus news of the Simultaneous Policy seminar at the European Social Forum in Athens on 5 May.
23-04-2006 22:56
The British-Palestinian Friendship Conference held in April 2006 in Bethlehem has helped take the twinning movement on to yet another stage.South Ldn fascist exposed
23-04-2006 13:53
As he's appeared on a gay website publicizing his own 'New Right' blogspot shite here's his details for all... AntiFascists pls take note.Events: Leeds No Borders to expose 'city of shame'
23-04-2006 10:04
Campaigners in Leeds working to support detained and destitute asylum seekers and fight their deportation from the UK have just unveiled a series of events in April and May, including an 'alternative' guided tour of the 'other' Leeds, that which imprisons and impoverishes migrants.Welsh Streets online TV Debate
22-04-2006 17:39
This is the archive link to yesterday's live "Welsh Streets" webcast on the local 'Tenantspin' channel.Nepal on a tightrope. Democracy or dictatorship?
22-04-2006 09:11
In Nepal the showdown between a fat power-crazed king and a huge democracy movement has shut down the entire country since Apr 6th. International pressure can help end the crisis. Nepali people need support in their struggle to escape dictatorship. Demo at Nepal Embassy 25th AprDecay and Renewal
22-04-2006 05:03
The latest offering from the Bush administration is a nuclear attack on Iran; after only a few years in power this insane administration is ready to wage nuclear warfare! If this is not cause for alarm then resign yourselves to your fate (lemmings).Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Emergency protest at Nepalese Embassy
21-04-2006 10:46
Nepal is entering the third week of a general strike for democracy and against autocratic rule by the King. We are callling for a picket of the Nepalese Embassy in London on Saturday 29 April, 1pm.Greece: Anarchists/Leftists clash with fascists at Panteion University
21-04-2006 05:21
Greece: Anarchists/Leftists clash with fascists at Panteion UniversityNepalese Embassy Demo for democracy on 25th April
20-04-2006 22:41
The Nepalese people are rising up for democracy and a new constitution, show your support for them in their fight.Please post if you are interested in attending.
2 Registered Sex Offenders Killed in Maine
20-04-2006 21:48

The Future of Social Centres
20-04-2006 18:51
Pre-May Day discussion on how best to extend and support the recent growth of social centres in the UK.To co-ordinate the Oxford contingent could any people thinking of going please email the OARC list (

Farnborough town centre – highway closures
20-04-2006 17:40
Taking the lead from a biased report from the Public Inquiry held in January, the Secretary of State has given the go-ahead for road closures to facilitate the unwanted Farnborough town centre redevelopment.