UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Stonehenge Solsttice Gathering - Monday 20th June
19-06-2005 01:50

Neath School Bus Battle Hots Up!
18-06-2005 15:44
Opposition to the school bus closure plan in Neath is growing!Activist Trauma Gathering
18-06-2005 15:30

Radical Theory Forum today @I4A London
18-06-2005 10:48
The Radical Theory Forum will host a series of daytime workshops/discussions followed by a party with film screenings, art, and damn good of sit down protest thursday 16 June Devonshire street
17-06-2005 22:26

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Asylum Profiteers 'The Angel Group' sponsor Celebrating Sanctuary in Brum
17-06-2005 14:47

Asylum seekers take stand against destitution during refugee week
17-06-2005 13:05

During last year’s refugee week over 40 people, most of them asylum seekers and refugees, took part in an all-night sleep-out in the grounds of St. Philips Cathedral in protest at the unfair treatment of asylum seekers in Birmingham and throughout the UK.
Organised by Birmingham's Anti-racist Campaign (ARC), the sleep-out was aimed at raising public awareness about the destitution and homelessness thousands of asylum seekers face in the UK because of the government’s immigration policies.
A year later the position is worse, and shows no signs of improving. That is why ARC is organising ASYLUM SLEEP-OUT 2 in the cathedral grounds during refugee week.
Activist Training - G8 Preparation
17-06-2005 11:15
The lovely lovely people from Liverpool Social Forum have organised an activist training day in preparation for the G8 protests in Scotland. Everyone is welcome to share and learn The Crown (the pub) upstairs, Liverpool City Centre, Wednesday 22nd June from 6.30PM (don’t worry if you are forced to turn up late).state tries to crush radical Amsterdam
17-06-2005 10:03

Suprise Attack from the Rebel Alliance
17-06-2005 09:16

G8 Sheffield :: Arrivals for dinner at Cutlers Hall
17-06-2005 02:21

On the other side of the security cordon, a range of VIP's arrive for the dinner. surrounded by a massive police operation, to keep, protesters, the hungry and riff-raff out of the way........
Operation Octagon Wednesday
17-06-2005 01:22

Unofficial Protestors
17-06-2005 00:26

Video from the Campaign to Save Daycare in Bristol demonstration, 9th June 2005
16-06-2005 23:07

A short video (dur. 4.42 mins) in quicktime (.mov) or avi formats.
Public Forum: Only the communist revolution can make poverty history
16-06-2005 23:00
Only the communist revolution can make poverty historySaturday 9th July
2.00pm until 5.00pm
Birmingham Friends of the Earth Warehouse
54a Allison Street, Digbeth, Birmingham
Photos of demo at Scottish Parliament on Thursday 16th June with short report.
16-06-2005 22:06

Mad Brighton Manifesto
16-06-2005 21:31
The manifesto of a new group of mad activists who will host a social forum in Brighton this autumn. Check out the new website and join in making this project flourish.Heavy fighting and imprisonments after Amsterdam squat evictions
16-06-2005 20:51
On May 31 over ten squats were being evicted in Amsterdam by a big army of riot police during the so-called eviction wave which happens every three months.Birmingham City Council Dictatorship
16-06-2005 19:35