UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Monbiot on G8 Media Spin and Bono + Geldof's Shameful Love Fest with UK Gov
21-06-2005 08:08
Articles below:'Common-ication' at KENNINGTON PARK Sat 25th June
20-06-2005 19:49

Common-ication chat: Meeting in the cafe afterward around 3pm. How would we map this in the 21st century? The continuing battle of Enclosure versus The Commons

GCSE Results doomed for a dramatic decrease
20-06-2005 18:01
Are children being spoon fed with no longer effective information on web based programmes such as BBC Bitesize?G8 Report: Africa Pays Price of G8 Climate Blindspot
20-06-2005 16:12
AFRICA PAYS PRICE FOR G8 CLIMATE BLIND SPOT SAY TOP AID AND ENVIRONMENT GROUPSMonday 20th June: New report from a UK aid and environment coalition says act now on climate change or efforts to end poverty in Africa will go Up in Smoke:

Bristol Peace Vigil News : 20th June 2005
20-06-2005 14:33
BRISTOL PEACE VIGIL NEWS : 20th June 2005For News Around Bristol:

BRISTOL PROTEST : A major Bristol protest has been called for Wed 6th July, in opposition to the start of the G8 Summit in Gleneagles, Scotland (see below).
Sheffield G8 Events 6 Guantanamo Bay orange jump suits
20-06-2005 11:45

Sheffield G8 Events 5 Press Conference at Marriot Hotel
20-06-2005 11:41

Charles Clark - Home Secretary,
Lord Goldsmith - Attorney General
Alberto Gonzales - US Attorney General,
Sheffield G8 Events 4 Cutlers Hall for Diner, police and escorts
20-06-2005 11:35

Sheffield G8 Events 3 Covergence Space & Indymedia Media Centre
20-06-2005 11:30

Sheffield G8 Events 2 Police lines in Fargate & Lyceum Theatre
20-06-2005 11:25

Sheffield G8 Events 1 Press Conference at Marriot Hotel with Americans
20-06-2005 11:19

The First Embedded Protest - Guardian
20-06-2005 10:05
Two Dissent! activists manage to get a decent criticism of MPH into the mainstream media.
New Amnesty Report on Detention Centres (20th june)
20-06-2005 09:56
UK: New Amnesty report calls on government to reveal annual asylum detention figures.Amnesty also asserts that detaining children at Dungavel is unlawful.
A protest at Dungavel detention centre is planned during the G8 Summit for Tuesday 5th July.
Radio 2GB - The Hate Machine
20-06-2005 04:07
Prior to 06-06-2005 Jim Ball was denying the existenceof abuse and desecration of Quran by the US forces and
the same time he was injecting his never ending
anti-Muslim, anti-Arab slurs and slanders. However at
about 12.15 am of 06-06-2005 Jim Ball turned around
and found valid reasons and grounds for the
desecration and abuse of Quran.
Vans travelling to Scotland: WARNING!
19-06-2005 17:23
Police are hassling van drivers travelling up to Scotland in advance of the G8 protests.Leak of Secret Plan to protect G8 leaders Sparks Security Alert
19-06-2005 14:56
Tony Blair's preparations for the G8 summit were last night thrown into disarray as confidential security information relating to the Gleneagles meeting was leaked to The Independent on Sunday.Opus Dei cabinet minister supports Plater College closure
19-06-2005 13:37
Opus Dei cabinet minister, Ruth Kelly, has refused to intervene in the increasing scandal over the closure of Oxford's Plater College.ON HUNGERSTRIKE. Against immigration detention and deportations.
19-06-2005 11:59
Mafungasei Maikokera, Patricia Mukandara and Esthery Murumbi have been on hungerstrike for two weeks now. The three women are from Zimbabwe and they are terrified to be sent back. The Archbishiop Pius Ncube has warned the British Government Zimbabweans face 'certain death' if returned to Zimbabwe. Mafungasei, Patricia and Esthery are also very upset with the conditons at Yarl's Wood IRC.Stunning Revelations Expose Shocking Vatican Deceptions
19-06-2005 07:31
I thought you might be interested in reading about some stunning recent developments that have decisively exposed age-old Vatican deceptions. I apologize for my anonymity at this time, but you'll fully understand why when you see the contents of this book.Family Violence United States, Bad Data, Bureau Justice Statistics Needs to Redo
19-06-2005 06:24
United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics reported that family violence had declined over half from 1993 to 2002. The report is criticized because it does not meet the BJS high standards of quality and is in error in method and substance. Discussion of the report is important in England because there are similar problems with the data collection systems for family violence throughout Europe.