UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Occupy Chicago Efforts Mark One Week, Join 130+ Other U.S. Cities
05-10-2011 07:34

It began as a call in July 2011 by the magazine Adbusters to hold powerful business interests on Wall Street to account, and drawing on inspiration from the famed 2011 grassroots protests across the Middle East. But the mantle has been taken up by grassroots activists in New York City to forge an ongoing occupation outside of Wall Street and throughout New York City. The effort in its first two weeks has spurred a national movement with sibling efforts in at least 130 other cities, including Chicago.
Occupy Chicago, merely a week old, has already drawn hundreds of grassroots protesters, who "march…each day…After an hour long general assembly meeting, demonstrators headed through the financial district, Millennium Park, the Magnificent Mile and back to base camp to once more spread messages of solidarity, positivity and persistence in the face of a political system that’s left 99% of Americans without a real voice in governance…While it may be young and still trying to get organized, the movement to Occupy America is growing and cohering. And though many went home after Saturday’s march, more than a hundred stayed to continue organizing and evangelizing, with no plans to leave until they feel their job is done."
UPDATE: Occupy Chicago threatened by Chicago police to stop.
Additional Coverage: Lessons Learned from Occupy Wall Street | Five Things that Occupy Wall Street Did Right | Occupy Chicago Entering Day 6 | Protestors Occupy Chicago in Solidarity with Occupy Wall St NY | An American Spring is Possible | Open Letter to Occupy Chicago.
Outside Resources: Think Progress; NY Times' Andrew Ross Sorking Sneers at Occupy Wall Street | Protests Work Better with Specific Demands | Occupy Wall Street Makes Its Own Media.
Social Media Resources: Tumblr | Twitter | Live Video Stream
South West Food Sovereignty Skillshare
04-10-2011 10:55

700 Arrested on Brooklyn Bridge as Occupy Wall Street Enters Third Week
04-10-2011 08:16

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Manchester Occupied
02-10-2011 23:28

Squatters extend solidarity to the TUC
01-10-2011 15:59
Letter to the TUC from convergence space in Manchester against the tories.The 2011 Jarrow March: A Long Walk To Nowhere
01-10-2011 10:53

#15oct- United for Global Change
01-10-2011 07:32
On 15th October 2011 citizens across the world will take to the streets to express their outrage. We will not sit idly by while our rights are fundamentally undermined by the undemocratic alliance between politicians and corporations. Real Democracy Now invites you to join our peaceful call for action to say enough! It is time to raise our voices. Our future is at stake, and nothing can hold back the power of millions of people when they unite for a common goal.Text from anarchist Vassilis Stergiou
30-09-2011 23:51
Vassilis Stergiou is revengefully persecuted by the Greek state for showing his solidarity with the student movement and for his long time participation in social struggles. He was arrested on 8th March 2007, following a massive demonstration against a university reformation law. He was imprisoned without a trial for 6 months.Stop deportation of Nadia Habib and her mother, Nazmin Habib
30-09-2011 14:10

Big Rip Off Day - 13th October
29-09-2011 19:25
The banksters want the shirt of our backs. Let's give it to them on Big Rip Off Day!Online Protest Against the Atos Enablers – they’re all in it together!
29-09-2011 12:05

Open Letter on Atos ‘Healthcare’ to the BMJ and RCN
28-09-2011 19:16
Over 100 groups and individuals have signed a letter to the British Medical Association (BMJ) and the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) urging them to stop giving disability deniers Atos credibility by advertising their vacancies and allowing them to attend their events.National Day of Action against Atos. Oxford Protest.
28-09-2011 17:45
Advertising protest outside Atos Offices Oxford325#9 – Free PDF magazine of Social War & Anarchy
28-09-2011 13:21

Brutal cop outed by Anonymous as protestors rally against NYPD.
28-09-2011 11:58

As we watched your officers kettle innocent women, we observed you barberically pepper spray wildly into the group of kettled women. We were shocked and disgusted by your behavior. You know who the innocent women were, now they will have the chance to know who you are. Before you commit atrocities against innocent people, think twice. WE ARE WATCHING!!! Expect Us!
Protesters scale Council building to call on Tony Ball to resign
27-09-2011 13:48
Today, supporters and residents from Dale Farm staged a protest at Basildon Council buildings calling on Tony Ball to resign. Two protesters, who had scaled the front of the building in order to display a banner reading “Tony Ball RESIGN” were detained by police. They are currently being questioned inside the Council building, but they have not been arrested. The two supporters who had unfurled the banner remained out of reach of police for nearly an hour. More than 50 people gathered around the banner. Ali Saunders, a spokesperson for Dale Farm Solidarity who was at the protest, said “It’s becoming clear that this eviction is a lost cause- Dale Farm has got to stay, Tony Ball has got to go”Full article | 3 additions | 1 comment
National Day of Action Against Atos - Latest Round Up
27-09-2011 11:34

Release prisoner of conscience Nasser Abul and Lawrence al-Rashidi Immediately
26-09-2011 23:14
I want to remind you as a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Kuwait is bound by article 19(2) of that covenant, which states: “Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.” Article 36 of Kuwait’s constitution protects freedom of speech and opinion, stating that: “Every person has the right to express and propagate his opinion verbally, in writing, or otherwise, in accordance with the conditions and procedures specified by law.”Cinema Winstanley @ Land & Freedom Camp
26-09-2011 18:40