UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Bolivia photos - General tests of civil war
16-01-2007 15:35

Construction Worker Killed in Liverpool City Centre
16-01-2007 01:08

From The Back Of The Bus To Prison
15-01-2007 20:11
When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a White passenger on a city bus 51 years ago, it was the spark that brought about the American Civil Rights Movement; changing the lives for millions of Blacks. For a short while, in the mid 60’s and 70’s, Blacks made some social and racial gains, however today many Blacks are wasting away their lives in American prisons due to the unjust practice of the Three Strikes Laws.Say Goodbye to Privacy
15-01-2007 14:26
Big Brother wants the personal details of every citizen to create profiles and then make the database accessible to Tom, Dick and Harry.France: Virgin, give Amandine back her job!
15-01-2007 07:13
We demand the immediate re-instatement of Amandine as well as an end to Virgin's anti-union policy, and we will accordingly be joining the solidarity actions.Copenhagen: On .. two .. many Youth Houses!
14-01-2007 18:58

The Freedom of Refusal
14-01-2007 14:35
Basic income would revolutionize today's work society. Workers would have greater negotiating power and employers would have to pay more for onerous work. Everyone would receive a basic income without being tested for neediness or being forced to a return favor.Bush Challenges Opposition -- A Response!
14-01-2007 06:18
In his daily radio address, George W Bush challenged those who oppose his insane route to oblivion, to ‘put up or shut up’. “To oppose everything while proposing nothing is irresponsible," he said, “offer an alternative”. In view of the fact that U.S. Democrats are unable to effectively deal with the situation, we formally and directly accept this challenge and remind Bush that we are aware that this response will be read by him and his neo-cons; indeed, we have been aware for some time that Bush is a regular reader of this site as indeed is Rice and others. There is no avoiding this response!ASEAN Civil Society Conference (ACSC II)
14-01-2007 02:54

10-12 December 2006
Cebu City, Philippines
13-01-2007 22:26
13-01-2007 20:13
President George W. Bush’s announcement that the United States is committing an additional 21,500 troops in order to escalate the war in Iraq has thrown Britain’s establishment into political turmoil.Vigil: Styal Prison, Cheshire - 18 January 2007
13-01-2007 18:03
A vigil will be held outside HMP & YOI Styal, CheshireThursday 18 January 2007, 1.30 pm - 4.00 pm
to mark the 4th anniversary of the death of Sarah Elizabeth Campbell, 18
who died in the so-called care of HMP & YOI Styal on 18.01.03
Reporters & photographers are welcome to attend
09-01-07: Video of Christian Bigots being Christian Bigots
13-01-2007 12:12

Benefit cheats subvert
13-01-2007 11:29

Venezuela: Chavez announces radical measures against capitalism
12-01-2007 22:11

Save Radley Lakes Occupation
12-01-2007 20:35

eyewitness: attacks in Cochabamba
12-01-2007 15:56

I am calling on everyone who reads this to spread the word and contact radio stations, newspapers, Amnesty International and other human rights organistions you may have a contact with to send out an Urgent Action.
Town centres – a tale of two councils
12-01-2007 15:01

Crucial petition on People living with Autism/NeuroDiversity basic human rights
12-01-2007 13:01
Can I ask all my friends and allies within Indymedia and other networks, to follow Larry Arnold, myself and others within the 'NeuroDiversity' movement to sign this petition... Larry has educated me in why 'you' should follow him, others and myself in signing this petition...... Larry said..... see below....Greece: Attack with rocket against the us embassy
12-01-2007 10:12