UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Coca Cola Offices invaded in Nottingham
15-04-2005 17:19

Need stock footage of Iraq for graduate documentary on Iraqi Chaldeans
15-04-2005 07:26
Need stock footage of iraq - am doing graduate documentary on Iraqi Chaldeans in the united states - their struggles to resettle in the western world- am former member of San Diego IMC (California - U.S.)BNP substitute to face Howard.
14-04-2005 17:47
Following appears in the local rag for Michael Howard's constituency Folkestone & Hythe (Kent).Bristol Social Forum... 19th April 2005 Meet Up... 30th April 2005 Launch
14-04-2005 15:37
Hello,Preparations for the launch of the Bristol Social Forum are now well advanced. On Saturday 30th April 2005 Bristol will take its place alongside the ever growing number of Social Forums across the UK, and around our world.
Join the Blairditchproject bus up to Sedgefield this Friday!
14-04-2005 13:36
Peace buses coming to London to build more support for the project and pick up supporters who want to join the campaign THIS FRIDAY 15th at the trade justice all night vigilNow We Are Free - Lessons from Vieques
14-04-2005 11:49
A major international conference launches at the end of the month in Glasgow with special speakers coming from Puerto Rico to Govan. Robert Rabin was at the heart of the struggle to eject the US Navy from Vieques. After this victory he's now invited to Scotland to share his tactics...STUNT for TRADE JUSTICE
14-04-2005 09:31

Iain Hook's Murder COVERED UP: Dr. Jack Shepard &The Socialist Worker New agree
13-04-2005 11:12

by Dr. Jack Shepard
DEATH SQUAD DEMOCRACY IN IRAQ: How America Installed Its Puppets
13-04-2005 04:29
Tens of thousands of Iraqis poured into the streets to say No To America, No to Death Squads, and No to the new puppet government. As Iaqis are conditioned to kill each other it is believed that the "tipping point" of insurgency has already passed.Nonviolant demonstration of peaceful Iraqis might be the only method towards success. prove be the best strategyBritish elections and immigration MP3
12-04-2005 21:52
nice DJ-mix by DJ Moniker on the majorissue of the upcoming British elections - "clampdown"
on immigration - It's real nice -both major parties'
leaders "sing" in a bloody unison...
The deportation machine: Europe, asylum and human rights
12-04-2005 21:36
The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) has published a new study on refugees in Europe. Citing over 200 detailed case studies, IRR researcher, Liz Fekete, shows how opportunist political campaigning puts the lives of asylum seekers at risk.Caterkiller Peterlee (Co. Durham) Blockaded
12-04-2005 19:02

Sonae factory threaten local website
12-04-2005 18:55

London Motorway Inquiry - Inspector resigns after protests
12-04-2005 17:40
At a pre-Inquiry meeting into a huge new motorway through East London, Inspectors stormed out after residents protests. Today it has been announced that the Head Inspector has resigned.Bombings in volatile area as US contractor kidnapped in Iraq
12-04-2005 17:30
RAMADI (AFP) — Three suicide car bombers blew themselves up outside a US military base in a volatile area of Iraq near the Syrian border on Monday, as a US contractor was kidnapped in the Baghdad area.STOP
12-04-2005 15:53
The recent coverage of a demo last Saturday in Swindon is whatIndymedia should be all about, excellent coverage of an excellent campaign on the dysfunctional planning system in Swindon.London groups forms to help Craig Murray defeat Jack Straw
12-04-2005 15:28

Take to the streets at Longbridge
12-04-2005 15:25
The government provided a £6.5 million loan for Longbridge this week.