Bristol Social Forum... 19th April 2005 Meet Up... 30th April 2005 Launch
bistolsocialforum | 14.04.2005 15:37 | Social Struggles
Preparations for the launch of the Bristol Social Forum are now well advanced. On Saturday 30th April 2005 Bristol will take its place alongside the ever growing number of Social Forums across the UK, and around our world.
Preparations for the launch of the Bristol Social Forum are now well advanced. On Saturday 30th April 2005 Bristol will take its place alongside the ever growing number of Social Forums across the UK, and around our world.
Now we need your help...
1.) Meet us at the Boston Tea Party on Tue 19th April @ 7:00pm
2.) Book your stalls and workshops for the Launch on Sat 30th April.
We'll be meeting up at the Boston Tea Party, 75 Park Street, Clifton, BS1 5PF, next Tuesday 19th April from 7:00pm onwards, to tie up loose ends, get people introduced (if you would like to be before hand) and to share out last minute jobs. MAP:

As you may know we were set back a little when Patrick suffered a stroke. The good news is it looks like he will be ok. He was willing to give a lot of energy to the launch, so there has been a gap to fill. That's the truth. I'm sure you know how it is.
So please, if you can, give us a little of your time on Sat 30th April (launch details below), and come along to the Boston Tea Party on Tue 19th April to meet us.
Or, email:

Or, alternatively:

For the 30th we've got a good sized space in St. Werburgh's Community Centre (details below). A hall, 2 rooms and a kitchen. So we need people to help with things like making tea. It cost us a fair few quid to book, so we also need people to shake donation buckets during the day to cover some of our costs. Those kind of jobs.
These are small, but really very important jobs.
So please do think about helping out.
BOOK YOUR STALLS & WORKSHOPS : Saturday 30th April 2005
If you are part of a group which would like to have a stall on the day, or even an individual with a good idea to promote, then we should be able to give you space to bring a stall on the day. We are suggesting groups make a £5 donation for stall space, if they can, to cover costs.
And if you've got an idea for, and would like to help out with, a workshop, please get in touch too. We are open to ideas. We would like people to give introductions to workshops to get them started.

Or, alternatively:

Here's the outline format for the day, we will make time for tea breaks too, so there will be breaks and snacks. More details will follow as they get firmed up. We will also be sending out press releases, and other publicity.
1:00pm : Open Mike
1:30-2:00 : Intro / Story So Far...
2:00-3:00 : Workshop Choices 1
3:00-4:00 : Workshop Choices 2
4:00-4:30 : Open Mike / Report Back
4:30-5:30 : Constitution / (Follows on from intro).
TIME: 1:00pm - 5:30pm. Free Entry (donations welcome). VENUE: St. Werburgh's Community Centre, Horley Rd. (off Mina Rd.) St. Werburgh's, Bristol BS2 9TJ. MAP:

More details to follow very shortly...
Our launch is intended to get us to a stage where most of our constitutional nuts and bolts are in place, while at the same time providing an afternoon of discussion, and a forum for groups and individuals across Bristol (and the south west) to meet up face to face and to share information and ideas.
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“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.” Arundhati Roy.