UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
COBAS Union condemns UK ESF organising committee (swp/sa/gla)
19-10-2004 21:54
COBAS condemns uk esf committee domination of the ESF closing demonstration and treatment of young people from 'autonomous spaces'.Tuesday 19th October 2004 :
From Italian union COBAS regarding the ESF rally
Rhine Capitalism, Anglo-Saxon Capitalism and Redistribution
19-10-2004 17:07
Anglo-Saxon capitalism is an unbridled capitalism whose profit logic overrules all social and environmental interests. Rhine capitalism still has a social quality and social nets so workers are not reduced to cost factors. "The Cold War against the social state leaves behind another republic." (Ruth Fuchs)Waverley to force through housing sell off
19-10-2004 15:43
Waverley is trying to force through privatisation of its housing stock.Urgent Action - Please support Luke Winston-Jones
19-10-2004 12:38
Only days after the High Court ruled that it is OK for doctors to refuse to offer life support to Charlotte Whyatt, the family of another disabled baby are facing the same Right to Life battle.Luke Winston-Jones's mother Ruth will be at the High Court in London this coming Thursday and Friday to fight for her son's life.
As Ruth says "Luke is a beautiful child who has real quality of life and is full of personality. Luke’s biggest health problem at the moment is the hole he has in his heart which Alder Hey and other hospitals in the UK have refused to correct due to the fact that Luke has Edwards syndrome. Luke is being refused the treatment he so vitally needs, even though children with Edwards can live many years."
Luke's family have asked disabled people and their allies to show their solidarity by coming to the courts on either 21st or 22nd October and or to sign the following petition.
If you want to get involved simply cut and paste the following and add your name and address on sending.
We do not think that judges and medical staff should be able to decide on who should or should not receive life saving treatment on the basis of disability / impairment. We support Luke Winston-Jones Equal Rights to Life. We call upon Parliament to amend the Disability Discrimination Act so that disabled children like Luke have equal right to life and access to life saving treatment.
Send emails of support to:

All arrested in connection with ESF free again
19-10-2004 08:20
According to Indymedia Germany, posted by International Legal Support Team, all arrested in connection with the European Social Forum should be free again now.IMC Solidarity Missing From ESF Assembly of Social Movements Declaration!
19-10-2004 01:52
The official ESF website: now has a copy of the call of the assembly of the social movements up on it - you can see this below. However, it has not included the important addition which was added at the final assembly on Sunday 18th October about the support for Indymedia.ESF demonstration and actions wrap-up
18-10-2004 23:46
A quick wrap-up of the Sunday ESF events, demonstrations and actions.MY ESF EXPERIENCE
18-10-2004 23:01
Concern has been expressed about the lack of reports of what the ESF was like and what kind of talks there were.... so there's a demand for this. That's why I put the title in capital letters so that it stands out amongst all the other articles. Hope that's ok :-)This was my ESF, tell us about yours :-)
Haiti and sweatshops - union organiser speaking - Tuesday 19th October
18-10-2004 16:54
Yannick Etienne of the Batay Ouvriye union federation is visiting Britain to speak about the organisation of sweatshop workers in Haiti. As part of her short tour, the activist is speaking at Sheffield University.Housing Corporation savage Pavilion Housing Association
18-10-2004 15:15
Following hard on the heals of a damning report by the Audit Commission, Pavilion Housing Association has now been slammed by the industry regulator, the Housing Corporation.Pachamerica day in London
18-10-2004 15:03
In the 12th of October Hands of Venezuela and Rythms of Resistance organised a picket in front of the USA embassy in solidarity with indigeneous struggle in LatinamericaBrighton Activists deface Marks and Spencers store.
18-10-2004 14:42

This was done in response to Marks and Spencers support of Apartheid, Racicm and Zionism and in solidarity with the suffering people of Gaza.
Israel/Palestine: New booklet on Anarchists Against the Wall
18-10-2004 12:41

Photos from the ESF march
18-10-2004 11:07

GM protesters win three-year court battle
18-10-2004 10:45
FOUR GM crop protesters convicted of aggravated trespass for their part in a protest at Munlochy on the Black Isle in August 2001 won their appeal at the High Court in Edinburgh last week.Translation of ESF report from Athens indy
18-10-2004 10:36
Translation of the athens.indymedia report about the events at the ESF demonstration.Douglas Previte set-up for Stuttle murder?
18-10-2004 02:10

Anti- ESF process action at Trafalgar Square report, Sunday, 17th of October
17-10-2004 18:35
"If there would be only one truth, it would not be possible to paint so many pictures about the same topic". - Pablo PicassoMaelstrom: anti-repression squat - Events - Leeds
17-10-2004 15:55
Details of some of the events planned...The police are under resourced
17-10-2004 14:15