UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Abused Childrens Concert
19-10-2013 09:33
Celebrity Concert at the o2 Arena 2014 to raise funds for he safe houses.Anti-Fracking protests escalate in Canada
18-10-2013 01:11
Serious clashes in Canada between First Nations and the cops. Anti-Fracking protests have come to an escalation. Solidarity is needed.Refugee Strike Berlin: Call for Solidarity
17-10-2013 21:15

UG#666 - The Cancer in Occupy (What is Violence?)
17-10-2013 01:38

On the Out – New Zine about life after prison
16-10-2013 12:59

Black power, anti-fascist struggle & anarchism in the US - 3 talks in Bristol
14-10-2013 10:31

A4E and "Transforming Rehabilitation"
13-10-2013 22:14
Transforming Rehabilitation is an upcoming Government Contract. A4e are bidding for it as a prime contractor. The truth is that A4e does not have the employees to deliver. So, regardless of any feelings (or rational arguments) one way or another about A4e, there is a clear problem. A4e are seeking to be paid between £5bn and £20bn over the next ten years for doing nothing more than they do for the Unemployed.Goodbye, Welcome, my ‘Revolution’…Egypt, The Military, The Brotherhood & Tamarod
11-10-2013 16:26
Egypt…How do we move? In what direction? How do we do this? There is a consensus of urgency, of impending catastrophes, but what action do we take? Many of us think that if the operators of the system are changed that the situation will be resolved, but that is an illusion. We need to come together immediately and move to create a society that is beyond our current reality.Campesino strike in Colombia
08-10-2013 20:23
The struggle for recognition of the basic rights of the Colombian, rural population has reached what could be a point of no return as the consequences of recent free trade agreements signed by the Colombian government with the USA, Europe and South Korea among others, take their toll.CURO Housing tenants threaten suicide over bedroom tax
08-10-2013 11:17
Curos's head of service development David Clarke said staff were dealing with very angry and upset tenants every day of the week.Kebele social centre is 18 years young
08-10-2013 10:58

Harssament, illeghal eviction: what does the dpp of engalnd do?
08-10-2013 10:28
The English DPP Kier Starmer QC is on his way out. He is often given unchallenged platform.U.S. Supreme Court Will Not Take Argentina and NML Capital Debt Case
07-10-2013 18:39
The U.S. Supreme Court decided not to take the landmark debt case between Argentina and bondholders led by NML Capital, a hedge fund that buys the debt of countries in financial crisis. Argentina is expected to file a second petition in the coming months that the Supreme Court will review and decide again if it will hear the case. In June, Argentina filed a writ of certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court asking the court to overturn a ruling by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals made last October. The ruling ordered Argentina to pay bondholders $1.33 billion based on the court’s interpretation of a pari passu, or parity clause.TV License Threats And Intimidation
06-10-2013 23:47
I do not watch television but am receiving threatening letters.UKUncut Legal Aid Roadblock in Cambridge
06-10-2013 17:46

UK Uncut and DPAC block road in Legal Aid Cuts protest
06-10-2013 15:51

Dissident Island Radio - the HEMP SPECIAL! - episode 127 - 4 Oct '13
05-10-2013 11:00
Have a listen to the latest Dissident Island Radio show - all about HEMP!UG#665 - Living In An Age Of Political Paralysis (The World According To Hedges)
05-10-2013 02:58

02-10-2013 22:53
BAMN - BY ANY MEANS NECESSARYIt has everything to do with anarchism and the class war we find ourselves in. Self organisation in our communities, internationalism, taking out the ruling class, it's all part of our struggle for revolutionary change. Mutual aid and voluntary cooperation. By any means necessary
Airstrikes Threat On Syria! Third World War? No War But The Class War!
02-10-2013 17:11