UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Leeds Palestine Film Night: "Goal Dreams"
11-09-2006 11:26

Film Nights at the Common Place Cinema
Join us for a fortnightly film and discussion night
At the Common Place, Wharf Street (off Kirkgate) Leeds City Centre
Wednesday 13th September 7 pm:
Inquests into 3 deaths in Immigration Detention
11-09-2006 05:23

Merseyside FBU March Announced
10-09-2006 19:25
Solidarity with Merseyside members of FBUMARCH AND RALLY
Public meeting with Israeli Refusnik
10-09-2006 15:31
Shimri Zameret: Israeli army refuser and political activist will speak on the Palestinian/Israeli conflict and the anti-war and anti-globalisation movement in IsraelLosses in Gaza strip estimated at $46 million
10-09-2006 11:56
The following article has been published on the website Welcome to Baqa'a Refugee Camp.New Concern Over Fate of Iraqi Antiquities
10-09-2006 11:50
The following article has been published on Iraq Solidarity News (Al-Thawra), online magazine of the Iraq Solidarity Campaign UK.Stop Arming Israel
10-09-2006 01:39
Brilliant new cross-coalition campaign in the UK - Please forward tofriends and appropriate lists... a Manchester protest tommorow

No waste lorries, one arrest, two protesters and three police cars
09-09-2006 18:17

Sheffield Protest Against NHS Cuts and Privatisation
09-09-2006 14:31

British National Party moves into life insurance business
09-09-2006 11:32
Second-hand car businesses that mysteriously fail, printing businesses that never get off the ground, expensive renovations to an invisible bus, a record business that produces rubbish records sung by Nick Griffin and his entourage - and now life insurance. Is there nothing the BNP won't do to con money out of its supporters?The Law is an Ass, by Philip Ruddock
09-09-2006 10:18
Philip Ruddock, Australian Attorney General, announced today that a broader range of people in the Australian community (non-Muslims) are to be targeted as “terrorists!” Ruddock also stated that persons who are not ‘terrorists’ need not be alarmed as his new wider classification should not concern ‘them’(?)Australian citizens are left to conclude that the determination of who exactly is a terrorist has become an arbitrary prerogative of the Attorney General and his gang of enforcers! Whatever happened to due process, innocent until PROVEN guilty? {God help that journalist who stepped on Ruddock’s toe, he will be the first to go!) It is not coincidental that the Bush regime also found due process to be an inconvenience. Ruddock’s logic and methods reek of neo-con methods, Guantanamo (Torture) Bay and Bush regime criminal methodologies have found expression in Oz.
Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Murdoch’s media empire girds up for a war against Iran
09-09-2006 07:20

Israeli right-wing party threatens Brazilian cartoonist
09-09-2006 02:09

Day 8 of Mersey Fire Strike: Scale of Cuts Confirmed
08-09-2006 20:33

UN agrees disability treaty
08-09-2006 17:08
An international treaty that will give greater rights and freedoms to disabled people around the world has been agreed at the United NationsThe UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was adopted in New York. This is the first human rights treaty of the 21st Century, and the UN hopes it will mark a significant improvement in the treatment of disabled people.
08-09-2006 14:37
COALITION AGAINST THE WELFARE REFORM BILL (CAWRB) Demo/Lobby In Manchester on Monday 25th September 2006Gather at 3pm in Exchange Square, opposite the Arndale Centre on Corporation St (¼mile to Victoria Stn, 1mile to Piccadilly and coach stns). The stroll and roll joins the protest outside the Labour Party Conference at the G-MEX centre on Lower Mosley St. The protest will be from 3pm so join us there if you can’t do the march.
Campaigners can meet you at either the bus or train stations. If you
have booked transport, there is a safe drop off point arranged with the
Please get in touch and read below for more information:
Justice & Liberty Network
08-09-2006 14:09
A new network founded to protect citizens legal rights and civil liberties.Greg Palast faces Homeland Security charges & PAUL KRUGMAN ' S latest
08-09-2006 13:06
- Krugman: More On Inequality- PLUS: Reporter Greg Palast faces Homeland Security charges and more
Demonstrate against Cuts to Sheffield Children's Hospital
08-09-2006 08:13
Saturday 9th SeptemberAssemble: Weston Park (opposite Children's Hospital) at 10am
(51or 52 bus from High Street, City Centre)
March to City Hall steps for rally at around noon
08-09-2006 05:29